Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 50 050: Am I familiar with you?

Chapter 50 050: Am I familiar with you?
He drove the MG out of the community and headed straight for Pudong.

Shen Xi is going to find a better restaurant today to reward himself.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned, and the phone rang halfway through.

"Hey, it's rare! Aren't you from abroad? Why do you remember to call me?"

Glancing at the phone, Shen Xi was surprised that Zhou Daoming, an old classmate, called.

After connecting, he smiled and asked.

Because they haven't seen each other for many years, Zhou Daoming went to study in the UK after taking the postgraduate entrance examination. When he returned to China a few years ago, the two only met once and had a meal.

"Director Shen, I can't go back to China!"

"Ah! You're back, where are you now?"

"In the medical school, I just finished a little work, chief director, do you have time, let's have a drink?"

"OK, wait, I'll be right over."

"Okay, wait for you!"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xi adjusted his direction and rushed towards the medical school.

The new campus of Modu Medical College is located in Pudong Science and Technology Park.

So the past is very convenient, no detours.

Shen Xi was also very happy when Zhou Daoming came back.

Among the classmates back then, the few who had a good time parted ways and went their separate ways.

It's rare to be able to get together.

But hearing that Zhou Daoming went to medical school as soon as he returned to China, Shen Xi couldn't help but wonder, is this kid going back to his alma mater to teach?
It was past twelve o'clock at noon, and there were already many people sitting in a large private room in a Sichuan restaurant.

Shen Xi is also among them at the moment, next to Zhou Daoming.

He was very surprised. He thought it was Zhou Daoming alone, but he found out that Zhou Daoming had already contacted many old classmates when he was in medical school.

Some teach in medical schools, and some work in Shanghai Hospital.

The most special thing is that Zhou Daoming brought a girlfriend, who was very beautiful.

At a glance, Shen Xi knew that Zhou Daoming's girlfriend was also studying in England.

The age difference between the two is about five or six years.

Of course, this is Shen Xi's feeling. As for the age of the woman, he may not be sure.

Judging age is only based on appearance.

Since it is based on appearance, it can't be very accurate. After all, women sometimes listen to confusing people and can't tell their exact age.

Glancing at the seven or eight old classmates present, Shen Xi asked Zhou Daoming in a low voice, "What are you doing? Even if you return to school to teach, you don't need to put on such a big show. Which one are you going to sing?"

Zhou Daoming is also fair and clean, but he is a bit fatter than Shen Xi, and his hair is a bit curly.

Hearing Shen Xi's question, he smiled narrowly, "What? You still hold grudges against your classmates. I didn't know that you quit the group, and I blamed them for that later."

Shen Xi shook his head, and said: "It's not about holding grudges, it's just that it's boring, why wait? It's all about singing praises when everything goes smoothly, but when it's a little bit difficult, everyone shows their true colors and is disgusting."

Zhou Daoming smiled and said: "You still have this temper, let me tell you! This time, I will treat you as soon as I come back. There is nothing specific, just for my girlfriend.

Her name is Tang Yun. We met in England and we have been talking for almost a year.

You know that I don't have many friends in Shanghai, so please let me know by the way. "

Hearing what Zhou Daoming said, Shen Xi glanced at Zhou Daoming with contempt, and jokingly said with a smile: "You kid think I can't guess it?

Are you ready to get married?

Preparing for a wedding?
Think about getting a gift! "

Zhou Daoming was told by Shen Xi, he smiled embarrassingly, "Not all, the main reason is that he will lose face in front of her if no friends come during the wedding."

Shen Xi glanced at the audience again, looking at those eating, drinking, talking and laughing faces, sneered: "Brother! You are too naive.

Going abroad is stupid!

Let's make a bet, those of you present here today, if you can get married halfway, even if I lose, how about it? "

Hearing this, Zhu Daming also looked at his old classmates. Seven or eight old classmates, with their families, came over a dozen.

He understood what Shen Xi meant, but what he could do was just smile.

"Forget it, I won't bet with you, it's up to them to come or not! As long as you good brothers are here, I will be very happy.

By the way, you don't plan to find another one? "

Shen Xi smiled, "What? Want to find a bridesmaid? Don't worry, Dalin and the others will definitely have a bridesmaid when they come over, especially that guy Chen Xu, if you want a dozen, he can bring you any."

Zhou Daoming stared, "I'm serious, don't change the subject."

Shen Xi smiled wryly, "Okay! Actually, I already have a goal, but I just met him for a few days, and the little girl is only twenty, so I'm a little bit unconfident.

When are you preparing for the wedding? "

Zhou Daoming glanced at his girlfriend, then turned his head and said to Shen Xi in a low voice: "You boy can do it! Is this planning to eat tender grass? But what are you afraid of?
Don't have the confidence yet, are you ashamed?
Listen to me, one word, go! "

Shen Xi rolled his eyes, "Let's talk about business."

"Okay, let's get down to business, we plan to hold a wedding on November [-], but we haven't met the parents yet, and we don't know what attitude her parents have..."

"Fuck, you kid is too sloppy! You haven't seen your parents yet, so you started preparing for the wedding?"

"It shouldn't be a problem, don't worry!"

"I have nothing to worry about. It doesn't matter to me whether you get married or not."

Zhou Daoming heard Shen Xi's words, raised his hand and patted Shen Xi's shoulder, and cursed with a smile, "You are still such a bastard..."

Seeing Shen Xi and Zhou Daoming whispering and laughing, the men looked at each other, and then one of them stood up, holding a wine glass.

"Old classmates, be quiet, let me say a few words!"

"Alright, Li Qiang, tell me..."

"I feel that Li Qiang wants to toast, do you want us to have a toast together..."

Several people agreed, and the private room was very lively for a while, and the voice became much louder.

They were all whispering to each other just now, but now they let go of their voices.

Zhou Daoming and Shen Xi both smiled at Li Qiang who stood up, waiting to hear what he wanted to say.

At this time, Li Qiang made a gesture of pressing down with one hand to everyone, and immediately, everyone stopped talking.

The private room became quiet, and everyone looked at Li Qiang with a smile.

Li Qiang smiled, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on Shen Xi's face, and said meaningfully: "Recently, Director Shen has a great reputation in our medical system.

It is said that it is still inherited from imperial physicians, and it is said that there are noses and eyes. Since I met Director Shen today, I must toast you a glass of wine.

By the way, I would like to ask, do you really have any ancestral folk remedies.

If so, I would like to ask Director Shen, can I do you a favor for the sake of old classmates..."

Speaking of this, Li Qiang held the wine glass and threw a gesture at Shen Xi, staring at Shen Xi.

Then, everyone looked at Shen Xi, waiting for his reaction, with curiosity and anticipation on their faces.

Curious whether Shen Xi is as rumored, and looking forward to it because the good show is about to begin.

Zhou Daoming felt a little regretful at this moment, as expected, Shen Xi was right, these old classmates were no longer in the medical school.

Everyone has changed. Li Qiang's words are obviously to take Shenxi.

Regardless of whether the outside rumors are true or false, Shen Xi will find it difficult to do so.

Really, can that do me a favor?

It's self-evident what I can do to help.

If it is fake, will Shen Xi be embarrassed?
Shen Xi maintained a faint smile, didn't get up, and didn't hold the wine glass.

The old god smiled lightly, looked around everyone, then looked at Li Qiang, and said with a smile: "Which onion are you? Do I know you very well?"

(End of this chapter)

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