Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 281 Chapter 282: Three Star Stacks

Chapter 281 Chapter 282: Sanxingdui

"During this period, you have to cooperate and maintain a state of recuperation. Don't be too obtrusive, which will easily arouse suspicion from others."

Shen Xi continued to speak, and Hu Yumo nodded seriously again.

Knowing that she really possessed inner strength and became a powerful person, Hu Yumo seemed to become a lot more mature in an instant.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped off the building and couldn't think about it. It's just that I was so desperate and tired. Those classmates and teachers always made trouble for me.

It didn't seem right to do anything. Later, he helped an old man, and was framed by him, and was slapped several times by his son and daughter.

I really can't take it anymore..."

As Hu Yumo spoke, tears flowed, and Shen Xi comforted her distressedly: "It's all over, after all, there are still many good people in society, and it's sunny and beautiful.

During this period of time, I will help you take a break from school and go out for a walk with my uncle to relax.

By the way, I also teach you Taijiquan and Bajiquan.

Force cannot be used indiscriminately, but sometimes it cannot be used. The key is to control the mentality and sense of proportion. "

Shen Xi planned to bring Hu Yumo by his side to teach during this time.

Also let her stay away from her current school and those classmates temporarily, just in case of conflict, she will be beaten to death with a few punches.

Even, Shen Xi thought of getting Hu Yumo to go to school in Shanghai directly.

This might be better.

Now her mind is immature and prone to extreme fluctuations, so she can no longer stay here.

"Uncle, I listen to you, I like being with you."

Hu Yumo was very happy, she didn't have to go to school, and she didn't have to face those classmates. She felt a lot smoother in her heart.

At this time, a surprise came from the door of the ward.

Shen Qing and Shen Miao rushed in when they saw Hu Yumo and Shen Xi talking.

"Daughter, you finally woke up. It's because of your mother's fault that she didn't take good care of you..."

Shen Qing came over, wept with joy, and began to blame herself.

Shen Miao smiled, and put a hand on the elder brother's shoulder, "Brother, you are still amazing, you are worthy of being a genius doctor!"

Shen Xi was also not modest, nodded, and put on the appearance of an old genius doctor, causing Shen Miao to pinch him.

Hu Yumo apologized and said to her mother, "I'm sorry, Mom, I made you worry. I'm ignorant, so I don't blame you..."

Shen Qing hugged her daughter, very happy.

The family relationship is very warm at this moment.

No matter in the face of any ups and downs, you can choose to understand and tolerate, so that the family relationship will never change color.

This is also the reason why Shen Xi has always been tolerant towards his family.

If you can't even tolerate your family and relatives, who else can you tolerate?

No one is perfect, and family members are also human beings. They may make mistakes and get confused, but they are still the closest people.

"Then I'll go back to the hotel to rest first. Momo just woke up and can't talk too much. You guys should go to bed early too."

Shen Xi didn't wait any longer, and blinked at Hu Yumo after speaking, Hu Yumo understood, and blinked too.

The two of Shen Qing and Shen Miao looked at them strangely, not knowing what secret signal they were playing.

Shen Xi smiled at his sister and sister, and went out.

For the next two days, Shen Xi took Gu Youxuan and Shen Yunxi to look around the scenery during the day, and stayed at the hospital at night to talk with Hu Yumo and provide psychological counseling.

He will not excessively suppress Hu Yumo's use of force, but teach her to control it to a certain degree.

Fortunately, after jumping off the building this time, Hu Yumo's mind really matured a lot.

Maybe it was a life and death experience, and I understood a lot of things that I didn't understand before.

Shen Xi is very satisfied with this.

There was no imaginary situation, and everything went smoothly.

Hu Yumo was very receptive and didn't ask too many questions.

Two days later, Wang Guisheng sent the results.

The two teachers were dismissed and investigated, and the entire Shu capital has rectified and shut down the after-school tutoring classes.

Some teachers don't teach well in class, but try to find ways to make money by running cram schools, and the fees are very high.

They also humiliated and found fault with those students who did not participate in the cram school, forcing parents to send their children to the cram school.

Those students who beat and scolded Hu Yumo were also detained and educated.

On the lawyer's side, it was also very quick. The old man who was being helped was criminally detained for extortion.

The civil compensation was finally mediated by the court, and the one-time compensation was 300 million.

500 million is not that much, just 300 million, and this family has returned to before liberation.

What's more, Hu Yumo's matter was spread on the Internet, which caused a huge public opinion effect.

Whether the elderly can be supported when they fall has become a hot topic again.

Also, if the teacher runs a cram school, will the original teaching become perfunctory.

Including campus bullying, for a while, Hu Yumo became a man of the hour.

Yes, that's right, all of this is operated by Shen Xi.

He wants to give society a guide by handling these matters.

Hope to play a positive role.

At the same time, it can also make Hu Yumo a public figure, an Internet celebrity, and make the little girl happy.

This also gave Hu Yumo a little bit of social restraint.

Shen Xi is very satisfied with the conclusion of the matter in the capital of Shu. This time, the official speed is very fast and the force is also great.

But the time has come to the middle and late December.

This time it was delayed for a week, and Hu Yumo also got into a wheelchair.

In fact, the body transformation has been completed, Hu Yumo is now healthier than anyone else, and her strength is extremely powerful, except for Shen Xi, no one can really subdue her by force.

Unless hot weapons or something.

Of course, fighting skills still need to be learned.

But in order to deceive others, she could only obediently sit in a wheelchair.

Three cars left Shudu and headed for their hometown deep in the mountains.

Wang Guisheng heaved a sigh of relief after sending Shen Xi and others to the highway entrance.

Finally, the above explanation is successfully completed.

In the business van, Shen Xi closed his eyes and rested his mind. Shen Yunxi and Hu Yumo hugged two blood-golden dogs, and Gu Youxuan also leaned against Shen Xi to take a nap.

The driver was the company's driver, and the car drove very smoothly.

As for Shen Xi who closed his eyes and rested his mind, he was actually looking at the illusory map in his consciousness.

There are quite a lot of minerals in the mountains, but there is nothing like hidden treasures.

Some light spots are also very dim.

Of course, Shen Xi doesn't pay much attention to buried treasures.

He has lost much interest in these little treasures, thinking about starting the next treasure hunt, whether to go to India or the United States.

After getting married, he wanted to bring Gu Youxuan with him.

But I'm afraid that Gu Youxuan's bland temper is not suitable for following, and I don't want Gu Youxuan to see too much bloody killing.

It seems that only one person can go there.

Send Isabella to an Indonesian island.

Rand and the others have already sold almost all the things. It is estimated that when he returns to the magic capital, the members of the Treasure Hunting Alliance will rush to the Indonesian island.

At that time, he can go to India from the small island of Indonesia.

It is better to go to India first and find Black first.

But what about the other black square?

I thought about it before, it is very likely that the other one will be in China, so should I look for it in China first?
Suddenly, Shen Xi thought of something and opened his eyes.

The Sanxingdui site should be visited.

Coincidentally, at this time in front of the expressway, there is a huge road sign that says Guanghan, and there is also a tourist recommendation, Sanxingdui Ruins!

(End of this chapter)

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