Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 224 Chapter 224: Tunnel, Dinner

Chapter 224 Chapter 224: Tunnel, Dinner

Shen Xi's answer made Mayfair silent.

Mayfair's younger sister Mary rolled her eyes at Shen Xi.

But Isabella was thinking about Shen Xi's words, just like Mayfair.

The car became dull for a while, Shen Xi maintained the speed, and for about half an hour, the car got on a road and saw green in his vision.

But at this moment, Shen Xi's cell phone rang.

It was his mobile phone that had to be logged in to die.

Seeing an unfamiliar number, Shen Xi was not surprised, and even had a premonition, who it would be.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand and answering the phone with the other.

When the phone was connected, a deep male voice came, "Dear Mr. Shen Xi, I am Francisco, Jack Lee told me that you agreed to join us.

I wanted to talk to you in the past today, but I learned that you have come to Cairo.

Therefore, I sincerely invite you to have dinner together..."

When Shen Xi heard it, it really was those people, and she was not surprised to know his phone number.

Except for that special satellite phone, any mobile phone with an Internet connection has no secrets.

He calmly replied: "It is an honor, and I am also looking forward to meeting you, Mr. Francisco."

"Then I'll send you a location. The location is a bit off, I'm afraid you won't be able to find it."

"Okay, thank you very much!"

After hanging up the phone, after a while, the phone vibrated and the other party's location was sent.

Zooming in, it is a suburban manor, which covers a very large area.

It is not very far from the Pyramid of Khufu, about ten kilometers away.

Putting away the phone, Shen Xi continued to drive quietly.

At this moment, Mayfair's mood also eased.

The three women, looking at the scenery along the way, began to whisper and laugh.

The most roadside is the date palm forest.

Being able to see green always puts people in a good mood.

Entering the city, this time I chose a big hotel near the Pyramid of Khufu.

After arranging the accommodation, Shen Xi took the three beauties to visit the Pyramid.

He hasn't been here either, and he just wants to take a look.

But at the Sphinx, he found an anomaly.

With a consciousness of 50 meters, a few hundred meters away from the Sphinx, he discovered a tunnel underground.

And this tunnel is very neat, not that rough, but very clean and flat.

The tunnel floor is even paved with floor tiles and plastic.

The walls are painted white, with lights, pipes, and wiring installed.

The most special thing is that this tunnel is very large.

According to its direction, it actually leads to the Sphinx.

This discovery shocked Shen Xi's heart greatly.

At the same time, I realized something.

It seems that the underside of the Sphinx has already been excavated.

But on the illusory map, the abnormally bright light spot is still displayed.

This made Shen Xi very confused.

The tunnel was going downward, and when Shenxi got close to the Sphinx, the depth of the tunnel had already exceeded 50 meters, and he couldn't see anything.

However, it is certain that the tunnel leads to the ground of the Sphinx.

Therefore, Shen Xi became more and more curious.

He decided to find out tonight.

But I also have some guesses in my heart, I just don't know if it is right.

You still need to go down and see for yourself.

What does this tunnel mean?
It cannot be done quietly by some forces, but must have the participation of the Egyptian government.

And judging from the appearance of the tunnel, it is not a temporary construction, but a long-term one.

Could it be that the underground palace of the Sphinx is very difficult to discover?
That's why the tunnel was created.

Or are you going to turn the underground palace into a scenic spot?
Although there is such a guess, Shen Xi knows it is absolutely not.

Most likely, the underground palace might hide a huge secret.

It has become a secret research base.

Thinking of that black square, thinking of that research institution, Shen Xi's heart suddenly became hot.

Curiosity is intense to the extreme.

After the excavation, the illusory map still shows light spots, indicating that the treasures are all there, and there is no real movement.

In other words, it has not been fully excavated.

With this unexpected discovery, Shen Xi was a little absent-minded during the next visit.

However, the three pyramids still made him very interested.

Because there are also light spots under the three pyramids.

And instead of three points of light, there are more than a dozen, the most being the Pyramid of Khufu.

It's also bright, alternating reddish and lavender.

Shen Xi was watching, he knew that in the end he must enter and dig.

Even if it wasn't for money, he couldn't help it just because of curiosity.

It was not until evening that Shen Xi took the three girls away.

After sending it back to the hotel, he didn't care anymore.

Even if Isabella took the opportunity to run away, or was taken away by someone from the research institution, he wasn't worried.

A man drove the car to the manor.

It's not far, and it will arrive soon.

As expected, the security is strict, the power grid is all around, and the monitoring is dense.

When you reach the door, you can see several four or five-story buildings.

Shen Xi suspects that this may be where a research laboratory is located.

Maybe it will be inseparable from Black's research.

And the tunnels under the Sphinx are led by these people.

Francisco, a bit like a Spanish name.

Looks like it might be a Spanish guy.

When the vehicle reached the gate, the guard opened the gate, and Shen Xi drove directly into the manor.

Different from the outside world, entering here is like entering another world, the ground is shaded by green trees, and the lawn is trimmed like a carpet.

The automatic sprinkler is still spraying water.

After driving along the main road for a while, we arrived at a villa with a huge area.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, you can see a few mermaids playing in a strangely shaped swimming pool.

On the lawn by the swimming pool, white tables and chairs are placed between several sycamore fig trees, and the white tablecloths are already filled with all kinds of food and drinks.

Not far away is a smoky barbecue, and several Egyptian locals are busy.

Shen Xi turned off the ignition, got out of the car, and watched the scene.

At this time, a middle-aged white man walked over with a smile.

This person was wearing a white shirt and tie, his hair was a little gray and slightly curly, his face was dark and wrinkled.

With just one glance, Shen Xi knew that this person must be that Francisco.

A person's temperament can be seen.

"Dear Mr. Shen Xi, welcome!"

"Mr. Francisco, nice to meet you!"

Francisco and Shen Xi approached with smiles.

Shen Xi Shen Xi originally wanted to shake hands, but when he saw Francisco open his arms and greet him, he immediately opened his arms and hugged him.

It has to be said that Shen Xi is still awkward when it comes to hugging men.

Fortunately, it's just a form, which can be divided at the touch of a button.

In fact, a normal handshake is best.

But Shen Xi knew that this was a way that Francisco made him feel very enthusiastic.

Fortunately, there was no face kiss, otherwise Shen Xi would be really disgusting.

"Mr. Shen Xi, please!" Francisco made a gesture of invitation, Shen Xi nodded, and the two walked together, directly from the lawn to the direction of the swimming pool.

Francisco smiled and said: "I am very happy that you can come, I am also very sorry for the previous misunderstandings, and I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

When Mr. Bill found out, he was very angry and punished some people.

You may not know that our organization is very large and there are too many people in charge. It is inevitable that some things cannot be taken care of. Please understand! "

As soon as they meet, they will do this first, Shen Xi will naturally not take it seriously.

It's all rhetoric.

Immediately said with a smile: "Sir, you are being polite. It's all trivial matters. I have a big life and I'm not afraid of troublesome things, so don't feel sorry..."

(End of this chapter)

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