Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 44 044: Is also a layman

Chapter 44 044: Is also a layman

Gu Youxuan did not speak, and quietly arranged flowers.

The only sound in the room was the TV.

Shen Xi was thinking about what to say to break the silence when someone knocked on the door of the ward again.

"Come in."

It was An Yufei who opened the door and came in, followed by Du Yueqing, An Minsheng and Du Junyi.

This is because I got the news and came to visit.

"Old Du, please come here, it's just a small injury."

Shen Xi said politely, but Du Yueqing took a closer look at Shen Xi, and felt relieved when she saw that she was really fine.

Haha smiled and said, "Okay, it's fine, you're really careless, you must be careful when driving in the future."

An Minsheng also said, "That's right! That kind of coupe speeds up too fast. I don't think you should drive that kind of car in the future."

Du Junyi also agrees that she can't hear the roar of a supercar's engine the most, and when the exhaust pipe explodes, she panics.

"I don't think Director Shen will drive a sports car in the future. It's just right, change to a Phantom and find a professional driver. Dad, aren't you familiar with that Mr. Yang!
Why don't you help me get in touch? "

Du Yueqing glared at her daughter angrily, making decisions without authorization, Shen Xi didn't say a word, just arranged like this, where should Shen Xi be placed?
Really naive.

"Director Shen, don't mind, they also have good intentions."

Shen Xi laughed, of course he didn't mind, he was not as hypocritical as Du Yueqing thought.

As soon as An Yufei came in, she saw Gu Youxuan and smiled. Gu Youxuan also turned her head, saw An Yufei's family, and nodded to everyone.

The two girls gathered together, whispering and chuckling from time to time.

From this, Shen Xi knows, knows everyone.

That's right, the Du family and the Gu family are both wealthy families.

He knew Gu Bai Xun Gu Youxuan, and it was Du Yueqing who led him.

Seeing Du Yueqing and the others, there was no surprise that Gu Youxuan was here. Shen Xi also knew that they must also know about Gu Youxuan.

"Director Shen, the insurance company and the traffic police team, I have already greeted you when I came, so you can rest assured to recover from your injuries. I will arrange for people to run away for these small things.

By the way, I knew your phone was soaked in water and couldn't get through, so I got back the old phone for you and bought a new one by the way, you can remove the card and replace it later..."

It has to be said that Du Yueqing has done everything in his life.

Let Shen Xi also refuse to accept it.

The latest Huawei mobile phone has not been opened yet. Du Yueqing put the old mobile phone and the new one in the drawer of the bedside table.

"Mr. Du, it is said that between us, we can do whatever we want. If you do this, I will lose myself."

Shen Xi smiled and said half-jokingly.

Du Yueqing and the others laughed when they heard the words.

Next, the polite greetings also brought the relationship closer.

Two days passed in a flash.

But unlike before being hospitalized, this time Shen Xi didn't want to be discharged from the hospital.

Because Gu Youxuan came over from time to time to chat with him.

It feels so good!
But it's too late to leave the hospital. The things I bought from Taobao have arrived.

Moreover, the number of merit points has almost reached [-].

Fifty more have been added in the past two days, and it is now 250 three.

If you try harder, you can break through the boundary.

Last night, Shen Xi transferred another 2000 million to the rescue fund account.

He still has less than [-] million in his hand.

Of course, in Lost Realm, there is still 200 million in cash, the money laundered by Lu Ading.

He reconsidered, whether to directly send 5000 million to the orphanage, that would probably be enough for a moment of merit.

But thinking of the exhibition on the 28th, he held back.

If you can't have money on you by then, you'd better wait.

Maybe after two days, the merit points from the rescue fund can increase to [-] merit points.

Anyway, it's coming soon, don't be in a hurry, and don't have money in hand.

Because even if you break through, it's just a breakthrough. If you want to complete the Golden Body Realm, you don't know how many merit points you need, and some people are busy.

Not in a hurry. It will be in a while.

Another reason for leaving the hospital is that I have to go to those who dug holes.

If you stay any longer, people might run away early.

The goods will also be transferred.

Along the coast, there are more smugglers by boat. Without Lu Ading, people will find other ways out.

But Shen Xi knew that the buyers of these people had a lot of background.

He heard a lot of information from Lu Ah Ding that night.

Du Yueqing has been very powerful these two days. Not only did he get the insurance company to pay the full compensation, but he also directly ordered a Rolls-Royce Phantom after asking Shen Xi's consent.

Extended version, ultra-luxury, top modification, anti-collision and bulletproof.

The money paid for compensation became a deposit.

This time, Shen Xi didn't intend to ask Du Yueqing to pay, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

Old Du is too polite.

It made Shen Xi a bit overwhelmed.

I'm really sorry that I have already taken so much advantage of Lao Du.

Even, Shen Xi was thinking about how to make up for Lao Du.

Come and go.

Go back today and go to the Lost Realm to find out if there is anything else that Lao Du needs.

There is also Gu Youxuan, Shen Xi decided to give her a gift.

Whether it's love at first sight or love at first sight, he decided to give it a try.

It just so happens that Gu Youxuan is also interested in him, why not strike while the iron is hot!
As for whether Gu Youxuan was out of gratitude or what, Shen Xi wouldn't care.

There has to be some reason why it isn't.

As the saying goes, there is no love without a reason.

Love power, money, talent, appearance, isn't that the essence of love?
He loves his temperament, appearance and figure, and she loves his medical skills, isn't it normal?

Of course, he was just trying it out. Although he felt that Gu Youxuan was interested in him, Shen Xi didn't hold much hope.

Because the age difference is too big, he is afraid of being misunderstood, the old cow wants to eat young grass!

Today, only Meng Yu and Wang Wei came to see him off, Tian Mengmeng and Liu Xiaodan did not show up.

Shen Xi knew the reason, because for the past two days Gu Youxuan had always stayed in his ward, talking and laughing with each other.

Therefore, Tian Mengmeng and Liu Xiaodan fell in love.

In this regard, Shen Xi felt very good.

The two people in the province are thinking wildly, and it is impossible for him to like them.

He just regarded them as students and sisters.

It can also be said to be friends of the opposite sex, colleagues or something.

But there can be no love.

In the final analysis, to tell the truth, it is not beautiful enough!

Shen Xi is also an ordinary person.

Can't love a person, only love the beauty of the soul.

Only top beauties like Gu Youxuan can move his heart.

As a doctor, I know the structure of the human body well, so I care more about appearance and temperament.

Gu Youxuan's appearance and temperament fit him very well.

Even if Gu Youxuan stayed in his ward, the two of them didn't speak, there was a kind of warmth and tranquility.

This is what Shen Xi needs.

It was also the motivation for him to have the courage to pursue Gu Youxuan.

Gu Youxuan was gentle and quiet, her smile and frown were so elegant, like an orchid in an empty valley.

Especially that kind of weak and morbid beauty made Shen Xi full of protective desire.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Xi didn't ask Meng Yu to drive him, but called an online car-hailing car and went back by himself.

When I got home, I took a shower, made a cup of tea, sat on the large balcony, and enjoyed a good leisure.

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(End of this chapter)

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