Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 449 Chapter 460: Nothing at all

Chapter 449 Chapter 460: Nothing at all
Immediately, the Chaos Cube flew to the place where the halo was.

After getting close, I felt something was wrong.

The nothingness in this area has spatial fluctuations, and through those halos, countless strange scenes can be seen.

It seems that the halo is all-encompassing, reflecting everything in the outer world.

But upon closer inspection, it was discovered that it was not reflecting the outer world, but the time and space within this world.

This made Shen Xi very curious.

The same goes for Feng Ji.

The eyes cannot see the barriers of heaven and earth, so that the soul can feel the nodes of time and space.

And the rhythm of space-time fluctuations.

"Lean over and have a look..."

Shen Xi said in a low voice, but Feng Ji hesitated and said: "What if something goes wrong, such as accidentally breaking through the barrier, what should I do if I can't come back?"

Feng Ji's words made Shen Xi calm down.

Indeed, don't be curious for a while, if you really accidentally go out, what about the earth humans, parents, relatives and friends?
Shen Xi nodded, "You're right, I'll check with my spiritual sense first, and then we'll leave and return to Earth.

When you are ready, come here again to find out. "

It's not in and out, just in case.

Chaos is a strange thing in heaven and earth, if you don't do it well, you can really get out.

But it's hard to say whether he can come in again.

But it also gave Shen Xi an idea in his heart that he could use the chaos to leave this world.

Of course, we must first go back to the earth and carry out the great migration.

Let the civilization of the earth enter the lost state, and then you can leave.

This is the last resort.

It would be the best if it could solve the crisis of the annihilation of heaven and earth.

If I can't solve it in this way, try to see if I can leave.

If it is resolved, then he will take his family and leave here to see what the outer world is like.

It can also unravel the mysteries of space and time in the universe.

Let go of the consciousness, directly enter the halo, and approach the barrier of heaven and earth.

The barrier between heaven and earth is not a wall, but a singularity, very small, like dust.

Theoretically, barriers between heaven and earth exist anywhere.

For example, at any point on the earth, there are barriers between heaven and earth.

This is the strange magic of time and space.

It seems to have reached nothingness, it seems to be the edge of this world, but it is impossible to touch any barrier barrier.

There is no barrier, and the cycle is endless.

You can't find a barrier like a wall. Barriers are everywhere, but they are also hard to find.

Now, Shen Xi saw for the first time, the node of the barrier between heaven and earth.

The inner excitement can be imagined.

One singular point makes the halo form many, many ranges.

Almost thousands of kilometers.

Spiritual consciousness touched the singularity point cautiously.

In an instant, Shen Xi was shaken all over.

An incomparably vast breath penetrated from the singularity to his soul.

That kind of confused atmosphere is unimaginable, and time becomes meaningless because of it.

But at the same time, there is also a deadly coldness hidden in the vast aura.

This gave Shen Xi a bad feeling in his heart.

Why is there such a cold and dead silence outside the world?

Are they really the ruins of heaven, earth, time and space?

Heaven and earth cemetery?

Yes, for some reason, Shen Xi thought of a boundless sky, floating in nothingness.

They are all fragments of heaven and earth, like a cemetery of heaven and earth.

The sudden appearance of such a scene made Shen Xi feel cold in his heart.

He didn't think it was his imagination, but it might have been.

A message from the singularity to him.

In an instant, Shen Xi's feelings towards the transcendent world were not as strong as before.

If there is an endless sky beyond the sky and the earth, what is the meaning of transcending the sky and the earth?

This also explains why the heaven and the earth will die.

Withdrawing her consciousness, Shen Xi calmly said to Feng Ji, "Let's go! Let's go back."

Although Shen Xi is very calm, Feng Ji and Shen Xi tacitly share their hearts, and they naturally understand that Shen Xi is in a bad mood.

In fact, she also felt just now, the singularity of the barrier between heaven and earth, and the aura conveyed.

Her spiritual consciousness is stronger than Shen Xi's.

Because she is a wonder in heaven and earth.

Feng Ji nodded, drove the Chaos Cube, disappeared in a flash, and left here.

Shuttle through nothingness at high speed.

She also recorded the location here.

Not space-time coordinates, just orientation.

In nothingness, there is no time and space.

There is no space-time coordinates, not even time.

Everything is empty!
There is nowhere.

The return went smoothly, but traveling through the ruins of time and space all the way made Shen Xi's mood worse and worse.

The speed at which the world is dying seems to be accelerating.

Countless parallel time-spaces, quantum time-spaces, have been affected, falling apart, and everything has become ruins.

Endless civilizations were destroyed, endless lives disappeared.

Time and space come, time and space go, it seems that the world is returning to nothing.

rather than death.

This is Shen Xi's latest insight.

Returning to the time and space of the real universe of the earth, the time is actually still at the time when he left.

It seems that he just traveled through time and space to leave, and then traveled back in an instant.

Shen Xi was not surprised at this point.

With a strange thing like Chaos and Feng Ji, the spirit of Chaos, it is very easy to control time and space.

After returning, Shen Xi quickly left the small pier.

There is no time to delay.

He went directly to the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, but the people at the small pier didn't realize it.

Because Shen Xi felt that it was unnecessary to reappear just after leaving.

Simply deal with it first, the devouring fusion of the divine body.

Raise your strength to the extreme first.

Then, let's see if I can deduce the limitless exercises to perfection together with Feng Ji.

When we arrived at Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, this time, unlike before, we didn't stop at all, and entered the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum in a flash.

The underground palace is nothing to see.

Shen Xi went directly to the center of the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum.

The mysterious sarcophagus floating in the air is just a cover, and inside it is a mortal body, not a divine body.

But here is the node into the deep spacetime.

Feng Ji and the Chaos Cube have entered Shenxi's sea of ​​consciousness space at this moment, in the realm of loss.

Feng Ji knew what Shen Xi was thinking, and began to expedite the deduction of boundless exercises.

And the chaotic cube also absorbs unknown energy from endless time and space, all of which are strange energies produced by the collapse of time and space and the destruction of civilized life.

Just like the merit points of Shen Xi before.

This kind of energy is very strange, it is very helpful for the deduction of exercises, and it seems to be able to decipher the ultimate mystery of life.

Due to the death of heaven and earth, there is a lot of this kind of energy now, so the deduction is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

With a wave of his hand, Shen Xi entered a space-time from the space node under the hanging coffin.

This space is the quantum space-time created by Cang.

Hidden in the depths of chaotic time and space, if Shenxi hadn't fused Cang's soul, maybe he couldn't find it.

Seeing this vast and boundless time and space, Shen Xi also sighed endlessly.

This place is like a small fairyland, with sun, moon and stars, endless continents.

This was made by Cang according to the fairyland of the Shi Continent.

It can be seen that in his heart, he misses Shi Dalu.

Shen Xi floated on the mainland, looking at the endless giant mountains and the virgin forest with towering ancient trees, he was silent for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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