Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 314 Chapter 320: Necessary Skills

Chapter 314 Chapter 320: Necessary Skills

The strength of the body, although not much improved.

But it is also because it has reached a limit.

Breakthrough again, maybe there will be a qualitative leap.

Detach from the mortal body and become an immortal existence.

Of course, this is not something that can be done in a day or two, even in the Concentration Realm.

Shen Xi was actually looking forward to it in his heart, his body was beyond vulgarity.

Different from the Super Physical Realm, the Super Physical Realm is only an initial stage, and the Golden Body Realm is the consummation of the Super Physical Realm.

The subsequent transcendence is the real achievement of the immortal golden body.

At this moment, Shen Xi's body is probably not afraid of electricity, any toxins, or the impact of tungsten-core armor-piercing bullets.

Because it has reached the limit, breaking through again is the state of the immortal golden body.

And the most miraculous ability also appeared.

Direct information into consciousness, he is able to change the body structure at will.

In other words, he can change.

Of course, now it is only possible to change the height, shortness, fatness, and appearance.

It is impossible to change 72 like Sun Monkey.

With this ability, Shen Xi was very pleasantly surprised.

It's really a home trip, killing people and killing people, a must-have skill!
Gu Youxuan, who boiled water and made tea, had a quiet and elegant demeanor, her temperament became more and more unique, her skin was like creamy fat, her hands were soft, like a fairy.

It is estimated that during this period of time, I was living in a state of loss, and I was pregnant.

Shen Xi looked at it, feeling very warm and happy.

This is life.

All his actions are worthwhile, for those he loves, for his family, for himself, and for his friends.

There is also the sickness relief fund that invested a large amount of money at the beginning, and it has been proved to be correct until now.

It is impossible for him to improve so fast without using cancer medicine to make money and earn merit points at the beginning.

Later, he invested more than 100 billion and nearly 200 billion. If he was reluctant to part with the money, would he reach this height now?
No matter how much money you have, it will be nothing if you have no strength.

But with strength, are you afraid of running out of money?

Thinking of everything in the past few months, Shen Xi was also secretly glad.

Fortunately, there is no insignificant development, but a drastic advance. For the sake of merit, taking risks to save people and make money can allow oneself to quickly improve its strength.

If you develop insignificantly, you still have to find a way to use the resources of the Lost Realm to make money. If you don't have enough strength, you will be killed.

Therefore, strength is king.

Cutting the mess quickly, before others wake up, he is already in the early stage of the golden body state.

He is no longer afraid of general thermal weapons.

While feeling emotional in her heart, Gu Youxuan had already made the tea and poured a cup for Shen Xi.

"Where are we now?"

Gu Youxuan's question seemed to be nonsensical, but Shen Xi smiled, "Still in the United States, but this time I offended the United States to death.

Going out in the future will inevitably cause trouble. "

Gu Youxuan frowned slightly, and asked worriedly, "Will my grandfather and Grandpa Du's property be implicated?"

Shen Xi took a sip of tea, smacked his lips, and said with a smile: "It should be implicated, but those are small money, it doesn't matter."

Indeed, now Shen Xi doesn't care about that little money at all.

With nearly 5000 billion U.S. dollars of Laomei's gold, even if Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun's overseas industries are implicated by him, how much can they lose.

Gu Youxuan was smart and understood the meaning of Shen Xi's words.

It seems that this time Shen Xi got a lot of good things, which are very valuable.

Possessing the Lost Realm and having a super force value, Gu Youxuan would not fail to think of a way for Shenxi to make money.

If it was her, she would go to the Fed to rob the first time.

Don't think that those who watch cartoons don't have random thoughts.

Shen Xi put down his teacup and said with a smile: "I'll take you to South America in two days."

Gu Youxuan's eyes lit up, she also hoped to be able to travel around the mountains and rivers with Shen Xi.


Gu Youxuan asked curiously and expectantly, Shen Xi said: "Mexico, let's go and see the ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization.

Afterwards, go to the Caribbean Sea for a free cruise and enjoy the blue sea and sunshine. "

"Yeah, that's great."

Gu Youxuan cried out excitedly, Xiao Nizi heard it and turned her head to look.

Afterwards, Gu Youxuan got up and ran to Xiao Nizi, and the two chatted.

It made Xiaonizi very happy.

Shen Xi looked at the two with tenderness in his eyes.

It's just that at this time, the three blood gold dogs came back after being crazy and tired outside.

There are small animals such as pheasants and hares in its mouth.

Those big wild animals, they don't seem to kill.

I have never seen wild boars, wild deer and the like hunted.

Leaving the game in his mouth, the Blood Gold Dog came to Shen Xi, shaking his head and wagging his tail.

Shen Xi stretched out his hand and touched each of them.

The three blood-gold dogs went to Gu Youxuan contentedly.

Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi also touched them, they are animals that need human's intimacy.

Of course, monkey-eating hawks are different, they are birds.

Without human touch, Shen Xi appeared, and they just stood in the tree house and tilted their heads to look.

A few croaks at the end.

It's a hello.

At this time, Gu Youxuan shouted to the three blood-gold dogs: "Go and wash them all, and see how dirty you all are."

The three blood-golden dogs ran towards the stream obediently after hearing the words.

In fact, blood gold dogs are low-level spirit beasts, very clean, but Gu Youxuan still told them to wash them up when they come back.

Seeing the blood gold dogs rushing into the stream, Shen Xi smiled and asked: "How is the settlement, have you gone to see it?"

Gu Youxuan came over and sat next to Shen Xi, "Desta came here yesterday, and I've already learned a lot about how to make tea, so I'm going to arrange for someone to build a wooden house in the next few days.

In the future, the original fried tea can't be in the valley. I asked Desda to arrange people to build it by a small lake outside. In the future, the hillside there can be used to expand the tea farm. "

"Yes." Shen Xi nodded, affirming Gu Youxuan.

Every girl is different, at least she has leadership and aura.

However, considering the people in those settlements, Shen Xi decided to give Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi two people today to improve their strength.

Just relying on the Blood Gold Dog and the Monkey Eagle can't really guarantee the safety of Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi.

It's not that I don't worry about those people, but that I'm prepared.

There are no absolutely good people and no absolutely bad people in this world.

Good or bad is just a thought.

have to guard against.

Shen Xi has always maintained a point of view, that is, kindness is as great as hatred.

This has been experienced deeply, and not just once.

"If I can make you and Xiao Nizi become martial arts masters, just like I beat Zhao Yuanwu back then, are you happy? Will you?"

Hearing this, Gu Youxuan was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "We are learning at this time, can we still be so good?"

Shen Xi chuckled, "You don't need to learn, I'll give you the power and empowerment directly, within a matter of minutes, in the future you will be able to fight like me, invincible all over the world."

Seeing Shen Xi's relaxed and casual words, Gu Youxuan thought that Shen Xi was teasing her, and immediately said: "How is it possible, you have read too many martial arts novels!
I don’t believe you if you still pass on the practice and empowerment! "

"It's true. Last time, for Momo, I just passed on the practice and empowerment. Now Momo is already a master, and her strength is very strong."

Shen Xi stopped laughing this time, and said seriously.

This time, Gu Youxuan believed it a little bit. She had doubted before that Momo recovered so quickly.

It seems to be true.

Shen Xi has internal strength, she knows it, and has seen it with her own eyes.

So he asked with some concern: "Will it affect your internal strength if you impart the practice and empowerment to us?"

Shen Xi shook his head, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "Because of this promotion, I have a little excess internal energy in my body, and I feel panicked, so think about it, I should pass on the power to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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