Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 30 030: Gu Youxuan

Chapter 30 030: Gu Youxuan

Sheshan Golf International Club.

Shen Xi drove his MG, which was obviously very unsuitable for this place.

The car stopped, and it was so inconsistent with the luxury cars nearby.

Regarding this, Shen Xi is also helpless, he also knows the importance of appearance, he doesn't say anything, it's bloody to look down on people.

But in fact, in all aspects of society, people are really inferior.

Just like when he drove in, the security guard stopped him for questioning.

Ask east and west, explain what?
And another big Benz entered, and the security guard saluted.

It is not surprising that people order food, which has existed since ancient times.

In modern society, clothes, cars, and even walking postures are all facades.

Wearing a migrant worker's attire and wandering around a luxury car shop will really make you understand what it means to look down on people with dog eyes.

The Bentley sent by Du Yueqing was parked at the seaside villa, and Shen Xi didn't plan to move for the time being.

Carrying five plastic bags, which contained five pots of Jingshenlan.

Shen Xi walked towards the gate of the golf club unhurriedly.

This place has been heard countless times, the place where famous celebrities gather, the place where celebrities and supermodels gather.

Today is the first time for him to come here, and it is also the first time to appreciate what kind of place the rich and rich people play.

Before reaching the door, Du Yueqing came out with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, I wanted to go to the door to greet you, but I was delayed by a small matter, please bear with me..."

Shen Xi knew what Du Yueqing meant, and said with an indifferent smile: "Don't be so polite with me, Mr. Du, how about we get along more calmly in the future?"

After hearing this, Du Yueqing couldn't help being happy, and she didn't hide it, "Okay, then just be casual."

After finishing speaking, she walked inward side by side with Shen Xi. At this time, the eyes of the two supermodels who were not far behind Shen Xi changed.

They saw Shen Xi driving a broken car before, and after getting out of the car, they saw that his clothes were not very particular, especially on his wrists, without a watch.

In this circle, watches are often not used to tell the time.

It's a status symbol.

From head to toe, I didn't see anything valuable about this person.

And there are actually five plastic bags in his hand, like a food delivery.

Of course, they basically don't care about appearance, so they basically ignore Shen Xi's handsomeness.

But seeing Du Yueqing personally greet the door, the two long-legged beauties were really stunned.

They knew who Du Yueqing was.

And just now they didn't think they were dazzled, they really saw Du Yueqing's low profile towards this person.

Shen Xi and Du Yueqing didn't know about the change in the mentality of the beauty behind them, they chatted while walking.

Du Yueqing gave Shen Xi a brief introduction to some functional leisure items here.

All the beautiful waitresses I met along the way bowed and bowed at ninety degrees.

Soon we arrived at a tea room, where there were already six or seven people, both men and women, chatting and laughing happily.

Du Yueqing brought Shen Xi in, which attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone also got up, stepped forward enthusiastically, and shook hands with Shen Xi to say hello.

Shen Xi put down the plastic bag in his hand, and shook hands one by one, three men and four women, the men were all middle-aged and elderly, and the women were all young.

After some self-introduction, everyone sat down.

The three men attached importance to Shen Xi all because of Du Yueqing.

And today they came to purify Shenlan.

Hearing what Du Yueqing said was so miraculous, it also made these old guys very curious about such a rare thing.

As for Du Yueqing's words, they had no doubts.

Du Yueqing would not make fun of them for decades of old friendship.

After sitting down, two waiters came in quickly outside the door, offering Shen Xi a cup of tea and a small tray with a hot towel in it.

Shen Xi picked up the hot towel, wiped his hands, and then threw the towel all over the tray.

The two beautiful waitresses retreated.

The tea room is spacious, and the lighting is also very good, because there is a wall, all of which are glass, and you can see the rolling golf grass at a glance.

It can also be seen that on the grass, gentleman-like celebrities and those beauties wearing short skirts and showing long legs are playing golf.

But in the tea room, the four young women looked at Shen Xi curiously.

They are just vases, which are used to decorate these rich people.

But Du Yueqing didn't know whether Shen Xi was good or not, so he didn't dare to decorate Shen Xi rashly.

He was also afraid of offending Shen Xi and making him unhappy.

"Mr. Du, Jingshenlan is in those plastic bags. If you want to see it, someone can display it. I think the gentlemen can't wait any longer."

Shen Xi took a sip of the tea, then smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other three laughed.

Fang Jinzhong, the helm of the Mingchen Group, said: "Yes, yes, Mr. Shen is right, put it on quickly and let us see."

The four women have been hanging around for a long time, so it goes without saying that they can see it with their eyesight.

They got up and began to carefully take out the pots of bluegrass in the plastic bag, and put them on the huge coffee table.

These people don't care about the simplicity of the flower pots.

Next, including Du Yueqing, the four surrounded the five pots of Jingshenlan and carefully studied it.

Regarding this, Shen Xi was very speechless.

I don't understand what's so good about it, but these people can even make a few leaves, the length and width of the leaves, and the veins carefully.

Especially after smelling its faint scent, besides Du Yueqing, the other three people's eyes were shocked.

The color of surprise is very obvious.

Du Yueqing had already experienced the magic of Jingshenlan first-hand when she settled down in her home.

Naturally, they will not be the same as the three of them.

But at this moment, the door of the tea room opened again, and a voice sounded, which seemed to be complaining, "You old bastards, you started before I came."

Shen Xi looked over and saw an old man walking in slowly with the support of a woman.

The old man is bald, the stubble at the sideburns is completely white, and the eyebrows are the same, no beard.

There are many wrinkles on the face, and the age spots are heavy.

But the woman supporting the old man made Shen Xi's eyes light up, full of astonishment.

Du Yueqing accepted the old man's words, and said with a smile: "Old Gu, how could you be missing! They are just seeing it first."

At this time, Shen Xi had already got up and stepped forward, Du Yueqing continued: "Old Gu, this is Mr. Shen Xi."

Gu Baixun squinted his eyes with a smile, and looked at Shen Xi. Shen Xi smiled, stretched out his hand, and said, "Hello, Gu Gu."

Gu Baixun shook hands with Shen Xi, but the moment the two hands touched, Gu Baixun's eyes flashed.

"Okay, not bad, the younger generation is formidable."

Gu Baixun's words seem to be praises, but the details are a bit far-fetched.

Only Du Yueqing could understand.

As a doctor, Shen Xi had already seen that Gu Baixun was in trouble, and the moment he let go of his hand, he had a sweep of consciousness, and he knew it in an instant.

At this moment, Gu Baixun said to Shen Xi again: "This is my granddaughter, Youxuan, I haven't met Mr. Shen yet."

Gu Youxuan smiled slightly, "Mr. Shen, hello!"

Shen Xi also smiled and said: "Hello!"

He also did not expect that this stunning woman supporting Gu Baixun was actually Gu Baixun's granddaughter.

Seeing it before, he was amazed, but also a little pity, thinking it was a vase for the club.

(End of this chapter)

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