Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 317 Chapter 323: Swimming

Chapter 317 Chapter 323: Swimming
A sentence that seemed to be a joke made Fu Guoyong fall silent.

Shen Xi also hung up the phone at the right time, as to whether Fu Guoyong would believe it, how to understand it, that was his business.

It is estimated that they may believe more, because he is too strange after all.

It is no longer a strange person, so it can be explained.

The strength shown has reached an unbelievable level.

Maybe it is not impossible to really believe that he is a cultivator.

It didn't take long to end the call with Fu Guoyong.

Shen Xi's mobile phone received the file information.

After opening it and checking it, Shen Xi was astonished, and even more stunned.

It turns out that Black disappeared because of this.

It was because of his lack of understanding of these studies, he did not expect that Black would gather across space.

This black side is also amazing.

What kind of substance is this material?
Also, the gate of time and space has actually opened.

But nothing seems to have changed.

Shen Xi was also very curious about this.

I really want to go to Egypt now and see the gate of space and time.

However, it occurred to him instantly that he seemed to have something to open a gate of time and space.

The round altar and eight black squares are in the Lost Realm.

Everything is the same, will the door of time and space opened, the different space leading to it, also be a place?
This is quite possible.

And what is that giant black cube? It's so huge, why it was brought to the earth by people from different spaces is a question.

Spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate, and there is no way to study it.

The Americans have been studying for so long, but they have been unable to do it, even cutting it.

The anti-gravity aircraft is probably also a test product made by using the broken small flying saucer in the ruins of the ancient city.

It is estimated that the core technology is not really mastered.

Perhaps, if the mystery of anti-gravity is solved, the earth civilization will advance by leaps and bounds.

But every time it advances by leaps and bounds, the premise is a war.

When Shen Xi thought about this, he lost the interest in participating.

He decided to have time to study the round altar and the black square he dug deep in the ground of Area 51 to see if he could open the gate of time and space.

If it is possible, then he alone owns the gate of time and space, and can participate secretly more conveniently.

He is also full of curiosity about the world of different spaces.

Normal people are not curious.

After reading the document, the document was automatically destroyed, Shen Xi put away the phone, and let go of his consciousness.

Within 500 meters, there is no one.

With a thought, a huge yacht appeared.

It didn't fall directly into the sea, but was controlled by his controller in mid-air.

Then controlling his body, he floated towards the yacht in the air.

When he got on the yacht, he controlled the yacht to head towards the sea area in front, left the shoal area, and then began to fall.

The yacht ends up floating at sea.

The feeling of controlling things is so wonderful, Shen Xi has an illusion of the black phoenix of Magneto King.

This yacht is also the largest yacht he has ever obtained. When he first met Angela, he was recruited by Fan Shihua, a lucky treasure hunter.

That very luxurious yacht has been placed in the Lost Realm.

Finally appeared again today.

One can imagine the weight of such a huge luxury yacht.

But Shen Xi feels very relaxed, which shows that his power of soul is very strong.

Thousands of tons are no problem, and can be easily controlled.

Shen Xi came to the cockpit, and before turning it on, he disconnected the satellite navigation and positioning system.

Otherwise, as soon as it is turned on, it will cause trouble in an instant.

Lucky has disappeared for so long, and if it reappears, the people from the Lucky Treasure Hunter Treasure Discovery Company will definitely find it, and it will easily attract the attention of the US intelligence agencies.

It was easy to relate to him.

After finishing the satellite positioning, Shenxi started to warm up.

After all, the engine has not been started for so long, so it needs to idle for a while.

After the activation, Shen Xi recovered his appearance and sent Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi out.

Suddenly appearing on the luxury yacht, Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi were very excited.

Shen Xi took the two of them to visit the front and back of the yacht.

The last three stood on the platform in front of the yacht, admiring the blue sea.

Suddenly, Shen Xi found LG beside the boat, and immediately erased it with a thought.

Mind control, remove a layer of paint, easy.

"The sea water is so clear, so blue, much cleaner than the tidal flats in Modu."

Xiao Nizi was amazed, her eyes were full of excitement.

This is the first time she has seen such a beautiful sea in a real sense.

"I want to go swimming, husband, the three of us go down and grab some seafood, shall we?"

Gu Youxuan looked at the sea and wanted to go for a swim.

Shen Xi grinned, "Okay, do you have swimsuits?"

Gu Youxuan said indifferently: "No, but just wear underwear, little girl, what do you say?"

Xiao Nizi is a bit shy, but it is different now, Shen Xi can make her a super expert, she is already part of Shen Xi's family.

Since it is a family, there is no need to be shy.

So, Xiao Nizi nodded, "It's okay, let's go down together."

So the three quickly took off their coats, shouted excitedly, and jumped into the sea.

Possessing super physical strength, Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi are no longer weak women, and they can also hold their breath underwater for a long time.

It's close to the shallows, but it's actually not deep. The three of them were swimming at the bottom of the water, looking for seafood.

Lobsters, big crabs, etc., they were caught when they saw them. The three of them swam faster than fish, and they soon reaped a lot.

With Shen Xi around, I didn't worry about not having anything to pack, and was sent directly to the Lost Realm Valley by Shen Xi first.

There are also some large snails, a few nice small groupers, lobsters and big crabs.

Feeling almost done, the three of them began to float up.

Back on the yacht, I remembered that there was no fresh water.

But don't worry, with Shenxi's thought, the stream in the valley of the Lost Realm appeared out of thin air, and instantly filled the swimming pool on the luxury yacht.

The three of them entered the swimming pool, washed off the sea water, and came up to get dressed.

Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi began to prepare a seafood feast, while Shen Xi went to the cab and started the yacht to sail towards the open sea.

During the period, some fishing boats were also encountered, as well as a small yacht.

Shen Xi didn't care, and continued to move forward. The bottom here is less than 200 meters, and he can feel the outer edge of the crater.

So head straight for the center of the crater.

At the same time, he also checked the display on the virtual map.

But the illusory map has never responded, and there are also light spots, all of which are mineral light spots.

This distance completely covers the center of the crater. Why is there no light point on the virtual map?
Even if it is some meteorite fragments, there should be some, right?
Could it be that the meteorite was completely vaporized under the violent impact?

Or did the meteorite core break through the crust and sink into the mantle?
With this level of impact, the probability is high.

The earth's crust will definitely be punctured, and magma will erupt into the atmosphere like a volcano, making the earth covered by volcanic ash for decades, and it is in a cold winter.

Finally, at the center of the crater, the seawater depth is less than 300 meters.

Shenxi stopped the yacht, because of the depth of the water, it was impossible to drop anchor.

You can only let the yacht drift with the current.

This luxury yacht does not have a few hundred meters of anchor chain.

So, just stop right away.

Now the sea surface is calm and the displacement of the yacht is not very large.

Since there is no point of light on the illusory map, Shen Xi actually has little interest in going down.

But now that you're here, let's play in the sea!
Gu Youxuan likes this kind of life very much, so let her be happy.

Think of it as a honeymoon.

Play for a few days before looking for the remains of the ancient Mayan civilization.

As the sun set, the three sat on the deck, eating seafood and drinking wine. Of course, Gu Youxuan and Xiao Nizi drank fruit juice.

Shen Xi drank whiskey alone.

"Watching the sunset on the sea is really beautiful."

Gu Youxuan looked into the distance and said obsessively.

But Xiao Nizi looked to the other side and said to Shen Xi: "Brother, look over there, is there a boat coming..."

Shen Xi turned his head to look, his face changed suddenly, he got up immediately, and said subconsciously, "Damn..."

(End of this chapter)

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