Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 300 Chapter 304: With a flick of a finger, kill 1 person

Chapter 300 Chapter 304: With a flick of a finger, kill a person

Swick stepped forward and held out his hand.

But Shen Xi didn't get up, and looked at Sveck with a smile.

People like Sveck have amazing thick skins, so naturally they won't feel any embarrassment. They laughed, retracted their hands and said, "I'm Sveck, we talked on the phone just now."

Shen Xi nodded, "Please sit down!"

Hearing this, Swick sat down, three feet away from Shenxi.

He also understood why Shen Xi didn't get up just now, probably because he was afraid of the snipers outside.

The people present actually guessed this.

Thinking of Shen Xi's fear of snipers, everyone felt more confident.

The woman stepped forward, sat down next to Swick, and smiled at Shen Xi: "It's the person in charge of CIA Los Angeles, Luo Fei."

Shen Xi nodded, "Hello, Ms. Luo Fei."

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi looked up at the Chinese middle-aged man.

"Qin Gang, native of Shonan, Mr. Shen, I am from the CIA's External Affairs Department."

After Tan just introduced himself, he was about to sit down, but Shen Xi said coldly: "Traitors will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The voice is not high, it is in Chinese, and only Qin Gang can understand it.

Qin Gang was slightly taken aback, his face was ugly.

He stared at Shen Xi and smiled coldly.

Without arguing, he sat down opposite Shen Xi.

Shen Xi naturally doesn't have a good face towards Qin Gang, but he is in the CIA's external department, needless to say who he is dealing with.

Sveck and Luo Fei brought Qin Gang with a very clear purpose, to make him a lobbyist.

The last Caucasian man was tall and not too young, about 50 or [-] years old.

But he has an imposing manner, he should be a military officer or a police officer.

This person looked at Shen Xi, his eyes were full of unkindness.

There was no self-introduction or anything, so I sat down at the farthest position from Shen Xi.

Shen Xi could feel that this person was a brave and skilled fighter, and he killed many people with his hands.

It is estimated that it is the head of the Air Force Base Special Forces, or the head of the local police.

Both are possible.

But he won't ask.

The other three men did not sit down, facing Shen Xi's direction and guarding.

From this direction, you can clearly see every move of Shenxi.

Shen Xi took a sip of coffee calmly, the aroma of coffee permeated the air.

But Shen Xi had already put away the coffee making equipment, so he was the only one who had coffee.

Facing Shen Xi at this time, Sveck also wanted to have a cup of coffee to relieve his nervousness.

Especially when I smell the different aroma of Shenxi coffee, I want to have a cup even more.

Luo Fei thought the same, even Qin Gang had the same idea.

But Shen Xi put down the coffee cup and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I just made a cup of coffee, so I won't be polite to you."

I'm going, this is not intended to entertain guests.

Sveck was helpless, and without any delay, he went straight to the topic and said: "Mr. Shen Xi, I think you can guess why we are here.

Then I won't go around around the corner, you can do a few things for us, and the frozen account will be unfrozen immediately. "

After Sveck finished speaking, Luo Fei also said: "If you become an American citizen, I can let you enter the CIA and become a special existence.

Just like Mr. Qin Gang, his current status is very high and he is very free.

Don't you yearn for democracy and freedom? "

Hearing what these two people said, Shen Xi couldn't help laughing.

This American was in a high position at such a young age, but he didn't expect his thoughts to be so naive.

Immediately sneered: "I am very democratic and free now, besides, I have more than 100 billion US dollars now, will I work for you?

I think you are taking it for granted?

Also, I can tell you now that the frozen account can only be unfrozen within one day, otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you of the consequences.

As for sanctions or something, that's up to you, and I won't argue with you about the crimes you charged me.

Remember, one day.

If I don't thaw, I will start to fight back. You can't catch me, and don't forget about Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo.

Now here, I believe more people will die.

By the way, you Americans don't care about dead people, incidental losses are normal.

Don’t you all say that when the U.S. military and allied forces fought outside and killed civilians?
Then I am here in Las Vegas, and the incidental loss may be huge, I think you can accept and understand. "

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi's face was full of sarcasm.

Swick's face was ugly, and so was Raffi.

Qin Gang's eyes dodged a little, only the tall middle-aged man showed a ferocious look in his eyes.

Shen Xi looked at this person mockingly, his eyes were full of provocation and contempt.

He hoped that this person would pull out his gun, then he could shoot, kill all these people, and then throw them downstairs.

A few young people wanted to come to discuss cooperation with him.

Is it true that because of freezing his account funds, he will be obedient?

It's not a big deal, but he will inevitably make the United States suffer losses dozens of times and hundreds of times.

Besides, at the beginning of the negotiation, you have to kill chickens and monkeys.

You can't have the slightest intention to ease up, let it out, otherwise these people will climb along the pole and become more and more arrogant.

The few who came here all carried tiny cameras and bugs.

I think somewhere, there are big people watching the situation here.

Their conversations will also be analyzed and evaluated.

Therefore, Shen Xi very much hoped that this person, who is likely to be from the military, could take the lead, so that he could take action and deter him.

But in the end, the tall middle-aged man held back.

Swick glanced at Luo Fei, the two made eye contact, and then looked at Qin Gang.

Qin Gang naturally understood that the two asked him to talk to Shen Xi.

But feeling the murderous intent in Shen Xi's eyes, Qin Gang was very uncertain.

He knows Shen Xi too well.

He was the one who collected Shenxi's cancer drug information at the beginning.

He also reported to the CIA headquarters.

He also sold the magic stone information that was auctioned to a defense contractor.

But under the watchful eyes of Rofeswick, there were still those big figures behind the scenes, so Qin Gang had no choice but to speak.

"Mr. Shen, I think a strange person like you should choose the democratic and free America, which is a great country.

It is also the future and hope of mankind. Even if you have money, you can also get richer if you join the United States.

If you think about it, now you are bound to develop internationally. Your mining company is in South Africa, the treasure hunting alliance is in Indonesia, and there will be more industries in the future.

If you are an American citizen, it will be very convenient in the future, and it can also guarantee the security of your property..."

Before Qin Gang finished speaking, Shen Xi smiled coldly and made a move.

Instead of drawing the gun, he flicked his finger and a silver needle flashed, and it sank into Qin Gang's forehead.

Qin Gang's body shook, he stopped talking for an instant, and then collapsed on the sofa.

And on his forehead, there was actually only one blood spot, which was very small.

This time, everyone was stunned.

Just now when Shen Xi made a move, they were right in front of them, and they only saw Shen Xi's hand move.

With such a slight movement, a person is killed.

Sveck and Raffi got up instantly, and the tall middle-aged man did the same.

It's just that when the middle-aged man got up, he had already reached for his gun.

The other three standing bodyguards also quickly drew their guns.

Seeing someone draw a gun, Swick knew something was wrong, but it was too late to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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