Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 42 042: Fighting the Disabled, Acting

Chapter 42 042: Fighting the Disabled, Acting

Shen Xi's speed was too fast, and immediately, he punched A Biao unconscious.

After solving A Biao, he breathed a sigh of relief, followed by the astonished Lu Ading, who slapped him down.

As for Zheng Long, he went up and kicked his arm that was in plaster.

Zheng Long let out a miserable howl, piercing his heart.

In the silent night, the sound was quite frightening.

But Shen Xi kicked again, broke his other arm, and crushed his two legs, directly making Zheng Long faint in pain.

Then there was Lu Ading, who was knocked unconscious with a slap, and woke up alive the moment his leg bone was broken.

But when the other leg was broken, he passed out again.

Over and over again, die and die.

Just like what Shen Xi said to Gu Youxuan, the doctor became cold-blooded, it was really cold-blooded.

Shen Xi is like this at this time.

Understand the anatomy of the human body, where it hurts the most and where it is most vulnerable.

But from beginning to end, he did not take off his mask, nor did he take off his hood.

Therefore, Lu Ading and the three of them did not know who attacked them.

Shen Xi originally wanted to gong face to face to let Lu Ah Ding know that he should not plot against him, but thinking of a series of follow-ups, he finally changed his plan.

At home, he'd better not kill people.

In a society ruled by law, after thinking about it, he decided to hand it over to the police to deal with the follow-up.

Therefore, he did not reveal his identity.

The comatose A Biao used the same method to abolish his limbs.

Shen Xi did not move the gun at his waist.

After finishing the work, looking at the three unconscious people with twisted limbs, Shen Xi smiled coldly.

Next, pry open the hidden compartment on the floor, and the contents inside are also unchanged.

The safe didn't move, just put the bag of cash into Lost Realm.

Afterwards, he sat on the chair behind the desk, picked up Lu Ading's mobile phone, and started to operate.

Without the password, Lu Ading woke up again, and after asking, he fainted from the pain of stepping on his feet.

Searched the donation accounts of several orphanages, and donated all the more than 7000 million on Lu Ading's account.

Then went to the small pier of the dock.

He wanted to see if the yacht he saw last time was still there.

It looks quite new, give it a try, see if it can be brought into the Lost Realm.

This is a good thing, and it might come in handy in the future.

Besides, it can be regarded as compensation for his luxury car.

What's the matter, when thinking of luxury cars, Shen Xi feels very upset.

After only driving it twice, it took half a day before it was scrapped.

When I came to the small pier, the yacht was still there.

Shen Xi was overjoyed, and stepped forward to check.

Beautiful, brand new, very good, try it out.

Immediately, both hands pressed on the yacht, and his mind moved.


The yacht disappeared instantly, and the sea water suddenly made a loud noise.

Seeing the intact yacht in the Lost Realm, Shen Xi's mood can be imagined, so happy.

Such a large object can actually be sent in.

I didn't stop and returned, but when I saw a tanker truck by the pier, my heart moved.

With a sweep of consciousness, there is still more than half of the oil in the oil tank.

You don't need to think about it, it's for refueling yachts and other ships, so take it.

Anyway, in the Valley of the Lost Realm, the space is large enough.

After sending the oil tanker into the Lost Realm, Shen Xi checked the entire old dock, inside and out.

Nothing good was missing before he returned to the office.

He picked up Lu Ading's mobile phone and called the police.

Pressing his throat, he said the situation and address.

Hearing that the gun was involved, the police must have attached great importance to it, so Shen Xi also knew that he had to leave as soon as possible.

Of course, since the identity cannot be revealed, the fingerprints must be cleaned up.

Even the monitoring installed by Lu Ah Ding, Shen Xi cleaned it up.


In the early morning, outside the gate of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, an ambulance came roaring.

But at the door of the emergency room, there were already many medical staff standing, all of them very excited.

I got the news half an hour ago that Shenxi was found five kilometers downstream of the river where the accident happened, and there are still vital signs on the way.

This news can be said to be a pleasant surprise for the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dean Lin got the news and was rushing to the hospital.

And on the way, the command arranges rescue preparations.

Although it was a pleasant surprise, everyone's expressions were solemn, and it is not yet known how Director Shen's injury is.

Seeing the ambulance coming, Liu Xiaodan was the first to rush there, and Meng Yu was also quick.

The ambulance stopped and the rear door opened.

I saw Shen Xi lying on the stretcher upright.

Wearing an oxygen mask and receiving fluids, her face was bruised and swollen, and her clothes were covered in mud and torn.

The shoes on the feet were gone, and one of the trousers was torn to the knee.

Seeing this scene, Meng Yu's eyes were moist, let alone Liu Xiaodan's tears could not be controlled.

The same is true for several medical staff, with moist eyes.

Of course, this is not the time to cry.

"Quickly, push in and conduct a comprehensive inspection and diagnosis..."

With the shout of the director of the emergency department, he suddenly became busy...

Shen Xi also had no choice but to pretend to be injured. For this reason, he beat himself, otherwise he would not be able to roll over like a car. His skin was not broken at all, so he couldn't justify it.

Pushing into the emergency room, Shen Xi woke up on time.

"Xiaohong, stop, don't intubate, I'm breathing, I'm awake too, don't be nervous.

I have no internal injuries, just skin injuries, what are you doing looking at me like that?
I'm a doctor myself, so I know I'm fine, don't worry!
Let me take a shower first, by the way, Xiaodan, find me some clothes to change, Meng Yu, help me..."

The medical staff in the emergency room looked at each other in blank dismay.

But soon they all cried out happily.

Seeing that Shen Xi turned over and got out of bed, and with Meng Yu's support, he left the emergency room, Liu Xiaodan wept with joy.

Shen Xi was supported by Meng Yu, just after leaving the emergency room, she ran into Tian Mengmeng who was running out of breath.

Seeing Shen Xi's appearance, the little girl burst into tears.

"Why cry, I'm not dead."

Shen Xi was actually moved in his heart, but on the surface he still had the bossy appearance.

Tian Mengmeng was very dramatic, and in a blink of an eye, she laughed again.

"Boss, it's great that you're not dead. By the way, Meng Datou, where are you taking Boss?"

Meng Yu glared at Tian Mengmeng. He hated this little girl the most. In front of so many people, he called him Meng Datou, and then said angrily, "Go give the teacher a bath."

When Tian Mengmeng heard the words, she didn't think too much, and quickly stepped forward to support the other side of Shenxi, "I'll help you..."

In an instant, everyone was shocked and looked at Tian Mengmeng.

At this moment, Tian Mengmeng realized the problem, but she was not shy at all, and actually laughed.

Shen Xi was also speechless to this girl.

Cleaned up, put on Liu Xiaodan's newly bought underwear, and a hospital gown on the outside.

Of course, Liu Xiaodan cleaned and dried the new underwear immediately, that's why Shen Xi let Liu Xiaodan go, women are careful.

If it were Meng Yu, this guy might bring his own underwear.

Lying on the hospital bed, Shen Xi looked at Liu Xiaodan, Meng Yu, Tian Mengmeng and others, feeling guilty in his heart.

I can only say sorry secretly in my heart, not trying to deceive them.

It's just that there is no way, if you don't do this, you can't explain many things.

(Originally, I wrote it, thought about it, and wrote it again. Everyone knows that safety is the first. By the way, I would like to ask for various supports. Thank you, book friends!)
(End of this chapter)

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