Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 221 Chapter 221: Each has a ghost

Chapter 221 Chapter 221: Each has a ghost
York and the others were very nervous, and Mayfair and Isabella also looked unhappy.

Only Shen Xi was very indifferent, turned around and looked back at the bald head and the hippie woman.

He laughed, waved to the bald head, and shouted, "Friend, come and talk."

The bald head was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect this Chinese to be so courageous.

He had already guessed that this Chinese was a hunter.

Now that he saw the off-road vehicle, he already guessed that his companions were killed by hunters.

I just didn't expect this hunter to be so arrogant.

They even took their car around the world.

And now in this situation, you can still laugh.

And called him over to talk.

The hippie woman glanced at the bald man and said in a low voice, "Collen, do it right away! This place is very remote, and no one will know if they are killed."

The bald-headed Ke Lun glared at the woman, "Don't worry, let's see what that person wants to say first, maybe these people have clues to the treasure."

The hippie woman glanced at the rock, pointed and said, "You mean here?"

Ke Lun nodded, "It's possible, I came here without seeing them."

After speaking, Ke Lun winked at everyone behind him.

Seeing Ke Lun's gesture, everyone pointed their guns at Mayfair York and the others.

The complexions of Mayfair and the others instantly turned pale.

York and the other two men did not dare to raise the guns in their hands.

I'm afraid that if one is not careful, it will cause a misunderstanding and be beaten into a honeycomb by these people.

Isabella, who was standing beside Shen Xi, was also trembling.

In this regard, Shen Xi is not surprised at all, this woman didn't pee her pants, which is already pretty good.

This is reality, and it is also the cruelest side.

Killing among treasure hunters is very common.

There is still no treasure found. If the treasure is found, there are so many treasure hunting teams gathered here, I don't know what will happen.

Ke Lun was holding a gun, and the hippie woman walked over slowly, one in front of the other.

When he arrived in front of Shen Xi, Ke Lun pointed his pistol at Shen Xi, and asked with a playful smile, "A hunter?"

Shen Xi also smiled, and nodded, "Yes, a hunter."

"What do you want to say?" Colum asked next.

Shen Xi pointed to the rock behind him, and said with a smile: "Treasure, are you interested? We can cooperate, dig together, and dig out fifty-five points, how about it?"

There was doubt in Ke Lun's eyes, and he glanced at some remnants of the rock, "It's really here?"

Shen Xi understood the meaning of Ke Lun's question, he shook his head, "It's not the slate underground palace, this is another tomb, I finally found a clue."

At this time, the hippie woman questioned: "What if it is fake?"

She was right to question, even York questioned the news that Shen Xi bought it.

Because such clues, treasure maps and so on, are an industry of the Egyptians.

The streets are full of various treasure maps and news of various historical sites.

Shen Xi pointed to the car, and said seriously: "Check the truth, and you'll know."

When he said that, Colum was right after thinking about it.

Anyway, it seems that this Chinese is only one person, and the hunters and treasure hunting team did not come.

As for the people from Mayfair's treasure hunting company, Ke Lun is not afraid either.

Ke Lun still has a little understanding of Mayfair Treasure Hunting Company, and their strength cannot be compared with their Caribbean Treasure Hunting Company. The gap is not even a star.

Ke Lun thought about it, and he felt that Mayfair and the hunter could be used.

There are no tombs here, so if you kill the Chinese, if there are, then wait until they are dug up.

And Shen Xi also has the same idea, using these people to fight against, there may be various troubles that may arise.

Just use waste.

Therefore, he is not going to kill these people now.

In the end, Ke Lun smiled pretendingly, and shook hands with Shen Xi to make peace and cooperate.

The atmosphere immediately eased down.

Next, is detection.

Shen Xi led the people up to the top of the mountain and marked several places.

Then they looked at the people in York and Kelun and began to conduct shock wave detection.

Some people planted drugs in their eyes, and some people carried metal detectors and wandered around.

But Shen Xi and the others went down to the foot of the mountain, sitting beside the car drinking coffee and chatting.

Ke Lun took the big cigar handed over by Shen Xi, and the two of them seemed to be talking very well, like old friends.

Seeing the two laughing and talking, Isabella was convinced by Shen Xi.

Mayfair didn't feel anything.

For the benefit, there is nothing that cannot be let go.

Isabella poured a cup of coffee for Shen Xi, and the hippie woman also brought a can of beer and handed it to Ke Lun.

"You hunters are very good. You actually found such a big hidden treasure. I heard that you all donated it. I am very impressed."

Colum took a sip of beer and grinned, showing his black teeth.

Shen Xi laughed, "We can cooperate more in the future. There are still treasures in Fengwen under the mountain, or after this time, let's go to the Philippines to look for them again?"

Ke Lun shook his head, "There are people in charge over there, I can't go there, but we can cooperate here, Egypt is a good place, there are too many good things buried underground..."

"Okay, then it's decided. After excavating here, let's go to several other places together. I got a few clues..."

Shen Xi said with a very refreshing smile, it seemed that he was really happy to cooperate with Ke Lun.

But in Ke Lun's eyes, Shen Xi was just afraid of him.

A show of weakness.

This made Ke Lun very satisfied psychologically.

After a while, there was a slight explosion on the top of the mountain.

After a while, someone came down and said excitedly: "I found that the shock wave is abnormal, and there may be a hole in the crypt."

At this moment, Ke Lun stood up excitedly, and Mayfair was also surprised.

Shen Xi also got up, pretending to be very surprised, and began to order: "Fei'er, you arrange people to go back and move the camp here.

Cologne, my dear friend, it is you who bring me luck, and of course, this luck also belongs to you.

I think you should also call all the people in the camp here, so that you can guard the crossing into the canyon.

We can't be careless, those people are like bloodthirsty wolves, they will flock to them when they smell them.

By the way, there are also those corrupt policemen, they are vampires, and you need to find a way to solve this, because you have the courage.

And I believe that your strength will make them respect you..."

Shen Xi was full of nonsense, but made Ke Lun feel complacent.

Mayfair and Isabella laughed secretly when they heard this.

Before, Shen Xi also said to prepare cash and deal with the police.

Now directly throw this pot to Ke Lun.

And Collen seemed to be quite pleased with himself.

Soon, everyone came down from the mountain, Mayfair arranged for York to go back, and informed everyone to come, and Ke Lun also started to arrange.

With the discovery, Ke Lun felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood at this moment.

He was very proud that he didn't directly kill people like Shen Xi before.

Now call everyone, move the camp here, and arrange for people to guard the way into the canyon.

After that, it is to arrange people and Mayfair's people to excavate together.

When the time is right, kill them all.

The reason why they don't kill now is because of the people who use Mayfair, not only for excavation, but also for the outside world.

With so many treasure hunters in the valley, it was impossible not to know that they had made a discovery.

I believe it will gather soon.

At that time, I am afraid they will not be able to cope with them alone in the Caribbean.

In fact, this is also Shen Xi's plan.

So, everyone has their own ghosts.

Both Shen Xi and Ke Lun hid their swords in their smiles.

Isabella and Mayfair couldn't see through this point, but York could.

After both parties sent people to leave, Shen Xi also took out the satellite phone and called Rand Okamoto and Eriv.

(End of this chapter)

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