Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 268 Chapter 268: Prediction

Chapter 268 Chapter 268: Prediction
In the middle of the night, Shen Xi woke up from his sleep.

Because the power of faith had just reached one hundred, there was a flash.

A stream of information also appeared in his consciousness.

: One hundred faith powers can predict a small crisis, five hundred faith powers can predict a medium crisis, one thousand faith powers can predict a major crisis.

Seeing such a message prompt, Shen Xi sat up.

Quietly got out of bed, left the room, and came to the living room.

Made a cup of tea and lit a big cigar.

He was a little surprised that the power of faith was the function of predicting the crisis.

It's not that it's bad, it's better to predict the crisis.

But compared to a function specially created, what does it mean?
It shows that no matter how powerful he is in the future, there will be many crises.

Maybe it's him, maybe it's his family, maybe it's the country, human beings, etc.

Could it be that the appearance of the Lost Realm indicates something?

At this moment, Shen Xi had to start thinking about whether the Lost Realm appeared inexplicably and landed on him, whether it was a coincidence or the inevitability of certain factors.

Taking a puff of cigarettes and puffing out the clouds, Shen Xi looked dignified.

Go through all the things after getting the Lost Realm.

Finally, it was fixed on the round altar-shaped object under the Sphinx, the black square, and the flying saucer he got and the pendant that can emit black matter and wrap the whole body.

Shen Xi can feel that the appearance of the Lost Realm has some kind of connection with these things.

I just don't know whether to let him stop or let him help.

After the eight black squares are complete, it is unknown.

Is it to prevent Black from being complete?
Or quickly find the black side and unlock what?
Thoughts diverged, Shen Xi thought a lot.

He also allowed himself to think wildly, because most of the time, imagining with his feelings is likely to be the truth.

Just like when eight black squares are gathered together, Shen Xi knows that what will be opened must be a different time and space, this is a kind of subconscious certainty.

It is also a conclusion drawn from the synthesis of various findings before.

In the history of the earth, there are too many mysteries and too many unexplained.

When it comes to the paranormal, even modern science can't find the answers.

The appearance of the Lost Realm is also a supernatural phenomenon.

But the appearance of the Lost Realm, Shen Xi now knows, is not for him to hunt for treasures, to let him have wealth and become a super hero.

If this is the case, the existence of the Lost Realm will be meaningless.

It's not as simple as just getting a low-end system and giving him trillions directly.

It seems that there may be a huge change in the earth world, or, all this is a situation buried by the predecessors, and it is starting to trigger now.

In fact, from the immeasurable skills, the lost realm is the fairyland fragments, etc., it has already indicated some different information.

Illusory merit points can be copied and gifted to others.

Isn't this what he used to build his team?

Thinking of these, Shen Xi really realized that the future is likely to change drastically.

And the power of faith is precisely to let him predict the crisis.

The emergence of this function is to ensure his smooth growth, and it may also ensure his survival rate.

If it is to guarantee his survival rate, what does that mean?
It shows that with his strength, he may also encounter a life crisis.

After taking a sip of tea, the tea tastes bitter and sweet.

Shen Xi leaned back, leaned on the sofa, took another puff of cigarette, and tried hard to straighten out his thoughts.

Find clearer facts, or clues.

Could it be the fairyland world?
Thinking that the Lost Realm is a fairyland fragment, he couldn't help but think that the different space opened by Black Fang might be the fairyland world.

And this fairyland world, from black squares, flying saucers, and ancient Egyptian civilization, etc., is different from Chinese myths and legends.

It's not the kind of fairyland cultivated by immortals, it's just a high-ranking different space.

Of course, all of this is also his own imagination, and what the truth is is still unknown.

What's more, the gate of time and space opened by the black party may be a world of alien civilization, a world full of various advanced technologies.

It's all unknown, and if you don't see the real one, it's all guesswork.

In the end, Shen Xi stopped thinking about it.

The future is the future after all, and he is not afraid of any changes.

Even if there is a change, it will not come soon, he has time to prepare.

Possessing a lost state is his greatest confidence.

Let the tense nerves relax, and sleepiness is gone.

But suddenly, Shen Xi was slightly taken aback.

He thought of a question.

The adventure of getting the Lost Realm was when he was thrown off the hospital building by a strange wind.

And he also fell on the big tree crown.

But is he really just a skin trauma?

Perhaps, he is already dead, but he just traveled to a parallel world.

After coma, the world that wakes up may not be the original world.

But with this whimsical idea, Shen Xi also began to recall all kinds of things.

But nothing seems to be the same.

The development of the parallel world cannot be the same, and he did not find that the current world is no different.

Turning on the tablet on the coffee table, Shen Xi began to check it.

It wasn't until the sky became dark that Shen Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he thinks too much.

My head is full of random thoughts.

He didn't time travel, this world is still the original world, from ancient times to the present, everything he knows, there is no deviation.

After rubbing his face, he got up and went to the bathroom, and washed his head with cold water to clear his head.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Shen Xi couldn't help but smile wryly.

Dazed, thinking too much.

He needs to relax, perhaps because he has experienced too much during this period, especially the appearance of the Lost Realm. Afterwards, things like Black Square and the flying saucer made him feel unreal.

It’s all real, yet so magical and supernatural.

Breaking his decades-old thinking in an instant will make him more and more cranky.

After leaving the bathroom, Shen Xi had already heard the sound of cars outside the courtyard.

Without releasing his consciousness, he knew that it was Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun who were going to the small pier to transport things so early in the morning.

Back in the bedroom, Gu Youxuan was sleeping soundly under the quilt. In her sleep, she was still smiling.

Going to bed, getting into the bed, Shen Xi's body's internal energy circulated, instantly making his body warm.

Holding Gu Youxuan in his arms, he prepared to take another good rest.

Let the brain relax completely.

But Gu Youxuan had already been tossed by him so much, she woke up in a daze, and hugged him instead.

The whole person coiled around him like an octopus.

Yu's body temperature is smooth and greasy, which made Shen Xi feel a little angry.

Thus, a charming and lingering relationship began under his leadership.

Gu Youxuan is still half asleep and half awake...

It was three poles in the sun, and the two of Shen Xi hadn't gotten up yet.

The courtyard is very quiet.

But there were turmoil outside.

Wu Binhua had already received the notice of identifying the body and went to the morgue of a certain hospital.

The police also came to the scene and explained the whole story.

However, Wu Binhua was furious with grief. The police knew that his youngest son was accidentally killed by Shen Xi, but they did not take any measures against Shen Xi.

How could Wu Binhua not be furious!
(Thanks to book friends, Good Luck Fat House, and Wanli Qinglong for their support!)
(End of this chapter)

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