Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 206 Chapter 206: This deserted island is really deserted

Chapter 206 Chapter 206: This deserted island is really deserted
This night can be said to have been spent amidst turbulent waves.

When it was dawn, it was calm and strange.

Shenxi is estimated to be a strong air flow formed by the large temperature difference between day and night.

And he knew that both Eritrea and Ethiopia are plateau terrain, and the Red Sea is at a low level, so it is not surprising that there is such an airflow.

Fortunately, the personnel are all fine, except for the two life rafts containing supplies, one of which has overturned, and there is not much left in the other.

Shen Xi is also responsible for this, mainly because they are connected together to form a drag.

Otherwise, most of the supplies would not be lost.

But to Shen Xi's surprise, he saw land.

I don't know if it's an island or the coastline.

Soon, the others also woke up from the dazed dizziness.

Land not far away was also discovered.

But after a while, they were all happy before showing disappointment.

It's a desert island, truly barren.

It's all gravel, not a blade of grass grows.

This desert island is really deserted.

And as the sun rises, the exposure index rises linearly.

The heat hit, and everyone began to feel parched.

It feels like a steamer on a life raft.

And everyone is the human flesh on it, sweating and oily.

But Shen Xi is fine, he is not affected by cold or heat.

"Go down and push the life raft. Go to the island first. I have a satellite phone and electricity. I will call for help later."

Hearing what Shen Xi said, many people's eyes lit up.

Soon they jumped into the sea one by one, even the Mayfair sisters, Isabella, and other women also got into the water.

For the life raft under the heat wave, in the sea, it is much more comfortable.

Soon, the life raft was pushed to the island beach.

I have to say that the water here is really clear and the beach is as white as snow.

It's just too hot and too dry.

Looking at the island, it doesn't look like there is water.

Not even a blade of grass could be seen.

Nothing but sand is stone.

The men carried the remaining supplies ashore, and then the life raft, which was also hauled ashore.

Find a place and build a sunshade with a life raft first.

Otherwise, the little water left would not last a day.

Shen Xi didn't care about these things, took out the satellite phone, and started calling for help.

Of course, it is impossible for him to know the emergency number here, he called Zhao Ximing.

Let this guy figure it out!
When the phone was connected, when Shen Xi explained the situation, Zhao Ximing was also amazed.

"Why did you go there?"

"The plane crashed and fell into the sea. Hurry up and think of a way. I have to go to Cairo to find the treasure."

Hearing what Shen Xi said so lightly, Zhao Ximing was also speechless.

The plane crashed into the sea, but Shen Xi is still alive and kicking.

He really didn't know what to say.

"Okay, okay, send me a location, I'll report to Director Fu, and let him arrange it for you."

"Okay, hurry up! We have a lot of people, more than [-] people, and there is not much water left, at most one day."

"I know, hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xi breathed a sigh of relief, much more relaxed.

With so many domestic freighters passing through the Red Sea, it is believed that they will soon be able to take a freighter to Egypt.

Shen Xi's estimation was correct. After Fu Guoyong learned about it, he started to contact the shipping company.

This is also the best way.

The freighter stopped for a while, and sent a lifeboat to send Shen Xi and the others to the freighter, which would save trouble.

According to the positioning sent by Shen Xi, the small island is also near the waterway, only a hundred kilometers away, less than a hundred nautical miles.

With confidence, Shen Xi also started to patrol the island.

The virtual map shows that there are still some mineral deposits here, but there is no mining value.

There are some bright spots on the bottom of the sea, but considering so many people, Shen Xi didn't plan to go to the sea to see them.

But the islands in this place are really barren, no wonder no one lives there.

Don't give it to him.

I went around the island and caught a few crabs.

Back on the beach before, Shen Xi told everyone the news, and everyone really relaxed.

He also respects Shen Xi more and more.

From the beginning, the Treasure Hunting Alliance had their own minds, but now they are truly united, and they really regard Shen Xi as the leader.

Of course, Shen Xi was relieved of Rand, Erif, and Mayfair, but he couldn't really rest assured of Okamoto.

It is impossible for the Japanese to let go of their hatred.

Unlike the Europeans and Americans, even if the Europeans and Americans use their brains, they can shake hands and make peace for the common goal.

Because they are the supremacy of interests, and advocate the strong.

The Japanese are different, and the Chinese are also different. This is a cultural difference.

This is also the reason why Shenxi exterminated the Fujita family, but not the Mikil family.

Of course, Okamoto is no different on the surface.

It was even said before that Golden Lily and Hunter will be friends in the future.

But can Okamoto represent Golden Lily?
Needless to say, we all know that we can't.

But Rand can represent Rand Treasure Discovery Company, Mayfair can represent Mayfair Treasure Discovery Company, let alone Eriv, there is no conflict in the first place.

Of course, Shen Xi will not reject Okamoto right now, there is no need.

When I arrived in Egypt, I faced the Egyptian government and treasure hunting organizations around the world, some of which required Okamoto's efforts.

Don't look at these people now, there are only so few people, but in Egypt, it may not be so small.

Especially Okamoto's Golden Lily, maybe there will be a lot of people, and it has already arrived in Cairo.

Rand and the others will not be alone, but they haven't informed him yet.

Maybe someone will take the initiative to speak out soon, and come to the staff assigned before.

It is impossible for an international treasure-hunting company to recruit only so many people.

Before Shenxi sank the salvage ship of Golden Lily and Rand, and robbed the Mayfair, for these people, maybe they didn't hurt their nerves at all.

And Shen Xi is just the beginning, and even, in the current Hunter Treasure Discovery Company, only Shen Xi is left as a polished commander.

Naturally, it cannot be compared with these established treasure hunting companies.

And the treasure hunting company is not just about hunting for treasures, it actually involves many industries.

Such as mining, jewelry stores, antique stores, and even wine.

Rand has a winery and a vineyard farm.

Of course, there will also be gray businesses, such as arms.

Shen Xi dropped the crab and let it crawl away.

Originally, he wanted to roast and eat it, but looking at the island without even a root of grass, he smiled wryly.

Under the life raft, the men were shirtless, while under the other life raft, the women were all white.

It was so hot that I stripped off all my clothes, leaving only my underwear.

Even Rand's horse took off his corset.

In this regard, foreigners are not surprised.

Shen Xi also didn't want to be crowded with these foreigners who had developed sweat glands and body odor, so he went to take a bath in the sea by himself.

After a while, three sisters, Isabella and Mayfair, also came to the beach to swim.

In the end, the people under the life raft couldn't stand the sweat, and all went to the sea.

With three beauties as escorts, Shen Xi enjoyed it very much.

Isabella approached from time to time, trying to take advantage of it, but he avoided it.

He swam deep alone and saw some shellfish on the bottom of the sea.

Under the consciousness, I actually found that there are pearls in these shells.

This surprised him.

Is it rich in pearls here?
So he expanded the search area, and sure enough, the deeper he went, the more pearl oysters he found.

The quality of many pearls is actually very high.

The 40-meter seabed is scattered with many colorful corals and large pearl oysters.

Seeing these beautiful pearls with divine consciousness, Shen Xi naturally would not let them go.

Pearls, things that women like, take some back as gifts.

(End of this chapter)

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