Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 428 Chapter 439: Unable to enter

Chapter 428 Chapter 439: Unable to enter
Sun Xiu'e and the others also watched in amazement.

It's so strange, the change of the environment, people don't notice it at all.

The desert disappeared like this, and they stood on the road paved with bluestone slabs in an instant.

The giant city lies ahead, full of ancient vicissitudes.

The mottled walls illustrate its long history.

They also saw the pattern on the city gate.

The same surprise as Shen Xi.

Shen Xi no longer checked the city gate, but turned around to look at the surrounding environment.

The giant city is in the boundless mountains.

In other words, in the giant mountains.

The bluestone slab road, winding and extending, I don't know how long it is, disappears deep in the towering old trees.

Finally, Shen Xi looked up at the sky.

The sun is out, but not by much.

Still not very hot, it seems that the sun is fake, just for lighting.

Like a lamp.

There is no wind, no insects, no birdsong, and everything is silent.

Shen Xi finally looked at Jucheng again, and thought of something in his heart.

The desert before and the giant city now have one thing in common, that is, time seems to stand still.

This made Shen Xi wonder whether they had entered the time and space fragments of the past.

Since it is the past, there is no time.

Subconsciously looked at the sun in the sky again.

"Let's go and have a look at the exit..."

After speaking, Shen Xi glanced at those who went to drink water and pick fruits.

Including Rand and others are just as crazy.

There are only seven people in Shenxi, and if Shenxi doesn't move, no one will mess around.

For Landfield and the others, Shen Xi would not stop anything, let alone bring them to explore together.

Today is not what it used to be, or in other words, today is different from what it used to be.

It is impossible for their hearts to be together again.

Take them with you, maybe you will have to deal with them in the end.

Following Shen Xi, the seven of them walked towards the city gate together.

Soon, before the city gate.

Zhu Changchuan stepped forward, wanting to push the city gate.

People stood under the huge city gate, like ants.

The material of the city gate was dark, which moved Shen Xi and stepped forward to check it.

Zhu Changchuan tried his best, but the city gate remained motionless.

"Don't bother, it probably won't be opened by brute force."

Shen Xi said, but touched the dark city gate with one hand, wanting to feel if it is a black substance.

But you know right from the start, no, it's a kind of wood.

Rather than a fine and lubricated black substance.

The reason why it feels woody is because there are decayed powder on the fingers.

Twirling his fingers, Shen Xi raised his hand and patted the city gate.

The sound was small and dull, as if it was being slapped on a slate.

It can be seen the thickness and weight of the gate.

It is not easy to push open such a city gate.

It may be difficult for seven people to work together.

Of course, it is still necessary to experiment.

Shen Xi immediately waved to everyone, and the seven people began to push the door with all their strength.

The seven people are all strong with genetic mutations.

But with all his strength, the city gate remained motionless.

"Forget it, I guess brute force is not enough, we should think of other ways."

Shen Xi asked everyone to let go, at this time Cheng Hu said: "How about we climb up from the city wall?"

Hearing this, Han Feng and the others' eyes lit up.

But Shen Xi thought it was not so simple.

You can climb up, but why seal the city gate?

It is not yet known what parallel time and space this place belongs to.

Weird and mysterious, not that simple.

Besides, the city gate is more than ten feet high, and the city wall is more than thirty feet high.

Equivalent to more than 100 meters.

The city walls are also built of huge stones, which fit perfectly.

Thinking of the tight fit of the huge stones on the city wall, Shen Xi couldn't help but think of the pyramids.

The pyramids are also built of huge stones, and they fit perfectly.

It is built by more than 200 million boulders, the heaviest of which is more than 60 tons.

The lightest one weighs more than ten tons.

The ancient Egyptians had almost no possibility of building such a building.

This is not building in the lowlands, but in the Giza highlands.

What's more, the deviation between the four faces of the pyramid and the four directions of the earth is only a few tenths.

Even in modern times, with satellite positioning, this accuracy can be achieved.

Not to mention the ancients thousands of years ago.

There are more than 200 million boulders, even with building blocks, it is impossible to build such accurate four equilateral sides.

Especially between the boulders, a piece of paper cannot be inserted into the gap.

The processing precision of the boulder can be seen.

Just like every boulder, it has been planned and designed in advance, where it is placed, how big it is, and so on.

Is this possible thousands of years ago, during the Bronze Age?
Thinking of this, Shen Xi stepped back and turned to the city wall to check.

Sure enough, the surface of the city wall was abnormally flat, and each boulder was staggered, making the structure stable.

Especially the gaps between the boulders are truly breathtaking.

If it is not for the erosion of the years, it is possible to not see where the gap is.

Shen Xi couldn't help wondering whether the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built by people from this giant city.

Thinking of the space-time tunnel that appeared in the pyramid, Shen Xi also thought, is the function of the pyramid a space-time coordinate?

It's just that it was later used as a mausoleum by Pharaoh Khufu.

But the pharaoh's mummy is not in the pyramid.

Ancient Egypt said that the pyramids were the tombs of pharaohs, but among all the pyramids, there were no remains of pharaohs.

This is very strange.

The famous Tutankhamun was not found in the pyramids either.

The burial palaces are all elsewhere.

No one dared to disturb the meditating Shen Xi.

Of course, everyone is also looking at the tall city walls.

You need to tilt your neck to see the top.

But at this time, Shenxi had a clear and strange thinking, thinking of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum from the pyramid.

He was wondering if there might not be Qin Shihuang's corpse in Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

Of course, it's just an extension of thinking.

There is no basis for it.

Just cranky.

"Cheng Hu, don't you want to climb up? Come on, give it a try..."

Shen Xi turned her head, suddenly said with a smile.

Cheng Hu, however, heard the words, and smiled, "Okay, let me try."

Then he geared up and began to prepare.

Han Feng, Tan Wei and others also looked at each other with a smile.

Shen Xi made everyone step back.

Sun Xiu'e held Shen Xi's arm, while Zhu Changchuan stood by Cheng Hu's side.

It is ready to respond anytime.

Wu Qing stood beside Tan Wei, and Han Feng's position was the same as Zhu Changchuan's.

After Cheng Hu was ready, he rushed to the city wall with a burst of energy, and with a strong kick, he rose three or four meters, and then used his hand to borrow strength from the gap in the city wall.

Go up again, use hands and feet together, climb higher and higher.

But at more than 30 meters, not even the height of the city gate, Cheng Hu's speed suddenly slowed down.

He clawed at the gap in the city wall with both hands, and shouted: "I can't go up, there seems to be an invisible barrier, people can't use their strength, and they can't penetrate..."

Shen Xi smiled lightly, as expected.

Sure enough, it has energy protection.

It is estimated that the more you go to the top, the harder it will be.

Immediately shouted with a smile: "Then come down!"

Hearing Shen Xi's shout, Cheng Hu immediately began to descend.

It didn't take long to return to the ground.

Already out of breath.

Obviously it took a lot of effort.

The city gate couldn't be opened, the city wall couldn't be overturned, Shen Xi decided to follow the method of the desert before, and wait!
Isn't there more than 100 foreigners?
When they are full, let them toss!

Wait for work with leisure, wait and see the changes!

(End of this chapter)

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