Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 46 046: Jump by yourself, let me help you

Chapter 46 046: Jump by yourself, let me help you

The woman who came out of the speedboat was in her thirties, and she was shrewd and capable amidst all the beauty.

There was also a trace of worldly sophistication between her brows and eyes. With the help of a young man, she got on the pier.

Slowly walked to the seawall, glanced at Shenxi, then at the Wrangler, and then smiled at the middle-aged man who got off the van.

"Bai Dongping, people in Taoism call him Lord Bai, but being famous is worse than meeting him!"

The woman's smirk was obvious, and the sharpness was revealed in her words.

The middle-aged man, that is, Bai Dongping, smiled and said: "I disappointed the guests, those are all false names, friends give face.

This time, Lu Ading, that bum, was taken to his old nest, so he can only urge you to come over and settle this matter quickly.

But if there is no one to carry the goods, if we go directly with you, it will only be broad daylight.

It is also to avoid unnecessary trouble, forgive me!
I don't know what your name is? "

The woman smiled when she heard the words, and replied, "My name is Xiaoyu, and I'm Master De's assistant."

Bai Dongping pretended to be stunned, "Oh, it turned out to be a jade-faced fox. I've heard about it for a long time, and I'm honored to meet a real person, Lao Bai."

Dou Xiaoyu couldn't tell, Bai Dongping recognized her long ago, "Master Bai is polite, the little girl is just an errand runner, so she doesn't deserve a big name.

As for the jade-faced fox, it was deliberately teased by friends, it's better for Master Bai not to mention it.

By the way, Master Bai, did you arrange this person? "

After finishing speaking, Dou Xiaoyu looked back at Shenxi, but Bai Dongping shook his head, and said: "Blame him for his bad luck, he probably came to fish in the city, why are you running around.

I will have to trouble you to take it to the sea and sink it in a while. "

Dou Xiaoyu quickly waved her hand, "I don't want to do this, you choose the location, and you have to solve the troubles yourself.

Okay, I brought the money, let's talk about the inspection. "

Bai Dongping nodded, and turned to look at the pickup truck. The doors of the pickup truck opened on both sides at the same time, and three men got out.

The compartment of the pickup truck was opened, revealing a neat wooden box.

Dou Xiaoyu stepped forward, followed by two young men, Bai Dongping grinned.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little inexplicably tense at this moment.

Shen Xi was very calm at this moment, he could hear clearly what the two said just now.

I understand that Bai Dongping wants the jade-faced fox beauty to take him out to sea and throw him away, which is considered murder.

It can be seen that these people are also desperadoes who lick blood at the edge of their swords.

A human life, spoken out of their mouths, is so understated and insignificant.

Next, he calmly watched these people trade.

After inspecting the goods, Dou Xiaoyu asked people to lift three large boxes from the speedboat. Seeing how hard they were moving it, it seemed very heavy.

It can be seen that there are a lot of banknotes inside.

The value of this batch is very large.

Since the distance exceeded five meters, Shen Xi's spiritual sense could not see what was in the box.

After Bai Dongping's men inspected the banknotes, Dou Xiaoyu's men began to carry wooden boxes one by one to the speedboat.

However, Shen Xi's calmness from beginning to end aroused the curiosity of Dou Xiaoyu and Bai Dongping.

Normal people should not be so calm after listening to their words and seeing their affairs.

And from the beginning to the present, he didn't say a word, just watched calmly.

This is quite strange.

"Brother, what way?"

Dou Xiaoyu came over, looked at Shen Xi, and asked.

Shen Xi knew that his abnormality made these people suspicious, so he immediately smiled and said: "I just have nothing to do, fishing to relax, I didn't expect to meet you for a deal.

But I pretended not to see these, they are all sensible people, well water does not violate river water. "

"Hehe, brother, you are also a fool in the Tao?"

Bai Dongping came over and said with a smile.

Dou Xiaoyu stared at Shen Xi with a pair of eyes, observing words and expressions, trying to figure out where Shen Xi came from.

To be able to be so calm, and still be able to say those words, is likely to be a way of getting it wrong.

I just don't know, whether it was really a coincidence or intentional, I can't say for sure.

Shen Xi smiled lightly, looked at Bai Dongping and said, "Master Bai Huiyan, I'm just doing a small business, so I can't compare with you.

I'm really sorry today, I hit him by mistake, so I ask Master Bai and Sister Yu to let him go. "

Hearing what Shen Xi said, Bai Dongping and Dou Xiaoyu were basically sure that this person was a gangster in the Tao, and it was very likely that he really hit it by mistake.

Of course, they will not be merciful because of this.

After the transaction was over, Bai Dongping's people got into the car. Bai Dongping winked at Dou Xiaoyu and got into the car.

Afterwards, the van and pickup truck drove away.

At this time, Dou Xiaoyu took a look at the two young men beside Shen Xi, and immediately, one on each side, they grabbed Shen Xi's arm and rushed towards the speedboat.

Dou Xiaoyu followed behind, only smiling coldly.

"Sister Yu, they are all gangsters, give me a way out, and I will definitely reward you in the future..."

Shen Xi pretended to be panicked at this time, begging.

But Dou Xiaoyu didn't pay attention to Shen Xi at all, she was not interested in a small trash fish.

It is most appropriate to sink into the sea smoothly.

Let it go for fear of accidents, but they are going to deliver the goods to the freighter in the nearby waters.

If this person calls the police, he will be in big trouble.

Therefore, no matter how much Shen Xi pleads, no one will show mercy.

After boarding the speedboat, Shen Xi was tied up firmly with rope by two young men.

At this time, Shen Xi stopped talking and kept a cold face.

No one cared about him, the speedboat left quickly and accelerated towards the sea.

After driving for about half an hour, the wind and waves on the sea became stronger and stronger.

The speedboat was ups and downs violently, but Dou Xiaoyu nodded to the two youths. The two youths understood and walked towards Shenxi.

It's just that at this time, Shen Xi also suddenly grinned.

The rope on his body was unexpectedly loosened. He stood up and clapped his hands.

This scene made everyone feel puzzled and astonished.

Especially Dou Xiaoyu suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Get rid of him..."

Dou Xiaoyu shouted suddenly, and the two young men who walked by took out their daggers.

In the cockpit of the speedboat, several people pulled out pistols.

Seeing this, Dou Xiaoyu felt a little more at ease.

The other party was alone, she was thinking too much.

Even if it is disguised as a special police, a person is a dead end.

Under Shen Xi's consciousness, he had already discovered the pistol.

At this moment, he made an instant attack, moving like a rabbit, extremely fast.

The two young people in front of them only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then they felt soaring into the air and flew up.

Then with a crash, it fell into the sea.

Shen Xi rushed into the cockpit violently. At this moment, gunshots rang out, but these people were all panicked and fired randomly.

The super physical ability was fully displayed at this moment.

Shen Xi would not show mercy either, one shot would definitely fall.

In a few breaths, Dou Xiaoyu was the only one standing in the cockpit.

At this moment, because no one was driving the speedboat, the speed remained the same, but the direction began to deviate, but the range was not large.

Dou Xiaoyu was very panicked in her heart, but she forcibly maintained her composure.

"who are you?"

She asked Shen Xi, but Shen Xi just grinned, showing his white teeth, walked to the bridge, and pulled down the accelerator lever.

The speedboat gradually stopped.

At this time, Shen Xi said to Dou Xiaoyu: "Dance by yourself, or should I help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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