Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 440 Chapter 451: Get

Chapter 440 Chapter 451: Get
The black ring won't fit, and the huge base won't shrink either.

Shen Xi wondered where to put this thing.

It is easy to take it out from the ground, a matter of thought.

Just like his ability to teleport long-distance, it is actually an understanding of the power of space.

Of course, this is not his perception, but the instinct of the divine body after merging into the divine body.

What he lacks is that he has not passed on these things.

Kong has supernatural power, but he has no means to display it.

Take out the base, it would be better if you can directly control it as before.

If you are afraid that you will not be able to control it, then you will have a headache.

But since it's here, you must try it.

Just like that flying saucer, it is not in control.

He can always find a way. As for shocking the world, Shen Xi is not too worried.

The only thing is that I am a little worried about Ji Qing and those nine people.

People in the Age of Mythology had strange strengths.

Maybe there will be some unimaginable strength, which will catch him off guard.

Having never fought against each other, Shen Xi doesn't know how powerful these people are.

People in the age of mythology must have inherited some evolution of the beginning gods.

Especially on Ji Qing's wrist, there is a small black square imprint.

What does it mean, Shen Xi is also confused now.

The coffee was fragrant, Shen Xi and Zhu Changchuan were sitting deep in the desert drinking coffee.

If this situation is seen by others, it is really quite weird.

It will also be regarded as two neuropathies.

The spiritual consciousness shrouded the huge base deep in the ground, while Shen Xi's thoughts flickered, and from time to time sent out the thoughts of space intake.

But there is no real intake.

He is checking the giant black's reaction.

But the giant black square seems to have no independent thinking, and has no response to it.

After testing, Shen Xi gradually felt relieved.

After drinking the coffee, he put away his things and took Zhu Changchuan into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the power of thought flashed, and the spiritual consciousness wrapped the huge base.


There was a shock in the space, and a giant base with a diameter of ten kilometers appeared on the surface of the desert.

The vicissitudes of life, this thing has been buried here for many years.

I don't know why it's buried here.

When he saw the sun again, he was still spotless, as dark as a huge black hole.

Under the sun, there is no trace of reflection.

Zhu Changchuan stared, completely shocked.

So shocking.

Although he has already accepted the fact that Shen Xi is a god-like existence, seeing such a big thing suddenly appear, the visual impact is still terrifying.

Ten kilometers in diameter, equivalent to the area of ​​a small city.

One can imagine how huge it is.

Shen Xi is also watching at the moment, and there is a trace of shock in his eyes.

Mainly too big.

Of course, it is equivalent to a desert, which is also a very small point.

Shen Xi took Zhu Changchuan and slowly landed on the center of the giant base.

Spiritual consciousness began to try to control this thing, as before, it could float in the air, and even dive into the bottom of the sea.

Sure enough, although his spiritual consciousness couldn't penetrate it, it was in the center and had a control point.

Soon, under his induction, he established a consciousness communication with the giant base.

Just like recognizing the owner with a drop of blood, the giant base is under his complete control.

And the giant black side remained indifferent from beginning to end.

But just when Shen Xi was fully in control of the giant base, several fighter jets appeared in the sky and roared past.

Apparently the satellite discovered the anomaly here and came to check it out.

It was discovered at such a speed, and the fighter jets arrived, needless to say, it must be the US military.

Shen Xi looked up at the sky with a smile on his lips.

With a flash of thought, several fighter jets rolled in the distance, and finally disintegrated in the air and fell into the depths of the desert.

And he is manipulating the giant base with a thought.

The giant pedestal vacated in an instant and disappeared in a flash.

Yes, in a flash, the speed is extremely fast.

Minutes to Bermuda waters.

The giant base is suspended several meters above the sea, like a huge island.

Shen Xi searched with his spiritual sense, and instantly found the space-time cannon deep in the earth's crust.

The same is quite huge, it is a tower-like object, but unlike the Tower of Time and Space, the lower part of this tower-like object is very large, like a round castle.

Without hesitation, with a flash of thought, the space-time cannon suddenly disappeared from the depths of the earth's crust.

Appeared on the giant base.

Immediately, the giant base began to combine with the space-time cannon, forming a whole.

It is still at the center, occupying a range of one kilometer in diameter.

It can be seen that this thing is huge, and the height of the top of the tower is not very high, about 900 meters.

The thinnest point also has a diameter of tens of meters.

Once the combination is completed, an invisible barrier is formed on the periphery.

Like an invisible dome.

The moment the barrier was formed, the temperature and air were different.

The temperature is suitable, and the air has no smell of sea.

A microclimate of its own.

But Shen Xi felt something different, just like in the Lost Realm.

Maybe an illusion.

In addition to being surprised, Shen Xi thought so.

With Zhu Changchuan, the two began to feel the magic, and entered the castle under the tower.

The huge castle with a diameter of one kilometer is really spectacular.

After the combination, Shen Xi can also control the space-time cannon.

Therefore, the giant door opened, and the two entered like ants.

The super huge space is full of mysterious fantasy.

It is made of black matter, but there is light inside.

Like the sun's rays, it fills all open areas.

Shen Xi knew that this was the use of space refraction to let the sunlight outside shine in.

And just when the two of Shen Xi were visiting.

Outside, there was a commotion.

In the Sahara Desert of Africa, a huge unidentified object appeared. Three fighter jets from the US military base went to check and were destroyed.

Unidentified objects soon appeared in Bermuda.

This time, the United States entered a state of readiness for war.

In the media, aliens have invaded and become the biggest hit.

The US Atlantic Fleet, aircraft carrier battle group, and nuclear submarines began to surround the Bermuda waters.

Many military bases along the Atlantic coast have also entered a state of emergency.

Helicopters, fighter jets, early warning aircraft, etc. are all above and near the giant base at this moment.

This unknown object was immediately spread to the international media.

European countries have also begun to prepare for war.

Alien invasion is almost certain.

However, some people found that Bermuda has always been difficult to calm the sea, but today it is strangely calm, and the calm is uncharacteristically calm.

The U.S. Navy has also discovered this.

This sea area is called the Devil's Triangle. The wind and waves never stop, and the water flow is extremely complicated.

But now it seems that it is too peaceful.

Is this still the Devil's Triangle?

The helicopter hovered close to the huge unknown object, photographing the situation above.

But there is nothing, just a huge disc with a tall tower building in the middle, like a skyscraper.

But the podium is quite large, only one kilometer.

It's also round and oddly shaped.

Shen Xi is very clear about everything in the outside world.

But he was not in a hurry to deal with it.

Check this place first, he thinks the people living here are nice, better than flying saucers.

After all, the flying saucer is too small, only more than 100 meters in diameter.

Thinking of the flying saucer, Shen Xi suddenly felt that the flying saucer might be an aircraft configuration on the space-time shuttle.

Because the materials are the same, you can take out the flying saucer to see if there is a place to connect.

Extending the thinking from this, the black material coat may also come from here.

Even giant black cubes...

Suddenly, Shen Xi froze.

The giant black cube is black matter, and so is the entire time-traveler, and so is the flying saucer and the black matter coat.

So was the black coffin that contained his own body.

Is there any necessary connection among them?
The black coffin finally turned into his current divine body. Could it be that these black substances were all extracted from the divine bodies of the protoss?
Or is he just unable to tell the difference between these substances?
(End of this chapter)

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