Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 343 Chapter 351: What year is this eve

Chapter 343 Chapter 351: What year is this eve

Looking at it from this height, Shen Xi can see that it is a planet.

The blue planet, an aircraft, emerged from the clouds and flew into the distance.

When he focused his eyes, it seemed to be a Boeing airliner, and it seemed to be written with the logo of EgyptAir.

Earth, he is still on Earth.

Did not go to different time and space at all.

It was just thrown into the desert by the turbulence of time and space.

And it was still in Egypt, so it didn't fly very far.

How is this going?

Shen Xi felt a little unbelievable. He was swept by the distorted space-time wave before, and he clearly felt that he was traveling through endless time and space.

Otherwise, the power of the soul would not consume so much.

But in the end he is still on the earth, is it an illusion again?

Impossible, certainly not an illusion.

It is very likely that his consciousness was let go, which affected something.

Eventually he was bounced back by time and space.

It may also be related to his connection to the Lost Realm.

The Lost Realm is a fragment of the fairyland, which probably restricted the time-space gate to distort the time-space wave, causing conflicts and preventing him from entering the different time-space.

Shen Xi guessed wildly, various possibilities.

That's right, he had doubted before, why it took so long to travel through time and space, and he seemed to feel that he had traveled through a lot of time and space.

Thinking about it this way, it seems a little clear.

He couldn't enter any time and space, and was eventually bounced back to the origin by time and space.

Looking at the familiar earth, although Shen Xi was a little depressed, she was not very disappointed.

Maybe his guess was not correct, it might just be because of his separate consciousness.

It is also possible that its strength is too strong and restricted.

There is a round altar in his Lost Realm, and there are 16 black squares.

You can try it yourself later.

He must be able to find the reason why he did not enter the different time and space.

Of course, another point is that the gate of time and space is burst open, maybe it is already impossible to send people there.

But if he thought about it this way, it was very inconsistent with the time and space travel he soberly felt.

In the end, Shen Xi didn't think about it anymore, anyway, he couldn't figure it out.

Or go to Cairo to see what kind of impact it caused after the door of time and space exploded.

Immediately, Shen Xi changed his appearance, even if he was on Earth, he needed to conceal his identity.

Even, Long Aotian's identity can no longer be used.

After changing his appearance, Shen Xi thought about it, and finally put on a black material coat.

This black material does not reflect light, and it is not afraid of being photographed in broad daylight.

It was also a mass of black when photographed, so I couldn't see it clearly.

He quickly lowered his altitude, quickly passed through the clouds, and saw the land clearly.

After a little identification of the direction, he flew in the direction of Cairo.

In the distance, the huge pyramid can already be seen.

I also saw the urban area, row upon row of buildings.

But from a distance, there is a very regular circular area near the pyramid.

It seems that the entire circular area is surrounded by a huge wall, and there are not many buildings in it.

Looking at this circular area, Shen Xi knew that it was caused by the bursting of the time-space door and the distorted space-time wave.

But looking at the giant wall, he was very puzzled.

Just when he was a little puzzled, suddenly, a sense of crisis came.

A strange aircraft came towards him rapidly.

It's so fast, it's unbelievably fast.

It seemed to be in front of him in an instant.

And it seems to be locked, with weapons to attack.

There was almost no delay, Shen Xi chose to take off quickly under unknown circumstances.

And that aircraft also violated the laws of physics, turning and chasing him in an instant at high speed.

Shen Xi looked at the aircraft while increasing his speed.

There is no doubt that the product of foreign civilization.

It is a saucer-shaped aircraft, not big, about ten meters in diameter.

At this time, seeing such a thing, plus the huge wall before, Shen Xi knew in his heart that there might be a problem with the timing.

He returned to the earth, but in the process of traveling through time and space, the time of the earth has passed for a long time.

What's more, extraterritorial civilizations have entered the earth.

It is very likely that the door of time and space exploded, or in other words, it was caused by the mysterious power in the Pyramid of Khufu.

Of course, it is also possible that those who were involved in the space-time wave returned.

Without facing the little flying saucer head-on, Shen Xi decided to hide his strength first.

After finding out the situation, let's talk!

In a flash, the black material jacket combined with the control object, the speed is unimaginable.

The small flying saucer can't catch up at all, Shen Xi has already left the atmosphere and entered space, the speed is unimaginable.

It disappeared within the detection range of the small flying saucer in an instant.

Shen Xi didn't stop, and didn't change direction, and went straight to the high orbit of space.

Since there are extraterritorial civilizations, it is very likely that there are more advanced exploration satellites in earth orbit.

He didn't want to be exposed to unknown satellite surveillance.

Who knows what high technology the extraterritorial civilization has, not to mention the black material coat on his body, it might be something from this extraterritorial civilization.

Thousands of years ago, extraterritorial civilizations had black material coats. Such a magical product of technology may be even more powerful now that thousands of years have passed.

This black material coat is very magical, it is in the sky, not only can it breathe, but also isolate the temperature and external radiation.

Shen Xi felt as if he was in the atmosphere, there was no discomfort.

Far away from the earth, Shen Xi slowly slowed down.

He was not in a good mood.

What worries him is that he doesn't know how many years have passed.

If it has been decades, aren't his parents very old, or...

dare not think about it.

What's more, he disappeared for so many years. Will his parents and family members, who have super physical combat power, be targeted in the face of great changes?

Thinking of these, Shen Xi was very worried.

He began to change direction and flew towards East Asia.

While flying, always pay attention to the satellites in orbit.

Suddenly, Shen Xi felt as if something came from the depths of space.

Then I turned around to check, sure enough, the sensor was right, it was a spaceship, no, it was a space station.

The space station in high orbit is passing a few kilometers above him.

The shape of the space station is very strange, completely different from the previous cognition.

This is a technology that uses foreign civilizations. Due to the distance, it looks small, but Shen Xi knows that it is very big.

And under the sunlight, he can clearly see the symbol of the United States.

Seeing this sign, Shen Xi knew that the United States had come back to life again.

It must be colluding with foreign civilizations.

Thinking of this, Shen Xi made a thought, changed direction, and flew towards the space station.

In space, sound cannot be transmitted, but there are many monitoring probes outside the space station.

It is almost impossible not to be discovered, unless it is night, when the sun is not shining, and the black material coat does not reflect light, so it can approach silently.

But Shen Xi didn't think about these, because he knew that he might have been discovered by the space station just now.

That's one reason he's approaching, ready to destroy.

Anyway, even if they saw that he was a humanoid creature, but it was all black, he would not be recognized by others.

Of course, maybe Americans will recognize him as the black humanoid creature that appeared in Area 51.

(End of this chapter)

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