Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 27 027: Go straight to the court and sue me

Chapter 27 027: Go straight to the court and sue me

Shen Xi didn't expect that kicking a dog to death would have a merit point.

It's really a windfall, but it seems that the trouble is not small, and the young man has already come straight to him.

And the bitten woman, with the help of her two girlfriends, was also stable and called the police.

"You kicked my dog?"

Wu Zekai stared fiercely at Shen Xi and asked, Shen Xi smiled lightly and nodded, "Yes, it's me."

"Okay, you have a species, you are in big trouble now, do you know what species it is? How much is it worth?"

Wu Zekai sneered, and grabbed Shen Xi's arm after speaking to prevent him from running away.

Shen Xi was speechless, and at this moment, the onlookers were also full of anger.

But no one really came up to speak for him, and they just stood in the distance and cursed.

Including the woman who was bitten by a dog and her girlfriends, they didn't want to intervene at this time, for fear of getting into trouble, they waited for the police to arrive.

Shen Xi pushed Wu Zekai away, and said coldly: "What kind of dog is it? deserve it.

You are dog owners, you don’t look at the bitten person, but you see the dog crying. It’s the first time I’ve seen it. What’s more, this kind of large aggressive dog shouldn’t be kept. , nor legal.

Now I suspect that you keep dogs without a license. They have already called the police. When the police come, you can tell the police! "

"I said your mother..."

Wu Zekai couldn't listen to Shen Xi's words at all, instead he aroused his hostility.

After cursing, she punched Shen Xi, and at this moment, the heartbroken woman holding the dog also put down the dog and rushed over.

Judging by her appearance, the woman is going to fight Shen Xi desperately.

Shen Xi kicked the dog neatly, but he was careful not to hit the man and woman too hard.

A gentle force pushed the young man away, causing him to retreat a few steps, but his fist also missed.

But the woman scratched his face with both hands like crazy, Shen Xi backed down several times, but couldn't dodge, forced to kick the woman away.

The woman was kicked by Shen Xi, squatting on one buttock, and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he howled, "I beat someone, I killed someone..."

Seeing that his girlfriend suffered a loss, Wu Zekai also went mad, and rushed towards Shenxi again.

Shen Xi was speechless and helpless, it was unlucky to meet such a wonderful couple.

It's completely unreasonable. It can be said that he helped them by kicking their dog to death. Otherwise, if the woman was bitten, would they, as dog owners, be able to escape?
Heartless, without a single bit of public morality and conscience.


Unbearable, Shen Xi slapped the rushing young man to the ground.

"Well, shameless, I can kick a dog that big to death with one kick. Is it difficult to kick you two to death?"

Even if Shen Xi controlled the strength, this slap knocked out two of Wu Zekai's teeth, causing half of his face to swell up, and his mouth was covered with blood.

At this time, he didn't dare to be arrogant.

But the look in Shen Xi's eyes was extremely vicious.

The woman stopped being rude and helped Wu Zekai up.

At this time, the patrolling police arrived quickly.

As a result, several people involved in the incident were taken to a nearby police station.

Shen Xi was also speechless, as expected, he was just meddling in his own business and looking for trouble.

But at that time, we couldn't just watch, that big dog hurt people.

Therefore, he does not regret it.

In any case, he also got a merit point.

Not busy.

The policeman praised Shen Xi's brave deeds, and was also very curious about how he kicked such a big dog to death.

However, due to injuring someone and knocking out two of Wu Zekai's teeth, Shen Xi also needs to pay.

But Wu Zekai disagreed with the settlement, and wanted to sue Shen Xi for wounding, and had to go to the hospital for an examination.

Wu Zekai's girlfriend, too, clamored for a medical examination.

Said it was a stomachache, but was kicked by Shen Xi to cause internal injuries.

The woman who was bitten by a dog, under the persuasion of her best friend, took Wu Zekai's compensation of 2 yuan and left in a hurry to go to the hospital for rabies vaccination.

Shen Xi could also understand this, and after finishing the transcript, he also left the police station.

But it doesn't look like it's over yet.

But don't worry, just wait.

Whether it's a lawsuit or losing money, it doesn't matter.

I wanted to go shopping and buy clothes, but now I lost interest and drove home.

It's just a small episode in life, Shen Xi doesn't care at all, once again, he will still kick the dog to death, but after kicking to death, he will leave as soon as possible.

Will not stay in the same place as before.

If you encounter the same thing in the future, you will have experience, and it is very important to get out of the way quickly.

Back at Mingyuan Community, he was stopped by the security guard at the gate. It turned out that many of his couriers had arrived.

Seven or eight large and small cardboard boxes, bags, etc., were taken out and put in the trunk, but they were actually sent to the Lost Realm.

Early the next morning, Shen Xi went to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine again, and today he was going to give Xiaonizi Quyiguo.

Another thing is to talk to Dean Lin about the rescue fund.

But just as he was done with his work, Xiao Nizi had just arrived at Dean Lin's office when a call came from his mobile phone, an unfamiliar number.


"Hello, is this Mr. Shen?"

"Yes, I am Shen Xi."

"Oh, that's right. My name is Liu Deli. I'm the legal advisor of Gemdale Group. I called you today about the person you injured me last night, Mr. Wu Zekai. He is going to sue you formally..."

Shen Xi was speechless, glanced at Dean Lin where the old god was present, and smiled wryly.

"Well, don't call me, you can sue directly, I don't accept mediation, yes, just go to court and sue me, um, okay."

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi hung up the phone.

Want to mediate, no way.

Sue if you have the ability, trying to use mediation to scare him and oppress him, it's really naive, how about when he is a three-year-old child?

Lin Pusheng was a little surprised when he heard Shen Xi's words, and asked, "What's wrong? Are you causing trouble again?"

Shen Xi smiled indifferently, "It's nothing, it's a trivial matter."

Lin Pusheng asked: "Then you came to see me today, have you figured it out?"

Shen Xi rolled his eyes, "Let's not talk about yesterday's matter today, put aside the dispute, I came to you today because of Du Yueqing, and at my suggestion, he agreed to contribute a sum of money to set up a relief fund for the hospital's internal operations."

Lin Pusheng was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, "Oh? This is a good thing, you can tell me what you think."

Next, Shen Xi talked with Dean Lin for a long time, and finally finalized some operating procedures, including the candidates for the relief fund.

Lin Pusheng is happier than Shen Xi to be able to help patients who have no money to treat diseases and family difficulties.

Therefore, he valued Shen Xi even more, and Lin Pusheng knew that it was because of An Yufei's illness that he could catch up with Du Yueqing, so he was almost certain that Shen Xi could cure the tumor disease.

But while he is a doctor, he is also an administrator.

For this matter, he knows what to do.

It will not be advertised with much fanfare.

He knows too well that once this matter is publicized, it will not be a good thing for Shen Xi.

Maybe Shenxi will be targeted by big capital right away.

If folk remedies cure tumors, then someone will find a way to get Shenxi's folk remedies, and control them to produce them. One can imagine its economic value.

Will pharmaceutical companies at home and abroad let Shenxi go?
Therefore, this matter cannot be publicized.

(New book for support!)
(End of this chapter)

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