Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 276 Chapter 277: Is it true that good people are not rewarded?

Chapter 276 Chapter 277: Is it true that good people are not rewarded?
The plane flew smoothly, and in the cabin, Shen Yunxi began to play with two blood gold dogs.

As for Shen Xi and the others, they were sitting on the large and comfortable leather seats, sipping red wine, which was prepared on the special plane.

They are all red wines produced by Du Yueqing French Chateau.

Shen Miao is much more stable now, and has a bit of a senior white-collar temperament.

After experiencing the sudden richness, unstable mentality, and extravagance at the beginning, now I am calm and developing toward dignity and stability.

The mentality is completely different, and the knowledge is also different.

She knew that nearly 200 billion yuan of the sickness and poverty relief fund was donated by her brother, and it was obtained by finding treasures overseas. This alone changed her vision.

There is everything that should be there, and people's pursuits will change accordingly.

She now has a luxury car, a house, and a job deposit. Compared with a few months ago, her life is like nirvana.

Looking at her elder brother Shen Xi, Shen Miao's eyes were filled with warmth, admiration, and respect.

Although she never understood when my brother was so good at fighting and became a kung fu doctor, she didn't care, it was good.

Brother, the more powerful the better!
Shen Xi is very comfortable and happy now.

Seeing Gu Youxuan, Shen Miao, Shen Yunxi, the people he loves, being happy, that is the happiest thing.

Even if he is a big villain, it is worth it.

Looking at the white clouds outside the porthole, he also began to think about getting a special plane.

But he felt that it was too slow to place an order and wait a few years for production.

It seems to have to think of another way.

He doesn't want second-hand ones, and new ones take time.

It's really a headache.

It is indeed good, convenient and comfortable to have a private plane.

It seems that if you have time to go to the United States, you should visit Gulfstream.

Talk to the boss of the company directly, and come back after two or three fights.

Thinking of going to the United States, Shen Xi naturally thought of the legendary vault, the legendary Area 51.

And Wall Street, the world's financial center.

Do you want to go and have a look?
Shen Xi really wanted to see if there was any gold left in the legendary treasury.

There are rumors on the Internet that the gold stored in U.S. vaults in various countries has been used by the U.S. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

And that Area 51, is there really an alien spaceship?

Are there really alien corpses?
As for Wall Street, he is also very curious and wants to experience it.

Sometimes I also wonder, if the trading system of Wall Street is destroyed, will the United States collapse because of it?

Will there be a large-scale financial crisis and economic recession in the world?

Yes, deep in Shen Xi's heart, he also has the idea of ​​destroying the United States.

As Francis said, this country is getting more and more dangerous.

Of course, destroying the dollar hegemony is the first step.

And to destroy the dollar hegemony, it must destroy its military power.

Without military power, the hegemony of the US dollar cannot be stabilized, and it is easy to be destroyed.

But at any time, there is a need for balance.

The United States declines, and Russia will become the new hegemon if it does not do well.
Now Shen Xi is not only thinking about treasure hunting to make money, but also thinking about the future of mankind and the international situation.

The stronger his strength, the bigger his thinking.

I also want to make human beings truly peaceful and stable.

Having seen the brutal war in Ethiopia, he does not want his children to live in such an environment.

It's just that the accumulation of merit points is not enough, and it can't be upgraded to the breakthrough to the state of concentration in a short period of time.

There are also illusory merit points, which need to be accumulated more.

If both his father and Fang Jishi were turned into super-physical strength, his illusory merit points would be depleted.

It seems that during the trip to the United States, the looting of the treasury is imperative.

If he has the legendary gold stock, then his illusory merit points will skyrocket, and maybe he can also cultivate a few super physical realms.

If his family is all super-physical and powerful, why would he worry about it.

Just as Shen Xi was thinking about it, his phone rang.

Picking it up, it turned out that it was my sister Shen Qing calling.

It seems to be asking when they will arrive, and they are probably already at the airport.

Immediately smiled and connected the phone.

"Xiaoxi, woo..."

As soon as the connection was made, my sister Shen Qing yelled and began to cry.

Shen Xi was shocked when he heard it.

"Sister, what happened?"

"Woo...Momo, she jumped off the building..."


Hearing this, Shen Xi was stunned as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

The niece jumped off the building?

How can it be?

"What's going on? How did she jump off the building? How is she doing now? Sis, please explain clearly..."

Shen Xi's voice was almost roaring.

This time, everyone in the cabin was scared.

Who jumped off the building?

Shock and worry were on everyone's face.

Shen Miao trembled all over, and her face turned pale instantly. She heard that her brother was talking with her sister.

Who else could jump off the building?

Shen Yunxi got up quickly, walked to stand beside her father, Gu Youxuan quickly pulled her over and hugged her.

The two stared at Shen Xi with a livid face.

"Brother, Momo is still alive, it's just...the injury is too serious, oh...I'm in the hospital right now, and she's still being rescued..."

Hearing this, Shen Xi felt more and more heartbroken. The niece he loves and loves the most, did not expect to jump off the building, which is really unexpected and unacceptable to him.

He asked in a low voice: "Sister, don't worry, we will be there soon."

At this time, my sister's wailing and anger came from the phone, "Woo... what kind of world is this! Why is it so, why..."

Shen Xi heard something was wrong, and immediately asked: "Sister, tell me, what is the reason..."

After Shen Qing vented, he began to sob in a low voice, and then said: "Momo went to school yesterday and helped an old man who fell down, but I didn't expect to be framed by that person.

It must have been Momo who knocked him down, the old man's family and children went to the hospital and even beat Momo..."

When Shen Xi heard it, he was extremely angry, but he suppressed it, "It happened yesterday, sister, why didn't you call and tell me, well, don't worry, I'll talk about it when I come..."

"Brother, I promised to lose money and I admitted it, but why is Momo so hard to think about it..."

"I can understand her grievances, sister, many things can't be done without compromise, don't worry, don't tell your parents about this for now..."

"Um, woo..."

Shen Xi hung up the phone with a very cold face.

But when he saw Gu Youxuan, Shen Yunxi, Shen Miao and others, he immediately calmed down a bit and said, "Momo jumped off the building and is still alive. I don't know the specific injury yet."

When Shen Miao heard it, it was indeed Momo. She almost fainted, and burst into tears instantly.

Gu Youxuan's face was also pale, full of worry.

Shen Yunxi left Gu Youxuan's arms, walked to her father, and Shen Xi hugged her.

"Father, you are a genius doctor, you must cure Sister Momo."

Shen Xi nodded, "Yes, she will be fine, she will be fine, alas! Silly girl..."

While talking, Shen Xi shed tears.

Is it true that good people are not rewarded?

Oh, the world!
Seeing her father crying, Shen Yunxi was very distressed, and there were tears in her eyes. She stretched out her hand to help her father wipe away the tears.

At this time, Shen Xi suddenly said to the stewardess in front: "Let the captain speed up, as fast as possible."

"Good sir!"

The stewardess hurried to the cockpit.

At this time, Gu Youxuan also stretched out her hand, grabbed Shen Xi's hand, and comforted Shen Xi.

She knew that Shen Xi was the most important family member.

At the same time, she also saw that Shen Xi was hiding anger.

(End of this chapter)

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