Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 304 Chapter 310: Extremely Dangerous Person

Chapter 304 Chapter 310: Extremely Dangerous Person
The helicopter landed, and the soldiers near the tarmac immediately pointed their guns at the helicopter.

Everyone looked dignified and nervous, everything that happened in the casino, and all the deeds of Shen Xi, the person in charge of the base had already told everyone.

Extremely dangerous person, international level.

has been sent here.

Therefore, many soldiers, especially those who are young and have never actually been on the battlefield, are even more nervous.

Las Vegas alone killed more than 100 members of the Special Forces, as well as some special police officers.

After destroying two helicopters, I still don't understand where the heavy sniper guns came from.

It's scary just thinking about it.

But when Shen Xi got off the helicopter, it was surprising.

Just such a very innocent young man, is he an extremely dangerous person?
That murderous maniac?
Can't see it!
Shen Xi smiled, he was not worried about these people shooting.

At this time, a middle-aged officer came over and made a gesture, asking Shen Xi to enter a three-story building.

The building looks unattractive from the outside, but Shen Xi's spiritual sense has already seen a part of the interior.

It is a luxuriously decorated office building.

In other words, it is the headquarters of the base, as well as the apartment for entertaining the superiors.

It looks like there are only three floors on the surface, but there are actually four floors underground.

The third floor above the ground is a hotel-style apartment with all kinds of facilities.

There is also a large banquet hall, or conference room.

The helicopter was so loud that the middle-aged officers could only gesture.

Shen Xi nodded to him, and then followed him towards the direction of the building.

Along the way, there are also soldiers with loaded guns and live ammunition, staring at each other.

After getting away from the helicopter, the middle-aged officer said to Shen Xi: "I am the person in charge of the base, Molly."

Shen Xi nodded, but didn't say anything.

At the door, Mo Li said again: "Please cooperate and hand over all weapons."

Following his words, the soldiers at the door became alert.

Shen Xi looked at Mo Li, smiled, took out two pistols from his waist, and threw them on the ground, then took out a few grenades and flash bombs from his arms, and threw them away.

Seeing Shen Xi throwing grenades so casually, Mo Li was terrified.

Also, this person was carrying these things, which made it difficult for many soldiers to understand. They couldn't figure out why the superiors didn't give the order to kill them with random shots.

Could this person be able to dodge bullets under such a siege?

Not only the soldiers, but Mo Li had an impulse to order Shen Xi to be shot to death.

But the order he received was to receive and resettle Shen Xi, and wait for the relevant department above to send someone over to deal with it.

Shen Xi finished throwing away the things, patted the clothes, and signaled that they were gone.

In fact, these were all taken out temporarily by him from the Lost Realm.

But Mo Li didn't seem to be satisfied, he looked at Shen Xi and said, "Can you hand over all the hidden weapons and silver needles."

Hearing this, Shen Xi slapped his head, as if in a daze.

Then he took out a box of silver needles from his pocket and handed it to Mo Li.

Molly reached out to take it, opened it for a look, and then glanced at the soldiers at the door.

The soldier stepped aside, and Shen Xi walked in with a smile.

After entering, Mo Li guided Shen Xi to a room on the second floor.

At this time, a soldier sent a set of clothes, including shoes.

"Please put on these clothes and shoes, and take off your clothes now."

Mo Li said calmly, and looked at Shen Xi after speaking.

Shen Xi knew in his heart that it was because the other party was still worried, and wanted him to have no trace of foreign objects on him.

It can be seen that the other party's high-level will really come.

This is a security check!
After all, it was too scary for him to kill those negotiators before.

The method is weird and hard to guard against, mainly because of his speed, which is incomprehensible.

Shen Xi smiled, very cooperative.

Long line for big fish.

He stripped himself off very neatly, only holding the mobile phone, then took the clothes from the soldier's hand and entered the room.

The clothes and shoes outside were quickly taken away by the soldiers.

Molly also heaved a sigh of relief, as he had successfully completed the explanation from his superiors.

Helping Shen Xi to close the door, Mo Li also left.

Shen Xi looked at the room, the simplicity was outrageous, not even a glass.

A bed, a sofa, nothing else.

It can be seen that things were cleaned up specially for him.

After getting dressed, Shen Xi's cell phone rang.

It's Bob calling.

It seems that Molly has already reported, and Bob already knows that he has entered the base.

"Mr. Shen Xi, you make me very happy, we can arrive at night, you rest first, we can have a good talk at night.

I sincerely hope that I can reach a cooperation with you, and several gentlemen from other departments also hope that you can make things turn around. "

Hearing what Bob said, Shen Xi guessed the meaning of the words in his heart.


What turnaround?
Collaborate on what?
Give them a step down?
Or send yourself to them for scientific research?
Thought he was trapped on a military base?
Can kill him without weapons or hidden weapons?

Perhaps, the other party has any preparations?
Lightning flashed in Shen Xi's heart, and his spiritual consciousness began to carefully examine the entire building, including the four underground floors.

At the same time, he said: "I will definitely, I also sincerely hope to reach an understanding and cooperation with you, and I am very eager to meet your senior leaders."

After a few polite words, I hung up the phone.

Shen Xi also showed a sneer.

He walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked outside.

This military command post seems to be ready to be abandoned.

The equipment on the fourth floor underground is still there, but a thing has been placed at the central point.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I take a closer look and think about it, it is a giant bomb.

The appearance is invisible, and it is easy to ignore without careful consideration.

After all, Shen Xi is not an expert on bombs, he also judges bombs from their appearance.

He knows grenades at a glance, and he knows those that look like bombs at first glance, but he doesn't know the bombs without those shells.

If it doesn't look like a bomb in this shape, it needs to be carefully considered.

Including the upper floor, there is also one, which looks like an electronic instrument.

I looked carefully and wrote it down, so that when I encounter this kind of bomb device in the future, I will know it well.

In reality, it will not be like in the movie, where the criminals place explosives and set up a countdown, especially the flashing red, which is very conspicuous.

It's like fearing that the police won't find it, or fearing that the police won't know it's explosives, so they make it out to remind the police.

In fact, real bombs in reality, even if there is a countdown, will not be seen by people, let alone flashing light.

These people would never have thought that he possessed divine consciousness and could see all of this!

Looking outside again, those soldiers, still armed with live ammunition, surrounded the building layer by layer.

Armored vehicles, heavy machine guns, and cannons are also erected.

It seems that the use of force is not achieved by talk!

Looking at the surrounding soldiers and the distance from this building, you can tell that the other side is also preparing for an air strike.

Explosives, encircling forces, and threats from the air, it can be said that even mutants find it difficult to survive.

At the helipad, the helicopter was no longer there.

But on the runway of the airport in the distance, there are seven or eight armed helicopters parked. The real force is capable of launching the strongest strike at any time.

These are all undisguised. The external force is on the surface, but the explosives are actually a secret trick.

The force on the surface is obviously intended to put pressure on him.

Let him choose to compromise?
But will he compromise?
Naturally not, so, since the first battle in the gambling city, the second battle of strong killing is here.

That's fine, he also wants to see what kind of weapons the US can use against him in this battle.

And those high-level officials who came here can just be used to stimulate the US side.

Of course, Shen Xi is not an unreasonable person. If the other party is sincere, don't think about pulling him to cooperate to join the United States, and don't think about getting him to cooperate in any research.

Then he won't do it either.

But obviously, none of this is possible.

The United States has been able to tolerate him until now because of his secrets, or in other words, the secrets that he is so powerful.

Otherwise, he might be sent directly to the nuclear test site and given him a small nuclear bomb.

(There is no update at night, so go to bed early! Thanks to the book friend Ferni for your support!)
(End of this chapter)

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