Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 361 Chapter 369: 2 Lost

Chapter 361 Chapter 369: Both losers
"You'd better return the ring to me. You can't control the contents inside."

Isabella said, Shen Xi heard the words, and thought it was true, this is a thing of space.

"Can you control it?"

With a joking smile, Shen Xi asked.

What Shen Xi means is that if you can control it, I can control it.

Isabella was speechless, with a fierce look in her eyes, but there was nothing she could do about Shenxi.

Now that there is no space-time cannon, she is no match for Shen Xi.

Seeing Isabella's sudden silence and just staring at him, Shen Xi suddenly realized that there might be more than just the space-time cannon in the black ring.

Isabella, the space-time cannon, can control it, and even shot him once.

"I'd like to know, did you occupy Isabella's body, or what."

"Hmph, the mystery of the soul is not something that you can understand, nor can it be explained by your little civilization and technology.

Give me back the ring, and I'll tell you..."

Hearing the words, Shen Xi chuckled, "Then don't ask this, why are you returning to the extraterritorial world at this time?"

Isabella kept silent, and when Shen Xi saw this, a huge black sword appeared in his hand.

The black giant sword dug out of Sanxingdui.

Seeing the black giant sword, Isabella panicked, but recovered quickly.

But Shen Xi has seen that Isabella is afraid of this sword.

Immediately sneered, it seemed that this sword could kill weird creatures between reality and fiction.

In an instant, Shen Xi had a bottom line in his heart.

In the ruins of the ancient underground city in Area 51, he obtained weapons made of black matter.

You can create a regiment.

It seems that in ancient times, humans in the extraterritorial world had found weapons to kill strange creatures.

As for what Isabella said just now, people in the earth world will become weird creatures like them in the future, Shen Xi still can't really understand it yet.

And at this moment, the light wings behind Isabella suddenly ignited.

Makes the mind take control and is instantly torn apart.

Shen Xi only felt a twinge of pain in his soul, and in desperation, he swung his sword and slashed at Isabella.

But Isabella was also desperate at this time. With both sides hurt, she had already fled away, disappeared in an instant, and rushed into the space-time tunnel.

And Shen Xi also slashed through the air with one sword, causing even more headaches.

Yes, his soul was traumatized.

Originally, I took out the giant sword, but I didn't even think about really killing Isabella.

In any case, Isabella is also innocent, but her body was taken over by a strange creature.

It is very likely that there will be a way to save Isabella in the future.

He just wanted to scare the other party and be able to ask more things.

Unexpectedly, the other party fled desperately.

Also hurt his soul.

But tonight also gained a lot. Although I don't know whether what Isabella said is true or not, it should be almost the same.

Especially getting the black ring, this is a huge gain.

After getting back the space-time cannon, he can go to several other places to put together the world war artifact.

Put it all together, maybe you can conquer the core.

Find out the truth of space and time.

But the most urgent thing is to retreat quickly.

With his soul traumatized, it was meaningless to stay here.

What's more, the previous vision and Isabella's return to the space-time tunnel also made Shen Xi realize something unusual.

Maybe, after the visions appear, there will be some changes.

Hurry up and retreat.

Immediately, Shen Xi slowly flew up to the base, and then, resisting the sting of the soul, drove the giant base to leave quickly.

The giant flying saucer disappeared in an instant, and the hovering helicopters, drones, etc. all lost their targets.

The top leaders of various countries are also strange.

I don't understand what happened between Shen Xi and Isabella just now.

The two seemed to have a falling out, and Isabella ran away and entered the space-time tunnel.

And Shen Xi seemed to be very weak, and also disappeared in a giant flying saucer.

Escaping into the sky, Shen Xi wanted to go back to the island off the coast of the magic capital first.

There are still a lot of infrastructure on the island, so that Bai Dongping and the mercenaries can have a place to stay.

And he also needs to enter the Lost Realm to recuperate.

Also checking the black ring, and thinking about what Isabella said.

There was chaos in his head, and his thinking was overturned by what Isabella said.

If that's true, then he wasn't a real person all along.

Where is the real time and space?

Where should he go?

Who did the Lost Realm and all of his things?
What is the purpose?
Opening the space-time tunnel, there are so many merit points, which is abnormal in itself.

It seems that opening another time and space is a great merit.

Wouldn't killing extraterritorial creatures be infinitely meritorious?


Infinite skills?

The more Shen Xi thought about it, the more chaotic he became.

But I quickly figured out that it is the butterfly effect time and space produced by the space-time ripples, which is also the real time and space.

It's just not the main time and space.

Isabella meant that only the main space-time would not perish, and the butterfly-effect space-time would eventually be silent.

What kind of time and space is the Lost Realm?
Fragments of Wonderland?

Does that mean that the time and space in Wonderland is the main time and space?
Of course, these are all speculations, and Shen Xi can't figure it out now.

Sitting in front of the light steel villa, Shen Xi closed his eyes and meditated, Bai Dongping and others did not dare to disturb him.

One by one, they are also amazed at this huge flying saucer that can fly.

Because of this, he became more and more in awe of Shen Xi.

A man like a god, flying into the sky and escaping from the earth.

Bai Dongping, Han Feng, and Cheng Hu began to look at the giant flying saucer curiously.

The sky was turning and the stars were moving, and the speed of the giant flying saucer was very fast. The three of them couldn't feel the slightest wind, and the three of them were amazed.

Coming near the edge and looking at the city lights passing by rapidly below, this moment made the three of them feel like they were in a dream.



But at this moment, several shocking pillars of light shot up into the sky, filled with colorful light, and went straight to Egypt.


At this moment, the world seemed to be shaking.

Even the giant flying saucer, which had been unusually stable for a long time, began to shake.

This is the power of time and space.

The vibration of the entire time and space, everything in this time and space cannot be avoided.

Surprised, Shen Xi opened his eyes, got up and flew into the air, looking towards Egypt.

Sure enough, his premonition was very accurate, the appearance of the vision of heaven and earth was not so simple.

It is estimated that it is aimed at the space-time tunnel.

The ancients in the outer world hid treasures on the earth for the time-space tunnel.

It is to prevent strange creatures from entering this world.

Shen Xi guessed in his heart.

What is the specific truth, or why, he can only think on the bright side.

The space-time tunnel is blocked, so he can rest assured.

You can heal with peace of mind.

What is the purpose of the ancients outside the territory, he has no way to understand now.

He is not too worried about the weird creatures that have infiltrated the earth world.

Since the powerful Isabella is afraid of black matter weapons, then he has nothing to worry about.

The only worry is that these weird creatures will not be exposed.

This is the most terrible.

Can occupy anyone's body, who knows who is the strange creature?

But there was nothing he could do about it.

No matter how powerful it is, it cannot truly control the world.

Just like dealing with a nuclear crisis, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Heart is more than enough!

What's more, after listening to Isabella's words, he seems to have been affected, and he doesn't care much about this world anymore.

What he thought in his heart was to heal his injuries and go to all over the world to search for those treasures.

Then go find the truth of time and space!
(End of this chapter)

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