Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 345 Chapter 353: Extraterrestrial Mysterious Slate

Chapter 345 Chapter 353: Extraterrestrial Mysterious Slate
Tonight, Fu Guoyong has not rested yet.

There is a meeting in a secret agency to discuss the news released by NASA.

He had a hunch of something, but didn't tell anyone.

For some reason, that black humanoid creature made him feel that Shen Xi might be back.

Two years ago, when the gate of time and space exploded, various countries reported that Long Aotian was responsible for the sabotage, and sneaked into the underground space where the gate of time and space was located.

So Fu Guoyong knew that it was Shen Xi who did the sabotage.

It's just that I didn't expect that the door of time and space exploded, which inspired the real time and space tunnel in the Pyramid of Khufu.

Those who entered the gate of time and space and those who were affected and disappeared have returned one after another.

It also makes the human beings on the earth open up with another world outside the domain.

Bring back a lot of discoveries, as well as high-tech things.

However, that world is already a world of ruins.

It is incomparably huge, much bigger than the earth world, and I haven't figured it out for two years.

In the past two years, many countries have organized many scientific expedition teams to enter.

It is preliminarily estimated that the extraterritorial creatures are likely to have become extinct. The specific reason is unknown, and it is speculated that it was caused by the war.

With the high technology left over from civilizations outside the region, all countries are researching at full capacity.

But for some reason, the United States is still leading, constantly breaking through.

Soon some flying machines of extraterritorial civilizations were repaired and able to fly.

The space field is advancing by leaps and bounds, and it is already possible to go to the moon and Mars to develop minerals.

Moreover, they are all unmanned aircraft, and the artificial intelligence is estimated to have been improved.

All this puts a lot of pressure on countries.

Although the balance is maintained for the time being, it is because the US economy has just recovered a little.

Once its economy takes off with the help of high technology, it is likely to become more overbearing and arrogant at that time, and it may start a war.

With such an aircraft, all generations of aircraft in various countries have become decorations.

Fortunately, the United States cannot independently build an anti-gravity device.

Just repair the aircraft obtained from outside the domain.

In fact, some countries have also obtained some, but they have been repaired to be usable. For some reason, they are far behind the United States.

Especially the large flying saucer that Shen Xi handed over last time, it is still impossible to enter it.

I don't even know where the door is.

Even if you know it, you can't open it.

Thinking of Shen Xi, Fu Guoyong remained silent, wondering if that humanoid creature was Shen Xi.

But whether it is or not, the destruction of the US space station and cargo spacecraft is also a good thing.

Now the United States is concentrating on building cargo spacecraft, thinking about the helium-3 resources on the moon, it is very likely that they already have the technology to develop helium-3 into new weapons.

This is not a good phenomenon. If helium 3 is used as an energy source, it does not matter, but as a weapon, it is terrible.

Scientists from all over the world suspect that the United States has obtained some high-tech materials outside the region, not just making helium-3 into more powerful nuclear weapons.

There are likely to be different ways of making weapons as well.

Just thinking about the ruins in the extraterritorial world makes people tremble with fear.

A highly developed civilization has become extinct and turned into ruins.

What kind of weapon can have such terrifying power?

Of course, with so many scientific expedition teams entering, the area of ​​exploration is actually not large, and new discoveries may be made soon.

After the meeting ended, Fu Guoyong left quietly.

He has been looking forward to Shen Xi's return.

So many people have returned from the extraterritorial world, bringing back many strange things, but Shen Xi has not heard a little bit of news for two years.

This is so unreasonable.

Long Aotian's file was sealed up, and Shen Xi's file was also sealed up.

No one in the countries knows that Long Aotian is Shen Xi, and the United States thinks that Shen Xi is dead until now.

The cancer drug research conducted by several countries has also gone bankrupt.

Without any research results, all countries have lost a lot.

Domestic scientific research institutions have been cultivating the elixir fruit tree handed over by Shenxi, and it has produced two or three fruits, but it doesn't have much medicinal effect.

It can only be said that a new variety of fruit has been cultivated.

But it's not bad, at least this kind of fruit tastes good, and it belongs to the top fruit variety.

Preparations have been made for large-scale seedling cultivation and promotion of planting.

It's fortunate that Shen Xi is no longer here, otherwise according to the logic of robbers in Europe and the United States, the cancer treatment drug has not been developed, and Shen Xi might be asked to pay compensation.

Thinking of this, Fu Guoyong couldn't help but smile.

This Shen Xi probably already knew that no one would be able to research it.

The cunning guy is doing a business that doesn't lose money.

He handed over two copies of the cancer medicine and one fruit tree for removing foreign substances to the country in exchange for a lot of resources from the country. He is really a white wolf with empty gloves!
Especially for cooperation with various countries, no wonder this guy doesn't want shares, just cash.

Good guy, not only fooled the country, but also fooled all countries once, earning billions of euros.

Now in the eyes of all countries, the Shenxi people are also dead, and there is no way to get back the place.

The funds have even entered the country, and the United States, Britain, and Japan can't do nothing if they want to freeze them.

Sitting in the car, Fu Guoyong was thinking about all this, thinking about what Shen Xi did when he was around.

It has to be said that he admires Shen Xi very much.

I also miss Shen Xi very much.

It would be great if Shen Xi was still there.

It's a pity that this guy went to the outer world and doesn't plan to come back.

Yes, Fu Guoyong is not worried that something will happen to Shen Xi, so many people are safe and sound, how could something happen to Shen Xi.

Shen Xi hasn't returned in the past two years. He thinks that this guy is obsessed with exploring the extraterrestrial world, too deep.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated, and he picked it up to see that it was a confidential message from an intelligence officer.

Soon, he was attracted by a message.

: Three days ago, a scientific expedition team from the United States returned to the temporary base for supplies, and brought back a mysterious stone tablet, which felt very heavy, and had been sent back to the original world.

Mysterious slate?

Seeing the words "mysterious slate", Fu Guoyong paid great attention to them.

He couldn't help thinking of the Celestial Book Stele in ancient legends, and the Jade Record in ancient Egyptian legends.

Of course, it doesn't have to be all of these, it is very likely to be the same thing as the Jade Record of the Heavenly Book Stele.

It was sent back to the earth world three days ago, and European and American countries should be studying it in the past two days.

As long as you stare at their next move, you might be able to see some clues.

Just when Fu Guoyong thought of this, the phone vibrated again.

: This afternoon, personnel from the United States and Britain went to the depths of the Sahara Desert.

: This afternoon, a US expedition team entered the Yucatan Peninsula.

Seeing these two pieces of information from different places, they have an unusual consistency.

Fu Guoyong realized that it was probably related to the mysterious stone tablet discovered three days ago.

This is in the extraterritorial world, and we have found clues for extraterritorial creatures to enter the earth's space in ancient times!
It is very likely that the Sahara Desert and the Yucatan Peninsula hide shocking secrets.

Maybe it involves clues about the destruction of the extraterritorial world.

At this moment, Fu Guoyong's expression became serious.

Shen Xi didn't know about Fu Guoyong, and had already begun to suspect that he had returned.

After visiting the Gu family compound, he left.

If everything is fine, then you can go to the island to see.

In the middle of the night, Shen Xi arrived on the island.

Well, he saw Sun Xiu'e, Fang Jishi and others.

To his surprise, Du Yueqing was also on the island.

At the foot of a hill, a villa manor was built, the old man would really enjoy it, a good place with green mountains and green waters.

There is not one villa manor, there is another one next to Du Yueqing's villa manor, needless to say it must be Gu Baixun's.

Shen Xi was also very happy about this.

He also hoped that the two of them could live here. His hilltop castle manor was not too far away.

After carefully looking at Quan Dao Zai, Shen Xi was very satisfied.

Well done, the industrial zone was not built, but Sun Xiu'e developed the tourism industry.

Therefore, the island is built beautifully, like a fairy mountain overseas, a paradise.

Sea fishing, homestays, and the light steel villas he asked to build, there are already thousands of them, and they have become a good place for young people in Shanghai to relax.

Come here and rent a villa, and you can live comfortably for a period of time.

It's just that in the current season, there are not many people living in the light steel villa area, but the number is only compared to the huge number of villas.

Very good, Shen Xi is really satisfied.

This Sun Xiu'e is a talent.

Due to his absence, the pharmaceutical factory and scientific research laboratory could not be started, and the construction of the island cost a huge amount of money, so it was impossible to just leave it deserted.

Sun Xiu'e used it to engage in tourism and revitalize the economy.

It also makes the island now enter a virtuous circle.

Shen Xi is naturally happy about this.

The island is so big and so mountainous, he also hopes to be more lively and popular.

It is impossible for him to stay in the castle manor every day in the future.

Occasionally come to stay, but also want to be popular and lively.

(End of this chapter)

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