Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 312 Chapter 318: Come without a trace, go without a trace

Chapter 312 Chapter 318: Come without a trace, go without a trace
The National Treasury, in the mountains near Fort Knox, Kentucky.

There is an army base here, guarded by a division force.

At peak times, the vaults store more than 2 tons of gold.

Even now, it is said that there are reserves of [-] to [-] tons.

Of course, most of them are stored in countries all over the world.

Since the U.S. dollar was pegged to gold, countries shipped gold to the U.S. for storage.

After the dollar is decoupled from gold and tied to oil and military power.

Some countries started shipping gold back.

But it is not so easy to transport it back.

Anyway, there are various restrictions, and it was even rumored that gold from various countries has been used by Americans.

The vault is almost empty.

Even if countries request to see the vaults, the U.S. government also refuses.

What is hegemony, this is.

Just like the United States keeps printing money and harvesting leeks from all over the world, all countries are miserable, but what can they do?

Hegemonism is the mainstream thinking of American politicians now.

It is also the foundation for maintaining its military power.

Shen Xi was at a high altitude, identified the direction, and flew directly to Kentucky.

He wanted to take a walk in the vault.

The sea is wide and the fish leaps, and the sky is high for me to fly.

At this moment, Shen Xi's heart is strong and swollen.

This black material coat made him even more powerful in the true sense.

He defeated the most advanced U.S. fighter plane just now, and the radar could not see him, which gave him an illusion of invincibility.

Fortunately, he was still sober in his heart, knowing that he could not let himself go.

The stronger you are, the more low-key you have to be.

If the world is invincible, then there is no need for the world to be an enemy.

Develop your own power with peace of mind, train master followers, of course, the most important thing is to improve your cultivation.

Strive to make your strength higher and higher until you can live forever.

Let family and friends live forever.

This is what he needs to pursue.

Boundless skills, what is limitless?
In fact, this question has always been deep in his heart.

While flying, while thinking, unknowingly, I have already flown through the place.

The speed is too fast, and he can't accurately locate it.

As a last resort, Shen Xi lowered the altitude.

Landed on the top of a mountain.

Take out the map in the Lost Realm, compare it with the illusory map, and determine your current position.

He doesn't want to take out the satellite phone yet, and he doesn't want to take out the other mobile phones rashly.

Just in case, I don't want to be exposed.

After leaving the United States, take out the satellite phone and let the country know that he is fine.

After confirming the location of Fort Knox, he flew away without delay.

Half an hour later, Shen Xi had arrived at the forest near the National Treasury of the United States.

Saw a building that looked like a government building.

Surrounded by military guards, several hangars of the army base not far away are clearly visible.

The Army Aviation Brigade and the Tank Division are the garrison of this army base.

The forest is very quiet, and there are no lights in the building.

Except for a few bright lights at the base, it can be said to be completely dark.

After Shen Xi checked, there was no delay, and he still dug a tunnel to sneak in.

This method is the most convenient for him.

The mountain is made of granite, which is very hard, but to him, it's all the same.

He knows some information about the treasury. It is said that the building above the ground is only a dozen meters high. After seeing it now, it is indeed true.

There are only two floors underground, and the bottom floor is the gold vault.

With an area of ​​1000 square meters, it can store [-] tons of gold.

From the mountain forest, at a distance of one kilometer, Shenxi began to dig, and the depth was controlled at ten meters from the ground.

With the continuous digging forward, the spiritual sense discovered that there were countless landmines buried in the mountains, forests and grasslands on the ground.

If someone came to rob here, they would probably be blown to pieces before they approached.

The density of landmines is very high, which also reduces the protection of soldiers.

There are only a few sentinels, and the laxity of these people can be seen.

Indeed, no one would think that someone would come here to rob.

Even if you don't get killed by a landmine, it is not easy to open the vault and remove the gold nuggets.

What's more, there is a division of troops nearby, so there is no fear at all.

Continue to dig quickly, one kilometer is very fast for Shen Xi.

In the flash of his thoughts, he seemed to be walking.

He approached the underground vault and entered the range of spiritual consciousness.

Surprise was revealed in Shen Xi's eyes. Gold, for some reason, always fills people with a sense of happiness and joy.

Seeing the neatly stacked gold nuggets in the vault, Shen Xi was very happy.

Although there is still so much gold and gold ore in his Lost Realm, he is still surprised and happy when he sees the gold.

After approaching, Shen Xi was shocked by the gold piled inside.

Thousands of tens of thousands of tons of gold, this kind of impact is very powerful and shocking.

The walls of the vault are reinforced concrete, very thick, seventy to eighty centimeters long, but there is no steel plate inside, and the inside is a normal decorative plate.

There are surveillance cameras and infrared probes, Shen Xi thought about it and didn't go in.

With the previous experience of giant black squares, he didn't bother to go in and slowly collect them, because it would be easy to be exposed.

It's better to just move it out together with the basement.

Afterwards, he pressed his hands against the wall of the vault and thought.


The mountains shook for a while, and the dust was flying.

The two floors of the underground vault completely disappeared, causing the building above to collapse instantly.

It also shocked Shen Xi.

Hasty, ill-considered!
Don't delay, run now.

With a flash of thought, he rushed out of the ruins and flew away.

At this time, the lights of the entire army base were flickering, and super bright searchlights were turned on one by one.

The alarm sounded one after another, but Shen Xi had gone away in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

With the ability to fly, he is truly a veritable and extremely dangerous man.

It can be said to come and go without a trace.

In a forest hundreds of kilometers away, Shenxi landed.

Then entered the realm of loss.

The illusory merit points are skyrocketing, and the real merit points are also skyrocketing.

This made him very pleasantly surprised and surprised.

The illusory merit points skyrocketed, as expected.

But the skyrocketing real merit points made him not quite understand.

Is taking away the treasury reserves of the United States also doing good deeds?

Before killing so many U.S. troops, destroying secret bases and aircraft, it is understandable that the skyrocketing price will increase a little, but after setting up a treasury, it also skyrocketed, and the rate is very large.

At this moment, the true merit point has surpassed 8000 points, reaching more than [-], and it is still rising crazily.

The illusory merit points are even more terrifying, more than 4000.

Seven super-physical environments can be cultivated.

What excites Shen Xi the most is that with more than 8000 real merit points, he can improve his strength.

By consuming [-] merit points, one can break through the golden body state and reach the initial stage of the concentration state.

I can finally reach the state of concentration.

After improving his strength, he decided to visit the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. It is said that there is still a vault there.

(End of this chapter)

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