Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 229 Chapter 229: Playing hard to get

Chapter 229 Chapter 229: Playing hard to get
"Their gold was not taken away?"

Shen Xi was a little surprised, so many gold artifacts were dug up, and if they were not transported away, is it to induce people to commit crimes?

"It is said that they are waiting for people from Cairo to come to pick them up. They don't have enough manpower and dare not transport them out alone. Instead, they can form a balance here."

Rand's answer made Shen Xi stunned.

It turns out that this is the case, and it makes sense.

If it is shipped out alone, it is likely to be robbed halfway.

But staying here, facing many treasure hunting teams, no one dared to take the lead.

It looks like it might be shipped here today.

As soon as Shen Xi thought about it, it's okay, they will be robbed together at that time.

Although an agreement has been signed with the other party, the well water does not violate the river water, and the two parties maintain communication and negotiation.

But when the time comes to chaos, who knows what he did.

The agreement did not agree, he has the obligation to protect the other party.

Especially if the Ancient Research Association wants to have a hand in the tombs here, that is unreasonable in itself.

Joining at this time, although the purpose may be black, not wealth, but it violated his interests after all.

Just like that Colum, the same damn.

It's just the jungle of the jungle.

Shen Xi also took a sip of tea, and said to Rand in a low voice: "Tomorrow the tomb will be opened, if there is any change at that time, the priority is to preserve strength, and you can let go first.

Kelun and the others couldn't hold back either, there was bound to be a shopping spree.

Let's retreat to the periphery and just wait and see what happens..."

I wanted to remind Rand by the way, be careful of Okamoto's betrayal, but Shen Xi didn't say it when the words came to his lips.

They are all collaborators, and it is better not to say such things before the real evidence is discovered.

What if Okamoto didn't have a second heart?

After all, everything is his subjective consciousness.

Rand nodded, understanding what Shen Xi meant, and when the time came, he would take a step back to show his weakness, waiting for Colum and the others to get angry and wait for the opportunity.

"However, Ke Lun wooed me and asked me to be with him when the time comes to control Mayfair's people and you to block those pretenders..."

Rand said in a low voice, Shen Xi smiled when he heard this, this Colum actually wanted him to be cannon fodder.

After pondering for a while, Shen Xi said to Rand: "Kelen is not only someone who wants to use Mayfair, but also people who want to use you and the Ancient Research Association.

But no one is a fool, he thinks that everyone else is a fool.

When the time comes, just follow my instructions and leave quickly. Columbine won't turn against you on the spot, and he doesn't dare to do that either.

Anyway, let him take the people from the ancient seminar first, and block the wave.

I will inform Okamoto later, and I will stir it up tomorrow afternoon.

Let more people rush in, Okamoto will also fire the first shot, breaking the balance. "

Rand nodded, completely understanding Shen Xi's plan.

Such a situation is only suitable for sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, not for charging.

However, when Okamoto charges, he will inevitably be injured, and I am afraid that he will have to score more points by then.

After finishing speaking, Rand also left quickly, while Shen Xi continued to drink tea.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, people from the Ancient Research Association came over.

Set up camp, really a large team, dozens of people.

A large truck was also surrounded by layers of protection.

Jack Li ignored Shen Xi, but chatted and laughed with Colum and Rand, and went to check the excavated tunnel.

In the afternoon, Shen Xi called Okamoto's satellite phone and explained some things.

When it was getting late, Erif's people had already touched the vicinity of the canyon, on the other side of the mountain, not close to the canyon mouth.

With more staff, Kelun seems to have more confidence.

The tops of the mountains around the camp were manned and defended.

Suddenly, Shen Xi seemed to be alone.

Mayfair's people, York doesn't like Shenxi at all, and he is very close to Rand.

Li Jieke and Anna naturally would not want to get close to Shen Xi, because Shen Xi seemed to have been emptied by Ke Lun and had no real power.

Rand and Keren are inseparable, like brothers.

But Shenxi is also happy and pure.

At night, in the dead of night, Shen Xi started to act again.

This time tunnels were dug under the camp and explosives were planted.

Anyway, there are so many explosives, we can't waste them.

Regardless of whether it can be used in the end, be prepared, and bury it first.

For the final wire, Shen Xi took some trouble to connect it to the detonating wire inside the tomb.

The pressure switch that detonated was hidden by him under a boulder on the edge of a camp.

And set up a simple mechanism, a long-distance shot hits a stone under the boulder, and the switch will be triggered.

All right, it's midnight again.

Shen Xi slept peacefully.

At around eleven o'clock in the morning on this day, the tunnel was opened and they entered the burial palace.

Many people were pleasantly surprised, especially when they found a lot of gold, pottery, and statues, they were almost boiling.

Everyone was in high spirits, with the joy of getting rich on their faces.

Only Shen Xi was lying there alone, no one paid attention to him.

Ke Lun took Rand, Jack Li, York and others excitedly to the tunnel to enter the tomb for inspection.

Passing by Shen Xi's tent, and glancing at Shen Xi, Ke Lun led the people away.

Ke Lun was very happy, completely isolated Shen Xi, and took control of the overall situation.

Shen Xi was naturally sarcasm, waiting for Ke Lun and others to enter the tomb for a while, he also got up and began to pack his things.

It's going to tear your face apart in a while, so let's prepare early!

After one o'clock in the afternoon, treasures hidden in the tomb were brought out one by one.

Shen Xi also loaded his tent luggage into the car.

But he didn't leave, but sat in the car and watched.

He had seen the items in the tomb before, and knew that only half of them had been brought out. Of course, the most valuable archaeological items were actually the murals and carvings of the tomb.

It's just that the stripping of these murals takes a long time.

It is also a delicate process.

It is impossible for people like Kelun to do it, but Li Jack and the others will definitely conduct research.

No black square was found in this tomb, but clues of possible existence can be found from the mural carvings.

But at the mouth of the canyon outside, there was chaos at this time.

The guards at the mouth of the canyon couldn't stop the crowd from pouring in, and they didn't dare to shoot.

Soon, the crowd poured into the open field where the camp was located.

When seeing the pieces of gold, jewelry, pottery, and all kinds of strange cultural relics that have just been shipped out, everyone's eyes are full of greed.

Money touches people's hearts. At this moment, looking at the golden treasure under the sun, for treasure hunters, the temptation has reached the extreme.

Ke Lun, Rand and others rushed out of the tunnel quickly.

With a large number of people and automatic rifles, confront everyone.

Of course, the heavy weapons are all from Cologne.

The people of Rand and Mayfair are all pistols.

The people of the Ancient Research Association also have rifles and submachine guns.

The people who poured in had all kinds of weapons, and their firepower was not weak, and people were still pouring in.

Soon there were nearly a hundred people, and the number is still increasing.

But no one dared to shoot, the intention was to ask for money, and no one wanted to die unless it was absolutely necessary.

Ke Lun whispered something to Rand York, while Shen Xi glanced at Okamoto in the crowd, and shouted to Rand: "Rand, York, take your people and get out of here with me, we give up these wealth .”

It seems that Shen Xi's words are a confession.

I was scared to see so many people coming.

Choose to abstain directly to save your life.

Rand glanced at Ke Lun, smiled, and said, "Sorry, Mr. Ke Lun, we still want to live, and the treasure belongs to you.

York, let's go. "

York also smiled, and with a wave of his hand, Mayfair's people followed Rand's and all came out.

The tents were quickly dismantled, and the supplies were quickly loaded into the car.

Ke Lun and Jack Li, watching this scene, were a little dumbfounded.

No matter what, they never imagined that the people of Rand and Mayfair would withdraw at this time.

Looking at the golden gold, I don't want it anymore.

It's unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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