Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 265 Chapter 265: Wrestling

Chapter 265 Chapter 265: Wrestling
It is impossible for Qin Lao and the others to act arbitrarily.

Just like in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, no matter how much Dean Lin wanted to protect him, he couldn't make a decision with one word.

Several vice presidents, executive vice presidents, wanted to take the opportunity to kill Shen Xi, but Dean Lin was helpless.

At this moment, Shen Xi is no longer the same as before.

He had already seen the truth of the series of events back then, nothing more than that he belonged to Dean Lin's faction, and was caught by someone who took the opportunity to cut off Dean Lin's left and right arm.

It was just a coincidence that the deputy director Hong Xueming who was behind the scenes gave those people an excuse to make use of the problem, and got him out of the position of department director.

He even killed him and colluded with the Medical Regulatory Commission of the Health Bureau to get rid of his doctor's license.

In the current situation, Mr. Qin and the others probably will be as powerless as Dean Lin back then.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are competitions for interests, whether it is at home or abroad, it is the same.

Shen Xi realized this, and it was hard for him to say anything in front of Jiayi and the others.

Just a few hums in response.

After Zhao Ximing finished talking about this matter, he said: "There is also the information you want, the background of Qingteng International is a bit complicated, and some people in China are involved.

I also need to ask for advice, because the way you handle the problem is very disturbing.

Or, about Qingteng International, let Director Fu deal with it, what do you think? "

Shen Xi understands that the shareholding structure of Qingteng International is likely to involve some big family members in the country.

Zhao Ximing didn't want to hand over the information to him, for fear of causing more trouble.

After thinking about it, Shen Xi calmly said: "Okay, but if Fu Guoyong can't handle it well, then I will use my own way, and then don't blame me.

There is also the matter of Wu Zexuan, he taunted and teased my wife and daughter in front of me in a malicious tone, this is his own fault.

Besides, I didn't use a weapon, I just slapped him in anger.

He died without being beaten, maybe it was caused by other diseases.

Therefore, I will not agree with any accusations against me. You report my words and let the higher authorities figure it out. "

At most it was a murder by mistake, Shen Xi naturally wouldn't let others to toss about.

Because he sensed the impending rain,
So you can't be passive.

Also start thinking about countermeasures.

Once intensified, how will he be able to control the intensity.

You can neither turn your face completely, nor affect your family and friends. This degree must be well controlled.

Of course, now he can take out the flying saucer and take out the national treasure cultural relics.

Take these things out, and the situation will be calm in an instant.

Qin Lao and others also had the right to speak in support of him.

But Shen Xi thought, it's better to wait until some people jump out.

In this way, he can also know who is trying to deal with him.

Shen Xi spoke to the phone, his voice was actually not high, but Chia Yi had already heard it, and his heart was full of turmoil.

Sure enough, Shen Xi is not an easy person.

The rumors in the small circle seemed correct, so he couldn't help but glance at An Yufei, who was talking to Liya, and Gu Youxuan, who was as pure as orchid.

An Yufei's cancer has always been a gossip.

Many people in the circle actually don't know the truth.

An Yufei did not publicly admit that she had cancer, but now it seems that An Yufei may have cancer, and it was cured by Shen Xi.

And it is not groundless that Shen Xi also rescued two big bosses.

All the signs tonight have made Chiayi see that Shen Xi is very important.

It made him pay more and more attention to Shen Xi.

This friend must be a good friend.

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi hung up the phone.

Smiling apologetically at Chiayi, he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his precious daughter, and patted her gently.

Seeing this, Chiayi wanted to say something, but he didn't.

He could tell that Shen Xi loved his daughter very much, it could be seen from his expression.

And I also know that Shen Xi's slap just now was also because that person ridiculed and made fun of Gu Youxuan and Shen Yunxi.

Just like this, he was slapped to death by Shen Xi.

One can imagine how much Shen Xi cares about his wife and family.

Shen Yunxi leaned against her father, sleeping peacefully and soundly. There is no place in the world that is safer and more reassuring than being beside her father.

Seeing that Shen Xi hung up the phone, Shen Yunxi also fell asleep, Gu Youxuan also talked to Li Ya, and got up.

"Yun Xi is sleepy, shall we go back too?"

Shen Xi nodded, in fact, he wanted to leave a long time ago, since he killed Wu Zexuan, he wanted to leave.

It's just because of Gu Youxuan, her daughter, An Yufei and others, she had to stay with her.

Nodding to Chiayi again, he apologized: "Sorry, let's go first, you guys have fun."

After speaking, he held his daughter and got up.

Chiayi, Liya and the others also stood up with a smile.

Jiayi said: "Although it is the first time we meet, we can chat and get along well, so there is no need to be polite. From now on, we will be friends, good friends!"

Liya also had a few polite words with Shen Xi, and even joked that she would be invited to act in an action movie, to collaborate or something.

Although Shen Xi was not interested, she would not refuse in person. After some politeness, she hugged her daughter and walked out.

An Yufei and Gu Youxuan followed behind.

Outside the door, the reporters were still there.

In terms of professionalism, there is nothing better than a reporter.

Now many reporters have recognized Shen Xi as Shen Xi, an Internet celebrity kung fu genius doctor.

But seeing the three of Shen Xi coming out, Zhao Ximing's men in black quickly approached and protected the three of them into the car.

Shen Xi hugged her daughter, did not drive, sat in the back seat, and Gu Youxuan also sat in the back seat.

The car was handed over to a bodyguard to drive. It was not fast, but very stable.

And just as Shen Xi was on his way back to the ancient family compound, Fu Guoyong was also there in the small courtyard of Old Qin in the capital, where the old man hadn't rested yet.

Regarding the fact that Shen Xi blatantly beat someone to death, Mr. Qin and Fu Guoyong both had a headache.

Zhao Ximing also reported exactly what Shen Xi said.

And someone has already started to ask Shen Xi to perform surgery.

People who think that such a lawless person, no matter how great the credit, cannot be tolerated.

"Now someone is taking the opportunity to deal with Shen Xi, and I can't stop it. After all, it is a fact that Shen Xi violated the law. The most important thing is that they found Shen Xi's cancer medicine, which is not a secret recipe handed down from the ancestors.

During this time, they collected all the information about Shen Xi's hometown.

In fact, we all know this, but it is obvious that Shen Xi is a strange person, and there are secrets in him.

Don't we know?

These people just couldn't see it, and wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble, to strip Shen Xi naked and expose all the secrets.

What is involved in it is their own interests.

Ivy International, hum, what a good idea!
I have just cooperated with other countries, and they want to embezzle Shenxi in private.

It’s still nonsense to borrow the hands of foreigners and say that science has no borders..."

Qin Laoyue said more and more angrily, Fu Guoyong quickly persuaded: "Qin Lao, calm down, Shen Xi was indeed impulsive about this matter, and they caught him."

Elder Qin suppressed his anger, and said with a sneer: "The action is really fast, probably staring at Shenxi more closely than we are.

For a person like Shen Xi, if he is provoked by someone, or against his wife and daughter, isn't it normal for him to beat someone to death?

Have they forgotten what happened in Kuala Lumpur, what happened in Tokyo, what happened in London?
And what about Egypt and Ethiopia?

The consequences of angering Shen Xi are not as simple as they imagined.

I've already gotten angry with old man Quan, this matter must be suppressed, even if the entire Wu family is locked up, the situation cannot be intensified.

Once Shen Xi was furious, it would be completely out of control.

Agent elites from so many countries can't catch Shen Xi, so can we? "

Hearing this, Fu Guoyong subconsciously shook his head.

(Thanks for the support of the book friend tail number 5240!)

(End of this chapter)

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