Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 33 033: 1 million

Chapter 33 033: One Hundred Million
Looking at Shen Xi, Gu Youxuan only felt that his eyebrows and eyes were particularly good-looking.

This is what the book says, is it pretty?
As Shen Xi's cup approached, his nose was filled with a bitter taste, bitter to his heart.

But it was the first time that she felt that her heartbeat was strong, without that flustered feeling.

In an instant, she believed Shen Xi's words, and if she drank it, she would really recover.

In the future, you can run without people staring at you all the time.

Thinking of being able to live like a normal person, Gu Youxuan was a little excited.

When Shen Xi brought the cup to her mouth, she opened her mouth very cooperatively, a stream of cool liquid flowed into her mouth, it was so bitter!

But she suppressed the bitterness in her mouth and swallowed the liquid.

After Shen Xi finished feeding the painstaking fruit juice, she took the cup to the bathroom, washed the cup, and then walked out.

"Okay, let's add an extra bed here, Dr. Liu, thank you for the formalities."

Shen Xi smiled at the doctor on duty who came to rescue him, and Doctor Liu quickly said: "Thanks to Director Shen, I'll go through the formalities right away."

Gu Youxuan's mother also went with Dr. Liu.

The two little nurses started to make arrangements, installing various monitoring equipment on Gu Youxuan.

After the little nurses finished their work and left, Gu Baixun said to Shen Xi: "Director Shen, the Gu family owes you two lives."

Shen Xi smiled lightly, "The old saying is serious, I just gave your granddaughter the different fruit, and the congenital heart disease should be able to fully recover.

But I don't want to spread this matter, because this kind of exotic fruit is rare and not easy to find.

It was originally taken and prepared to prepare medicine for your granddaughter, but just now I was in a hurry and used a whole pill. "

Gu Baixun understood Shen Xi's words, and said in a low voice, "One hundred million."

Hearing this, no matter how calm Shen Xi was, he was still taken aback.

This old guy is so aggressive!

Two lives cost one hundred million, the old guy is not stupid, he is old and smart like Du Yueqing.

This is to use these things outside of the body to gain a relationship with him.

Of course, Shen Xi doesn't care, the more money the better, the more generous the people he meets, the better.

He recovered his smile and said, "Then I'll be impolite."

Gu Baixun laughed, "It should be, not to mention that you are also a doctor with a benevolent heart, which makes me admire you."

Dealing with rich people is cool, but Shen Xi also knows that there are not many rich people who are so cool.

Therefore, when you can get the money, you don't need to be polite.

Now was the time when he was short of money, and the more the better.

Adding the previous money, he didn't believe that spending [-] million yuan would not get a few hundred merit points.

Breaking through to the Golden Body Realm requires one hundred merit points for the body and two hundred merit points for the soul, which is three hundred, and two hundred million is spent. Logically, one should be able to earn these merit points.

Thinking of merit points, Shen Xi couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly checked how many merit points he had now.

Reminding Gu Baixun that he has a cerebral thrombosis, treating Gu Youxuan, and the rescue fund that has been operating, should be quite a lot.

It was 48 before, but now I look at it consciously, and sure enough, it is 89.

Seeing this, Shen Xi couldn't help showing joy, which made Gu Baixun see it, and didn't know why.

Gu Youxuan took the bitter fruit juice and fell into a deep sleep.

After Shen Xi scanned again with his consciousness, he also felt relieved, bid farewell to Gu Baixun, and left the ward.

Back in the office, he started to make a form on the computer, listing some necessary medical supplies in the field, and after finishing it tomorrow, Tian Mengmeng asked her to use the relief fund to issue it.

He is going to put these things into the Lost Realm.

It is very necessary to carry these medical supplies for emergency treatment in case of emergency.

Just like tonight, although bitter fruit can cure heart disease, but the patient has a sudden heart attack and is on the verge of dying, bitter fruit is useless.

It is still necessary to revive the person before taking it.

But with emergency medicine and equipment, electricity is needed.

Small generators, solar panels, these also need to be purchased.

Just in time, when the wooden house is built, electric lights also need to be installed, and solar power generation is essential.

So, after finishing the form, he started to browse the Internet and started Taobao.

Liu Xiaodan came, carrying a thermos bucket, "Boss, I bought wontons to make you a supper."

Shen Xi glanced at Liu Xiaodan, continued to look at the computer screen, and said oh.

The most difficult thing to bear is the beauty's favor, and Shen Xi also has a headache for Liu Xiaodan and Tian Mengmeng's overtures.

Very difficult to handle.

No rejection, no rejection.

There is no way, I can only pretend to be confused.

Fortunately, after waiting for two days, after giving Xiao Nizi the second Elixir Fruit, he doesn't plan to stay in the hospital anymore.

Prepare to go out and concentrate on digging treasures for a while.

"Would you like to eat it now? I'll put it in a bowl for you."

Liu Xiaodan asked, Shen Xi shook his head, "I'm not hungry now, just leave it alone, I'll come by myself later, by the way, here's a material list, I'll type it out, you can give it to Tian Mengmeng."

Immediately, he exited Taobao and started printing the form.

After receiving the printed material list, Liu Xiaodan asked puzzledly, "Boss, what are you doing with so many things?"

"Don't ask, I'm useful, just get cardboard boxes and pack them one by one, and put them in my duty room."

"Oh, then I'll help."

"Aren't you tired? Get some sleep if you have time, and leave it to Tian Mengmeng and their nurses."


Liu Xiaodan smiled and left.

The boss still cared about her, or rather, loved her.

Liu Xiaodan thought about it, and couldn't help laughing again.

After Liu Xiaodan left, Shen Xi breathed a sigh of relief, these women, alas!

Continuing to purchase, the items in the shopping cart increased sharply.

Now Shen Xi suddenly discovered that he seems to be addicted to online shopping during this period of time, and he enjoys the kind of shopping that is rich and willful.

Payment seems to be enjoyed too, so weird.

By the way, since Gu Baixun is going to give [-] million, why not spend some of it yourself?

Earning merit points is important, but personal enjoyment cannot be ignored.

The MG car should be changed, buy a luxury car, and various luxuries, and enjoy it.

As for the car and house given by Du Yueqing, those can only be kept in the dark.

Prepared as a retreat.

But on the bright side, it can't be too shabby.

If you have money, why do you act like a poor man? It's unnecessary.

Life needs to be enjoyed, tasted, and envied by others.

With this idea in mind, Shen Xi simply searched the Internet for cars and various luxury items that can show off.

It was almost twelve o'clock before he left the office, still not sleepy.

I don't know if it's due to the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, but he found that now, his mental power seems to be full all the time, and it's hard to think about it.

Having nothing to do, I went to Xiao Nizi's ward.

Zhu Changchuan fell asleep, and Zhu Xini also slept soundly. Looking at Xiao Nizi, Shen Xi couldn't help but think of her niece. The two seemed to be about the same age.

After being hospitalized for the past few days, Xiao Nizi's complexion has also improved.

Helped Xiao Nizi straighten the quilt, and carefully left the ward.

At this time, he also considered the issue of Xiao Nizi's prognosis.

It seems that I can't stay in the hospital any longer.

Otherwise, if the optic nerve tumor is cured, it will cause a series of troubles.

Walking in the quiet corridor, Shen Xi finally decided to arrange Zhu Changchuan and Xiao Nizi to go to the seaside villa.

Zhu Changchuan will stop delivering food in the future, show him the house!
After Xiao Nizi recovers from her illness, she can also stay there and help out!
As for letting him go back to school, forget it!
This age is unnecessary.

Of course, you can let him study on the Internet, just to learn more knowledge.

What's more, he will help Xiao Nizi realize whatever she wants to do.

When they want to go home, give some money and let them go back to live a good life.

Anyway, he has more money to spend now.

It's fate to be with Xiao Nizi.

(Slightly control the update speed, sorry!)
(End of this chapter)

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