Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 378 Chapter 386: Like a dream

Chapter 378 Chapter 386: Like a dream
I don't know how long it has passed, but Shen Xi regained consciousness.

I just feel like I had a dream, a long, long dream.

A very strange very strange dream.

When I opened my eyes, the light was so bright that I couldn't see clearly.

It took him a while to get used to it, and what he saw was the ceiling, a snow-white ceiling.

In the nose is the unique smell of disinfectant in the hospital.

He was stunned for a while, and then let out a wry smile.

Chaotic time and space again?

No, it seems not, maybe the current him is the real one.

And at this moment, two people had a conversation outside the door of the ward.

A woman said: "Director Liu, Shen Xi has been in a vegetable state for more than six months, and there is almost no possibility of waking up. Out of humanity, I think the tube can be extubated."

A man responded honestly: "Oh! He is an orphan, I'll go ask Dean Lin for instructions, and he will be extubated tonight!
You contact the administrative department and make a record..."


The sound outside the ward door disappeared, and Shen Xi realized that he was still connected with a bunch of tubes.

He was indifferent, still staring blankly at the ceiling.

Sure enough, he has been in a vegetable state for more than six months.

Are the things in the memory all dreamy and chaotic time and space?
Or was it his dream of more than six months?

Why is it in a vegetable state for more than six months?
Did he fall from a building in a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine?
Or was it hit by the giant hand that blocked the sky?

Shen Xi's only memories of why he was in a vegetable state for more than six months, that is, these are true and false, reality and dreams, he has been completely confused.

Most importantly, no new memories emerge.

Let him not know what state he is in now.

Is it the real world, or the chaotic time and space.

Habitually check consciousness, where is the illusory map.

Where is the consciousness!
What's more, he couldn't see what lost state, everything was fake, it was his subconscious hallucination when he was in a vegetative state.

Shen Xi was unwilling to accept this reality in his heart, and a huge sense of loss filled his heart.

But he knew that everything before was just a dream.

The memory is full of everything in the dream, so real, so weird and bizarre.

such a pity!
It would be great if he always existed in the dream world like that.

Has it been more than six months?

It seems that the dream world is also more than six months old, right?
It should be calculated from the adventure, but unfortunately, they are all subconscious illusions.

So who is he?

Hearing what the two outside the door said just now, his name is still Shen Xi.

But also heard that he was an orphan.

He was not familiar with the voices of the two people outside the door.

Very strange, very strange.

If everything is fake, what is real?
Is he still a doctor?

Are you still in the hospital?
At this moment, Shen Xi was completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, a doctor and a nurse pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing Shen Xi's eyes open, both of them showed surprise.

It was because the heart computer wave data at the nurse's station was abnormal, so the two came to check it.

Unexpectedly, the patient who had been in a vegetable state for more than six months really woke up.

It's a miracle, it's amazing.

And Shen Xi also looked sideways at the two of them, but he was taken aback when he saw their faces.

Tian Mengmeng and Liu Xiaodan?
Staring at the two of them in a daze, Shen Xi had a strange look in his eyes.

Is he really a doctor?

Did he become a vegetable because he was blown downstairs by the strange wind?
But what about before?
Don't you have a family?
How did you become an orphan?

Thinking of this, Shen Xi became confused again, and wanted to say something, but there was a tube in his throat, so he couldn't speak.

Looking at Tian Mengmeng and Liu Xiaodan again, although they looked pleasantly surprised, there was no sense of familiarity in his eyes.

Not right, really not right.

Tian Mengmeng and Liu Xiaodan didn't seem to be familiar with him.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, so if Shen Xi can't feel that familiarity, he knows that he is not a doctor.

Of course, he also guessed again, whether this is another period of chaotic time and space.

While Shen Xi was thinking wildly, Tian Mengmeng and Liu Xiaodan started to help Shen Xi extubate.

The first time he was able to speak, Shen Xi asked softly: "Why am I here?"

Liu Xiaodan smiled politely at him, and said, "You were seriously injured, fell into a deep coma, and were placed at the entrance of the Chinese Medicine Hospital. It was more than six months ago..."

"Who sent me here?"

Shen Xi continued to ask, and Tian Mengmeng continued: "The surveillance only saw a car, and you were thrown out of the car.

The car had no license plate, and the police couldn't find out who it was.

But you have an ID card on you, and you can find your information. You are an orphan and grew up in an orphanage, but other information is gone.

Here, and this, a pendant with your name on it..."

While talking, Tian Mengmeng picked up a small emerald green jade tablet on Shen Xi's chest, and waved it in front of Shen Xi's eyes.

Seeing this small emerald green jade tablet, Shen Xi felt as if struck by lightning.

Jade slate?

I go!

How did it become his pendant?
Except for the size, they are exactly the same.

Sure enough, he saw the word Shenxi written on the small jade tablet.

But then, Shen Xi remembered the pendant of the black material jacket inlaid on his chest, so he raised his neck and looked hard at his chest.

A black birthmark appeared in his eyes.

Is it a birthmark?
Or a tattoo?

Stretching out his hand, Shen Xi touched it slowly.

There is no three-dimensional feeling, only the feeling of touching the skin, pressing and pressing, but I don't feel anything embedded in it.

Liu Xiaodan and Tian Mengmeng looked at Shen Xi with strange eyes.

I don't understand why this guy touched the birthmark on his chest?
Sensing the strange eyes of the two, Shen Xi smiled effortlessly, and then asked, "Did we know each other before?"

Liu Xiaodan and Tian Mengmeng didn't know why, but they both shook their heads.

At this point, Shen Xi also understood.

Instead of asking these questions, he changed the subject and said, "When can I be discharged from the hospital?"

Liu Xiaodan said: "It's better to recuperate. You have been lying down for more than six months and your body is very weak. We will prepare some high-nutrition medicine for you in the past two days.

This is because you have no money, if you have money, a shot of genetic medicine can make you alive..."

"Gene medicine?"

Shen Xi was very surprised, suddenly, he realized that this time and space might be different from what he understood.

He immediately asked, "Where are all my belongings?"

At this time, Tian Mengmeng took out a plastic box from the cabinet next to the hospital bed.

After opening it, show Shen Xi everything.

Shen Xi saw a card, Tian Mengmeng said it was an ID card, but Shen Xi was very novel.

Is this an ID card?

An all black card that feels like a chip.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Mengmeng took out a black ring, which completely stunned Shen Xi.

black ring?

Isn't this snatched from the mutated Isabella?

After returning from the chaotic time and space, the black ring disappeared.

Didn't expect to see it again now.

This is too fucking weird.

I don't know if there is a small space inside this black ring, or if there is a mysterious and strange black coffin.

(Chun sleepy and autumn tired, I slept, the update is late!)
(End of this chapter)

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