Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 387 Chapter 397: Unstoppable situation

Chapter 387 Chapter 397: Unstoppable situation
After coaxing the little girl away, Shen Xi continued to look at the fragments of the jade seal with consciousness.

Among the fragments of the jade seal, those pictures and texts were scanned by the divine sense, and unconsciously, they were engraved deep in Shen Xi's memory.

Shen Xi thought about the previous light and shadow, as well as what he said.

He felt that after he came back from England this time, he would go to see the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

Maybe something will be discovered.

In the long history of 5000 years, Qin Shihuang has to be said to be a mysterious and controversial figure.

There is also modern excavation and archaeology, so many imperial tombs have been excavated.

Why is it that no one has dared to move the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor even though he knew its location?

Is its archaeological significance not great enough?
Or something else unknown to ordinary people?
Are the terracotta warriors and horses, which cost countless manpower and material resources, just buried with them?
At this moment, Shen Xi couldn't help thinking of these.

It is also a point of doubt for many people in the society.

Unknowingly, Shen Xi thought a lot again.

This night, Shen Xi seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, thinking about many things in his head.

Like thinking, but also like dreaming.

Between half-dream and half-awake, he seemed to feel some familiarity, as if someone called him again in the dream, a very familiar voice.

But after dawn, he woke up still full of energy.

He didn't take the familiarity of someone calling him seriously.

People often have a sense of familiarity as if they have experienced it before. In daily life, from time to time, they will feel that very familiar scenes seem to have happened.

Science cannot explain this either.

Let go of your consciousness, and the little girl downstairs and Zhu Changchuan have already woken up.

The little girl was nestling on the sofa watching TV while Zhu Changchuan was making breakfast.

Zhu Changchuan still glanced at the little girl from time to time, with vigilance in his eyes.

He seemed to be able to feel that the little girl was stronger than him, plus she was unfamiliar, so he was very vigilant.

Seeing this, Shen Xi couldn't help but smile slightly.

The little girl has a childlike innocence, limited experience, and no scheming.

But her name, Shen Xi has always felt unreal.

Whether it was intentional to deceive him, or what, he couldn't judge.

The three of them ate breakfast, and Shen Xi took Zhu Changchuan with him, soaring into the sky, straight up to the sky.

The little girl also smiled foolishly, as if a little competitive, she flew away in an instant, chasing after Shen Xi and the other two.

Shen Xi did not go directly to London, but went to the Chagos Islands first.

Like inspecting the territory, he wanted to see the base on the island and the evacuation situation.

The three of them were very fast, and they reached the sky over the Indian Ocean in just over an hour.

Passing over the Maldives Islands at high speed, it caused countless people to take pictures and exclaim.

It was Shen Xi's intention, they flew very low.

It is to make people discover and create influence.

Since it is high-profile, then continue to be high-profile, so that it can put pressure on Britain and the United States.

To shock the whole world.

Although the world is in turmoil and the economy is chaotic, look at the beaches of the Maldives, there are so many people.

It can be seen how some people live or live.

Shen Xi didn't want to bring down the world, it was just for revenge.

By the way, re-establish the economic order.

What is being attacked is European and American hegemony, just like the current Chagos Islands, which also serves multiple purposes.

It's not just for a site.

It is also to suppress the robber thinking of the European and American powers.

Let them also experience the feeling of being bullied and oppressed.

Soon we arrived at the Chagos Islands. This sea area is dotted with islands, like pearls inlaid on the blue sea.

They are all uninhabited islands, except for the islands where several military bases are located.

Shen Xi had read the information before, and the aborigines here were all expelled by Britain and the United States.

Sent to Mauritius.

Thousands of islands have become their resources.

They call for human rights and democracy every day, but what they do is against humanity.

The hypocrisy is disgusting.

Shen Xi thought to himself, could these Europeans and Americans be the descendants of extraterrestrial civilizations, and they did not belong to the earth species.

Of course, he was joking.

But it made him aware of its possibility.

Several major ancient civilizations have a history of five to six thousand years, but the history of the white people is very short, and this is something wrong.

Maybe there is a problem with its origin.

A distracting thought caused Shen Xi to make other guesses.

Before he knew it, he also arrived at the island where the military base and port were located, and Shen Xi's expression turned cold.

It has been almost two days, and the island is not yet ready for evacuation.

Does this mean that he can negotiate and let him give up?

Well, that being the case, let's break these people's illusions.

Flying around several places in the military base once again aroused the high tension of the soldiers in the military base.

And the little girl, Feng Ji, was looking around, very curious.

She also likes the scenery here, the blue sea and blue sky, the coconut groves on the beach, especially the atolls, are just so beautiful.

Shen Xi didn't touch these people, since he talked about it for three days, it will be three days.

After seeing the situation, Shen Xi took Zhu Changchuan and the little girl, and the three of them headed straight towards England at high speed.

Flying over the East African plateau, overlooking the vast land.

But the little girl suddenly grabbed Shen Xi's arm.

"Another person is coming..."

Shen Xi slowed down, the three of them stood floating in the air, Shen Xi looked at the little girl in doubt.

"There is a breath of boundary, it seems that someone over there has entered again, just like me."

Shen Xi understood that the people from outside the Light Gate had entered the earth world again.

It was already close to the Egyptian pyramids, and the little girl felt it.

"What is the purpose of your entry? For me?"

Shen Xi asked, the little girl shook her head, "Last time it was for you, I don't know this time, generally speaking, if the task cannot be completed, it will not enter frequently."

The little girl looked puzzled, and she didn't seem to be lying.

As for Shen Xi, it is related to the mutation of the emerald slabs and jade seal fragments in the Lost Realm.

Probably still for him.

The most important thing is probably because of the emerald slate.

That thing probably traveled across time and space and leaked something.

This is not impossible.

It seems that sending the emerald slab into the Lost Realm is still ill-considered!
But it also inspired the jade seal fragments, so it can't be said to be a bad thing.

"Last time we received an oracle from the upper realm to kill you..."

The little girl didn't need Shen Xi to ask, she started to talk, and told many secrets that Shen Xi didn't know.

Shen Xi was terrified when he heard it, oracle?
Upper Bound?

On the other side of the Guangmen world, is there an upper realm?
No, thinking of the emerald slab sent by the Gate of Time and Space, Shen Xi suddenly thought of something.

Perhaps, the upper realm over there is likely to be like the gate of time and space.

This may all be manipulated by the giant black side.

Because of the emerald slab, it has already explained a lot.

Names and surnames, illusion of appearance, playing tricks.

This is so fake.

He even let people from another time and space come to assist him in chasing and killing him.

Can't the giant black square kill him?
Maybe that's why.

Giant Black couldn't kill him, so he did it.

At this moment, Shen Xi looked solemn, and he looked at the little girl.

Interrupting the little girl, she asked, "Tell me honestly, what is your real name?"

The little girl was stunned, puzzled in her eyes.

Suddenly, Shen Xi's soul was shaken, and he directly sent the power of the soul into the little girl's head.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he performed a soul search.

The moment the power of the soul entered, Shen Xi felt something was wrong.

The power of the soul is oscillating at high frequency, and it is also searching its memory at high speed.

For a moment, it seems like a long time.

The little girl shuddered, her eyes suddenly burst into blue light.

And the power of Shen Xi's soul was also shaken out by it.

At this moment, Shen Xi looked very cold.

Sure enough, the little girl was unconsciously implanted with a false memory.

This giant black square is really powerful.

Makes it impossible to guard against.

What kind of jade seal fragments devoured the emerald slabs, what kind of secrets of Tianxu, mysterious pictures and texts.

all fake.

It was the emerald slab that transformed the jade seal fragments into crystal clear jade seal fragments, just to imprint the picture and text into his soul.

All of this is also taking advantage of the little girl Ji Qing Shengnv.

Yes, this girl is called Ji Qing, after the soul search, Shen Xi instantly knew everything about her.

I also know what kind of world it is on the other side of the Guangmen world.

Using the implanted false memory, let Ji Qing deliberately guide him to pass on the national jade seal.

Immediately afterwards, the jade seal fragments and jade slabs in the Lost Realm mutated.

It seems that the jade slab was swallowed by the jade slab, but in fact it was the jade slab that swallowed the jade slab.

Powerful, really hard to guard against.

Right now, I just don't know what is so scary about those pictures and texts that have been imprinted into the soul.

But Shen Xi wasn't very worried.

He believes that these pictures and texts can't kill him, if the giant black can kill him so easily.

It won't take such a big setback.

Ji Qing also had a miserable expression at this time, with horror in his eyes.

She also realized that she had entered the illusion.


But at this moment, in the Gobi Desert of Lop Nur, the blood-golden dog Dabai was besieged and killed by the three-eyed monster and the man with the golden mask.

Dabai was already scarred and exhausted.

It has been fighting for too long, and it has almost exhausted its strength.

The three-eyed weirdo and the man in the golden mask were equally exhausted.

Dealing with the existence of peak mid-level spirit beasts is not so easy.

(Book friends are not confused, right?)

(End of this chapter)

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