Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 48 048: Breakthrough, Out of the Valley

Chapter 48 048: Breakthrough, Out of the Valley

From the huge glass window, Shen Xi could just see Bai Dongping and the car.

While eating leisurely, while taking a look from time to time, Shen Xi was in a very good mood.

As expected, Bai Dongping and the others didn't call the police, nor did they stay for long, they just looked around vigilantly, got in the car and left.

With a guilty conscience, Shen Xi had long guessed the reaction of Bai Dongping and others.

From the looks of it now, Bai Dongping was probably worried about being targeted by his enemies.

Who knows who will do the trick for the gangsters on the road.

Now that the money has been intercepted, Bai Dongping will inevitably think wildly, and he might scare himself.

At this moment, it seems that it is so!
With a hey smile, Shen Xi dropped the chopsticks, got up and left.

But as soon as he walked out of the restaurant, Shen Xi was slightly taken aback.

The merit points have increased so much, three hundred and six!
Is this too fast?

Punish evil?

Yes, it should be.

Haha, I can finally break through the realm.

At this moment, Shen Xi's mood became more transparent and comfortable.

In the evening, Shen Xi returned to the seaside villa, changed his car, and returned to Mingyuan Community.

As soon as I got home, I was in a state of loss.

This time he was going to break through the valley.

After that, there is still work to build the tree house project.

After entering, I glanced around the giant tree. It really looks like a construction site, full of various materials.

The tree house is simple to think of, but it is a huge project to actually do it.

Of course, it is also related to the exquisite and generous design of his design.

Looking at the yachts and tank trucks in the distance, Shen Xi also smiled wryly.

It is a very beautiful valley, he piled up these things, it really affects the beauty, it seems that if there is time, dig a cave on the cliff.

The cave warehouse, so that the valley will not be piled up in a mess.

Then I saw the three big boxes, walked over, and swept it with my consciousness, and it was difficult to count the money accurately for a while.

But it can be roughly estimated that it is almost 2000 million.

If there is, then it will be counted in detail.

He decided to put the cash aside for the time being and talk about it later.

As for the dozen or so wooden boxes, he also took a look at the cultural relics inside. He was not interested in these bronze vessels and earthen jars.

No matter how good it was dug out of the grave, he would not like it.

I don't understand even more, and I can't think of how to deal with it for a while, so I still leave it for now.

After he stopped thinking about it and calmed down, he consumed [-] merit points and broke through the realm.

After three hundred merit points disappeared in an instant, a strange warm current began to flow through the whole body, which was very comfortable.

Shen Xi could feel that his body seemed to be changing from inside to outside.

The warm current is changing his body, from internal organs to muscles, bones and skin, it seems that every cell is trembling.

In the head, on the contrary, there was a coolness.

What is refreshing, he has a better experience at this moment.

Compared with what I thought to be refreshed before, it was simply groggy.

The mind is clear, the mind is clear, the self is seen, and it seems to be able to feel the state of one's own soul.

Quiet and peaceful, no joy and no sorrow!
The air is refreshing, and the feeling is even more strange. It seems that the sky and the earth are clear and bright between breaths. There is an illusion that the sky and the earth are me, and I am the sky and the earth.


Is this the feeling of the golden body?

The transformation of the body and the transformation of the soul are still going on.

But Shen Xi can already feel a kind of strength that he has never had before, of course, this is just an illusion.

It's just breaking through the realm and reaching another level, but the strength is not much stronger than the super physical realm.

It's just that the physical body has become stronger and stronger, and the spiritual consciousness has become more solid.

After all, he is only in the early stages of the Golden Body Realm and needs Dzogchen, and he now knows how much merit points he needs.

Physical body and soul, to reach the golden body state Dzogchen, need [-] merit points.

For this, Shen Xi felt powerless.

Three thousand merit points, how much would it cost?
It seems that in the future, we must dig treasures every day, and we must punish evil and promote good. Even so, it will not be so easy to accumulate three thousand merit points.

But there is one thing, Shen Xi is in a complicated mood.

There is excitement, but also apprehension.

That is the golden body state, you can leave the valley.

After breaking through to the Golden Body Realm, you can explore the world of the Lost Realm through the valley enchantment.

The reason for being anxious is because of a guilty conscience.

Or rather, overly cautious.

Indeed, with such an adventure, no one would think of taking risks, only seeking stability.

But curiosity drove him to see it again.

There is only one life, and I can't afford to lose, so Shen Xi has a guilty conscience.

Just like rich people in society are afraid of death, the richer they are, the more afraid they are of death.

The poorer the money, the more willing it is to let go.

Shen Xi is not a young man, his mind is very mature, he only seeks stability.

Of course, when the state of the golden body stabilized, he was still going to go out to the valley to have a look.

Just walk around the valley, there should be no problem.

The spiritual transformation of the physical body that broke through the realm lasted for more than half an hour before it ended.

Shen Xi felt it carefully and was very satisfied.

Strong means survivability.

Whether it is the Lost Realm or the original world, the benefits are the same.

Even, Shen Xi thinks that the danger of the original world is more terrifying than the Lost Realm.

At least in the Lost Realm, there are no human beings in the temporary information.

Therefore, the most terrifying thing is the human heart and human nature.

Light a bonfire and set up a kettle to boil water.

Shen Xi went to the stream, took off his clothes, entered the stream, and lay comfortably in the water.

Take a comfortable bath.

After washing, look at the chicks and goslings. The time is short and they don't feel grown up, but they are alive and kicking in the grass, running around.

It can be seen that they are very healthy. It seems that the Lost Land is very suitable for the growth of animals, and none of them died.

The next step is to look at the vegetables, which have already broken out of the ground, and some have grown a lot.

Vegetables grow fast, cucumbers and melons have grown vines, and watermelons, Shen Xi also bought seeds, did not expect the vines to climb very fast.

Peppers and tomatoes are seeds that have been sprinkled. Looking at it at this time, it feels a bit dense. It seems that some of them need to be pulled out.

Another thing is, weeds.

Shen Xi frowned, feeling a little headache.

The vegetables grow well, and the grass is not bad either.

It is necessary to take time to weed, otherwise the messy crowding together will also affect the growth of vegetables.

Especially the paddy field, after seeing it, I thought it was grass.

The seedlings are mixed with the grass, and there is a feeling of indistinguishability.

Seeing these, Shen Xi realized that farming is not so simple.

It is not something that can be reaped by sowing.

Forget it, we won't do tree house construction today, weeding.

So, Shen Xi started to get busy.

Fortunately, now he doesn't feel tired at all. After weeding a piece of nearly one acre of rice, he went on to weed the vegetable field.

He also threw the grass he pulled out to the little chickens and the white geese.

Not to mention, the little chick and the little white goose really like to eat these little green grasses that have just grown.

The pastures planted before have just sprouted, and they are not as fast as the native weeds.

Time passed unknowingly, and when all the weeds were cleaned up, Shen Xi looked at the time, it was already 07:30 in the morning of the original world.

Been busy for more than ten hours.

I didn't eat dinner last night, and I'm hungry now.

Immediately go to the cliffs of the valley to look for wild fruits to satisfy our hunger.

Climbing and jumping on the mountain wall, Shen Xi was like an ape, unknowingly, he had reached the edge of the valley barrier.

Before getting close, he could feel the existence of the enchantment.

Through the barrier, he looked at the dense forest on the hillside, and there was actually a light mist lingering between the tree crowns.

Do you want to go out and explore and find out if there is any good stuff.

He basically figured out everything in the valley.

But outside the valley, nothing is known.

After thinking about it, he felt his strength again, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he walked towards the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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