Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 334 Chapter 341: Confluence, Dispute

Chapter 334 Chapter 341: Confluence, Dispute

The two people who came to pick up Shen Xi didn't know Shen Xi's real identity.

But he also knew that this set was a fake identity, so seeing Shen Xi's dumbfounded expression, he couldn't stop laughing.

Shen Xi finally had to accept Fu Guoyong's arrangement.

Let Long Aotian be Long Aotian!

But he still whispered, "Is this name too high-profile?"

The young man with glasses is a clerical worker, and said with a smile: "It's okay, foreigners don't understand the meaning of this name very well, hello, Long Aotian, my name is Li Hong."

The young man driving also grinned, "My name is Liu Chenguang."

Shen Xi also smiled and said: "Hello, I am... Long Aotian..."

I'll go, Shen Xi feels that introducing himself like this makes Long Aotian shameless.

"Ha ha……"


Li Hong and Liu Chenguang laughed heartily, and Shen Xi greeted the eighteen generations of Fu Guoyong's ancestors in his heart.

The car passed through a residential area, and the front opened up instantly.

It was a desert, and not far away, there seemed to be some buildings. Looking at the barbed wire fence and the appearance of the buildings, Shen Xi guessed that it was a military base.

Sure enough, there was a large military base near the front and back.

There are also many soldiers inside, most of them are Egyptian soldiers.

Liu Chenguang took out his documents, and then the car drove directly into the military base, and stopped in the area of ​​several connected single-story buildings.

Shen Xi also saw through the car window that there are many people here, and the clothes are very mixed.

This is the joint expedition team from all over the world.

In the joint expedition team of more than 1000 people, there are not many Chinese members, only 48, plus 49 people from Shenxi.

After Shen Xi got out of the car, all the Chinese personnel gathered around to say hello.

Not all men, there are more than a dozen women.

The same is true for other countries, where the ratio of men to women is very similar.

Shen Xi was also a little curious about this.

Could it be that after thinking about it, you can't get out, and you can reproduce?

Maybe there is really a consideration in this regard.

After some self-introduction, Shen Xi's name of Long Aotian naturally impressed everyone deeply.

After changing his appearance, his appearance became very ordinary.

This is also considered inconspicuous.

A single-story barracks is the residence of Chinese personnel.

After entering, it is stuffy and hot, but the area is very large, and it is not a problem to accommodate hundreds of people.

They are all selected elites, and they are not too taboo about mixing men and women.

It's just that men and women are still separated, not on one side.

Shenxi has a sense of sight of a prison bed, with a passage in the middle and beds on both sides.

Of course, he has never been in prison, he just saw it from movies and TV dramas.

What's more, these men and women are not all people with strong combat effectiveness, and some of them don't look very strong.

Shen Xi is estimated to be a scientific and technological talent.

At this time, Shen Xi was led to his bed by Liu Chenguang, and Li Hong also walked over.

Li Hong said: "I am the leader of the scientific expedition team, and the scientists and leaders sent from China don't live here, they are all in the urban area of ​​Cairo.

You settle down first, and Chen Guang will bring you all your equipment later. This time, you are very clear about the mission.

I won't say much more, the time of entry is temporarily uncertain.

Members of scientific expedition teams from all over the world are on standby here.

After picking up the equipment, the communicator must be turned on 24 hours a day, and the distance from the camp cannot exceed [-] kilometers.

Must be available on call and ready to enter at any time.

What's more, the above explained that there should be no conflicts with foreign personnel, and you must be patient. "

After finishing speaking, Li Hong looked at Shen Xi, and Shen Xi nodded upon seeing this.

Li Hongcai turned and left in satisfaction.

At this time, Liu Chenguang said: "I'll get you the equipment, tell me how big your shoes are, and the size of your clothes..."

Shen Xi reported it casually, and Liu Chenguang left.

On the bed, many people are busy with their own affairs.

The most people play with mobile phones, and some of them close their eyes and rest their minds.

At this point of time, it is indeed not suitable to go out, outside in the sun, but it is stuffy in the barracks.

But Shen Xi didn't want to be unconventional, he leaned against the head of the bed, released his consciousness, and checked the camp area.

Around the barracks next door, 500 meters covered a large area, and the area he saw was very large.

There are Japanese, Koreans, Russians, and British and so on.

Sure enough, Americans are the most, both barracks are.

There are also many Indians, nearly 100 of them.

Other countries basically maintain dozens of people, some at least a dozen.

And just as Shen Xi was taking a nap and checking the personnel from various countries, Liu Chenguang came over with big bags and small bags.

There is also a lot of equipment, including firearms, pills, body armor, two sets of field uniforms, one set of field tools, personal first aid kits, communicators, mobile phones, small batteries, and so on.

Especially for small batteries, Shen Xi can feel a sense of crisis.

This is a nuclear battery.

It seems that entering the gate of time and space this time also brought out good things.

In fact, the equipment of all countries is not bad, basically the same, mainly items for survival in the wild.

There is also a special communicator and mobile phone to prevent separation.

Without the need for a transmission tower, you can contact and talk within a range of ten kilometers, and it also has a positioning function.

Waterproof and drop-proof, long-lasting standby, and can be charged with a small nuclear energy battery if there is no power.

Shen Xi can be regarded as gaining insight.

These things are not available in the market.

"The preparations are all here, and you should also familiarize yourself with the packing. All the items need to be placed in the nearest large backpack, and the pistol and dagger are matched with the waist and legs.

The rifle can be folded and hung on the body..."

Liu Chenguang carefully explained to Shen Xi, and seemed to know that Shen Xi was not from the military.

Shen Xi also learned humbly. After all, with so many people, it is impossible for him to send things into the Lost Realm, and he will have to run with his back when the time comes.

In the afternoon, Shen Xi also went to the bathroom to take a shower, and changed into the underwear jacket, shoes and socks in the equipment.

At dinner time, some people went to the big dining hall.

The huge base canteen can accommodate thousands of people for meals.

There is also Chinese food, which is very good.

It is estimated that it was specially arranged for personnel from various countries.

Shen Xi and Liu Chenguang sat and ate face to face, and there were also Chinese personnel nearby.

Some women ate and chatted, laughing from time to time, and seemed to have no worries about entering the gate of time and space.

Even, it can be seen that he is looking forward to it.

But at this moment, several Japanese passed by with a plate of rice, and one of them saw a Chinese woman with a very pretty smile.

Immediately, he laughed and said a few words in Japanese.

His face was also full of wretchedness.

After the man finished speaking, the other Japanese laughed loudly.

Seeing this, the Chinese personnel showed anger, but finally forbeared.

And that woman obviously understands Japanese, her face is frosty, and there is evil spirit in her eyes.

It surprised Shen Xi, who didn't expect this girl with a cute smile to have such an aura.

However, although the woman was furious, she restrained herself when she thought of the explanation above.

But the Japanese youth became more and more proud, and said another word, becoming more and more wretched.

He even stood at the table of those Chinese women and made fun of them.

Shen Xi smiled coldly and got up.

Seeing this, Liu Chenguang wanted to hold Shen Xi, but when Shen Xi stared, Liu Chenguang trembled all over, and retracted his hand.

Shen Xi walked over, with a smile on his face, and said: "I heard that the dead Japanese are good people, it seems that there is nothing wrong."

Shen Xi's words made all the Chinese personnel laugh out loud.

And those Japanese, who obviously also spoke Chinese, were cold and stern for a moment, putting on a vicious look.

Just like a vicious dog, what he likes most is to grin his teeth, and this Japanese also has this kind of virtue.

(End of this chapter)

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