Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 324 Chapter 330: The Mystery of the Heavenly Book

Chapter 324 Chapter 330: The Mystery of the Heavenly Book
Fu Guoyong took a puff of his cigar, as if trying to organize his words.

It also seems to be thinking about what to tell Shen Xi.

There is a big secret in Shen Xi, it is almost certain, maybe it is the immortal cultivator in his mouth.

In fact, cultivating immortals is just a myth.

The real name should be Qi Refiner.

It's just that the inheritance was broken before Xia Shang.

After the Xia and Shang Dynasties, the method of refining Qi was incomplete and eventually died out.

Before Xia Shang, no one knew what happened.

However, the disappearance of the ancient Qi refiners shows that great changes have taken place, which may be related to extraterritorial creatures.

Of course, these are inferred from the incomplete oracle bone inscriptions and some totem petroglyphs.

Even the exact age cannot be ascertained.

"Our country's ancient civilization is very mysterious. Compared with several other ancient civilizations, it has a longer history. As for the top secret that is unknown.

Many actually have legends, but the myths and legends in our country are very complicated and huge, unlike the myths and legends of other civilizations, they are very simple and have a clear main line.

You asked me what top secrets I have, and one of them is the mystery of the heavenly book.

I think you know the Book of Changes, but it is just a little bit of knowledge realized from the heavenly scriptures.

Even so, the original of the Book of Changes has long been lost, leaving only "Hetu", "Luoshu", Xiantian Gua, Houtian Gua, and 64 squares, etc., which are actually incomplete.

And the person who comprehended the book of changes and wrote the Book of Changes cannot be tested. Some say it is Fuxi, and some say it is King Wen of Zhou. "

Shen Xi was very surprised, and asked: "Is there really a heavenly book?"

Fu Guoyong nodded, and said in a low voice: "Actually, every ancient civilization in the world has passed down some knowledge of unknown origin, and what was passed down in ancient times in our country is a tablet of heavenly scriptures.

The ones from ancient Egypt may be the original slabs of Jadeite Records, but the original ones have mysteriously disappeared.

Ancient Maya, ancient Egypt, ancient India, and ancient China, from the text, it can be seen that they are all extensions of hieroglyphs, with similar approaches but the same results.

There are many similarities between the seal culture of Egypt, the seal writing of ancient India, and the ancient writing of the ethnic minorities in Southwest my country.

And these were almost 4000 years ago.

If the origin of human beings is based on the theory of evolution, then why did primitive man suddenly enter the age of civilization and develop at a high speed thousands of years ago? "

Shen Xi was asked by Fu Guoyong, and he also felt that it made sense, so he said: "You mean that the civilization outside the territory has affected the evolution of human beings?
Are those heavenly books brought by creatures from outside the territory? "

Fu Guoyong nodded, "Yes, the possibility is extremely high, it's just that the knowledge passed down by several ancient civilizations is different.

The time is even earlier, dating back tens of thousands of years, even 10,000+ years ago.

There is another point of view, this is not the first intervention, there may have been five eras of civilization on the earth, of course, these are even more untestable.

Only some clues can be found in some remains of ancient civilizations.

I'm not an ancient scholar either, but I've only read some top-secret materials, and I can't tell you the specifics.

In fact, most of them are mysterious and mysterious, and there is no confirmation. "

Hearing what Fu Guoyong said, Shen Xi's thinking has also opened up a lot, combined with what he discovered, it seems that it is not unreasonable.

They are not all myths and legends imagined out of thin air. As the saying goes, there is nothing wrong with nothing.

Even myths and legends have their origins.


It's simply too amazing that the Book of Changes is actually realized from the stele of the book of heaven.

Wordless bible?

It seems to have heard the legend of the Wordless Heavenly Book.

What about Shan Hai Jing?
Did he also learn from the Heavenly Book Stele?
Or was it adapted by the ancients based on knowledge from outside the domain?
Shen Xi started to diverge his thinking again, thinking wildly.

In fact, during this period of time, all the discoveries made by Shen Xi can explain many things.

Therefore, he does not deny that myths and legends are based on the prototypes of extraterrestrial creatures, exaggerated descriptions and imaginations carried out by the ancients.

However, he was still very curious about the heavenly book, "What did the book look like that day? A stone tablet? Is it a wordless heavenly book? When was it lost..."

A series of questions made Fu Guoyong confused.

Fu Guoyong was speechless. If he knew this, why would he do Guoan and go straight to archaeology.

"No one knows these things. I will show you some information in the future, and you can figure it out yourself. Now let me tell you something about the Gate of Time and Space..."

Next, Fu Guoyong began to explain some things, that is, the matter of going to Egypt, and the possible news that he was alive, and the reaction of the United States.

How to respond and prepare for it.

Originally, when Fu Guoyong came this time, the first thing was to determine whether Shen Xi could go to Egypt, and whether he would be troubled by the United States.

The second is to find out about Shen Xi.

But Shenxi is false and real, true and false, so Fu Guoyong can't tell the difference.

Of course, there will be a lot of explanations for the real trip to Egypt.

Mainly after entering, the possibility of returning, the possibility of encountering extraterritorial creatures, and the prevention and response of various dangers.

In fact, the most important thing is that there is a possibility of going and never returning.

Fu Guoyong finally said this, and he hoped that Shen Xi would be mentally prepared for this.

In fact, Shen Xi was also worried about this.

But he also wants to enter the portal of time and space to see, and he believes in his premonition of crisis.

If he felt a crisis before entering, then he would find a way to destroy the gate of time and space and not enter.

But destroying the gate of time and space, what will greet him?
Enemy all over the world?
I am afraid that by then, not only the United States, but the whole world will want him.

His parents and family members will also be implicated.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Xi is not so sure about destroying the gate of time and space in the end, let's see when the time comes!

This is the way things are in the world, and plans still change.

No one knows what the future will be like or what will happen.

After chatting with Fu Guoyong for a long time, this time it can be said that it is open and honest.

Fu Guoyong also truly expressed the high recognition and attention to Shen Xi from above.

Fu Guoyong didn't get up to leave until the sun was not hot and it was a bit chilly.

But when he reached the gate of the courtyard, Fu Guoyong still whispered, "Have you read the Classic of Mountains and Seas?"

Shen Xi nodded, "I've seen it, but I haven't studied it in depth."

Fu Guoyong smiled, "The other side of the gate of time and space may be the world described in the Shan Hai Jing, even more mysterious and exaggerated than the Shan Hai Jing described."

Shen Xi was tongue-tied, is it true or not?
The world of Shan Hai Jing?

More mysterious than Shan Hai Jing?
Isn't that the wonderland world?

All extraterritorial creatures come from a world like Shan Hai Jing?
But it is a fabulous world!

And why do extraterritorial creatures give him the feeling that they are all high-tech?
A series of questions filled Shen Xi's heart.

However, he also thought about this problem before, because most of the things described in the Shan Hai Jing do not exist on the earth.

So before, he wondered if it was a strange book adapted by the ancients out of context based on the geographical knowledge of extraterritorial creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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