Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 356 Chapter 364: I am not his match

Chapter 356 Chapter 364: I am not his match

Going out to sea to fish is a feeling to enjoy.

In the sun, sparkling, a deck chair and a few fishing rods.

If you use the power of your mind, you can fill a boat full of seafood in minutes.

Of course, Shen Xi used his divine sense first to send a lot of seafood to the Lost Realm.

Enough to feed thousands of people.

Give everyone a change of taste.

If you can't finish eating, just put it in a large cold storage. The cold storage is powered by solar energy. The top of the entire cold storage is covered with power generation panels.

Like a small solar power plant.

On the luxury yacht, Zhu Changchuan saw the news on his mobile phone and showed it to Shen Xi.

It has been three days since they were at sea, drifting with the current, they all drifted outside the first island chain.

Shen Xi opened his eyes, glanced at Zhu Changchuan's cell phone, and said, "Hurry up and get a seafood feast, let's have a drink later."

Then continue to close your eyes and meditate.

He doesn't care about all the clowns.

However, Gu Linyu of the Gu family managed to defuse the international pressure.

Now is not the time to make a move, let it ferment again.

Anyway, all the countries only have thunder but no rain, and no one dares to really come to him.

Even if he has a mutant, Shen Xi probably won't rush to seek death.

The scene in front of the pyramid has only passed a few days.

The top leaders of various countries are not fools, and they will not waste hard-won mutants.

As for Gu Linyu in China, Shen Xi was too lazy to care about it.

The Gu family didn't dare to do anything, it was just shouting.

Zhu Changchuan chuckled, put away his phone and went to get a seafood feast.

And Shenxi was not clean, a fishing rod ran off the line in an instant, it was a fish.

Shen Xi didn't use his consciousness, he jumped up and went to fish excitedly.

But at this moment, the satellite phone rang.

Shen Xi saw that it was Fu Guoyong calling, and while holding the shaking fishing rod, he connected it.

"Shen Xi, everything on the list has been arranged, and each address has been sent to you. You can check the documents."

"Okay, trouble."

"Mr. Qin asked me to tell you that you must restrain yourself from what the Longwei Bureau in China does, and don't care about them."

"I know, it's just a small fish and shrimp, how could I, besides, in the current domestic Dragon Guard Bureau, mutants are hard to come by.

The number is not large, and I will not shoot them.

However, you are really relieved to leave it to the Gu family to take over? "

"Oh, there is no way. The result of the game between the forces of all parties, especially among the mutants, less than half are the hands of the Gu family."

"Okay, not much to say, I still have to go fishing..."

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi dropped the satellite phone and began to fight with the big fish.

The joy of fishing is to enjoy the process.

While fishing for big fish in Shenxi Pacific Ocean, the Pentagon welcomed Isabella.

Isabella has silver hair and strange and mysterious eyes.

The flash of green light was full of arrogance and indifference.

The high-ranking military officers all stood to greet them with smiling faces, but Isabella ignored them.

Look here, go there, it seems like a day trip to the Pentagon.

The high-ranking military dared not speak out, and many people's eyes were filled with anger for the woman's contempt.

These people who have been used to being arrogant all this time, when were they so underestimated.

Or rather, neglect.

But one by one still held back.

We all know that this woman is not simple, with wings of light on her back, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground.

It is very similar to the angels in faith.

Fortunately, in the end, Isabella sat down in the huge multimedia conference room.

But after sitting down, many people were upset again.

For Isabella is the chief.

But I endured it.

Can't bear it, no one dares to yell.

Everyone sat down and opened the video link to the Allies.

"I know your purpose, you want to use me to deal with Shen Xi, but I can tell you, get rid of this idea."

Isabella got straight to the point and said in a cold voice.

CIA Director Bacon was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Isabella smiled coldly at him, then looked around at everyone, "I am not his opponent, I don't want to seek death, if you want, then go.

Also, don't look for me in the future, I'm not interested in you.

Don't let people search for my traces, otherwise, his mutation ability will become the root cause of his death. "

After finishing speaking, Isabella got up and walked slowly towards the door.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this woman was too simple and straightforward.

There is not even the slightest room for negotiation.

On the big screen, the top leaders of various countries are all dumbfounded.

No one dared to stop them, these people were afraid of death.

Although I have never seen Isabella make a move, but just the wings of light make people frightened.

Thinking about those mutants with all kinds of abilities, no one doubts that Isabella is super strong.

After leaving the Pentagon, Isabella's wings of light flashed, and with a slight shake, she flew away in an instant.

It disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But what everyone doesn't know is that great changes have taken place in the extraterritorial world.

Bai Dongping led the remaining dozens of people, running desperately.

Almost all were injured, and one or two had lost an arm.

Blood dripping, miserable.

Near them, there is also a fleeing team, which is equally miserable.

Everyone was frightened, and there was great fear in their eyes.

In the ruins of another huge city, in a dilapidated solitary building, people from the Treasure Hunting Alliance are repairing. They don't know that the god of death is about to come.

Wu Qing and Tan Wei are on the platform outside the building, whispering to each other.

Both of them are field outfits, very capable.

But from his face and eyes, he could see fatigue.

Rand and the others gathered in the house, lighting a bonfire, and the Mayfair sisters leaned against each other, dozing off.

Erif drank vodka, Rand smoked a big cigar.

All around are dilapidated brothers.

This time they went deep and found the ruins of this huge city, but it was a step late. Several teams had already arrived before them, and all the good things were looted.

Their gains are not much, and they are all worthless things.

And no better place to hide the treasure was found.

"Rand, where did you say Shen went?"

Erif suddenly asked, Rand shook his head, but remained silent.

Not to mention, the two of them really missed Shen Xi these two years.

If Shenxi is here and takes them into the extraterritorial world, it will definitely gain the most, and it will not be worse than the official armies of various countries.

But for the past two years, there has been no news from Shen Xi.

It has been more than two months since they came in this time, and it is not known whether Shen Xi has returned.

In the extraterritorial world, although the space-time tunnel is open, it is impossible to communicate.

All signals are blocked.

In the end, Rand took a deep puff of the cigar, puffed it out, and whispered in the clouds: "I believe, he will come back."

Erif stroked his beard and grinned, "I believe it too!"

Outside the house, on the dilapidated platform, Wu Qing at this moment, looking at the gray sky, whispered, "Where is Brother Shen?"

Tan Wei sighed, "This world is too big, and the weather is also unpredictable and extremely weird. Brother Shen probably has gone deep. Maybe he will have a big harvest and a big discovery."

Wu Qing nodded, agreeing very much.

(There is no update at night, and I also wish all book friends in advance, a happy new year, a lot of money in the new year, and all the best!)
(End of this chapter)

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