Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 57 Chapter 057: What is it

Chapter 57 Chapter 057: What is it (please support!)

Would Shen Xi argue with someone like Wu Zexuan?

Of course not, the value of lip service does not exist.

Since it does not exist, it is simple and direct.

It's better to finish the four words "hands-on" and then really do it, just like slapping Wu Zekai, it's done with one slap.

As for Shen Xi, he still held back his strength, otherwise he would kill him with a single slap.

Shen Xi shot suddenly, Wu Zexuan fell to the ground fainted with a slap, his mouth was full of blood.

At this time, the two men reacted.

Immediately, left and right, surrounded.

As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one. Although Shen Xi is not an expert in fighting, but looking at the posture of the two of them, he can also know that they are Lianjiazi.

Indeed, Shen Xi read it right, the two men came from the same school, Zhao Family Tai Chi.

It is a pity that the Tai Chi practiced by many people can be used to bluff people, but it is unbearable to witness it in actual combat.

Shen Xi has the strength of a golden body, but it can be said that he has no actual combat ability.

Not to mention routine moves, but facing the two fake moves, those fancy fists and embroidered legs are simply vulnerable.

After ten sessions with one force, Shen Xi was completely overwhelmed.

Under the spiritual consciousness, the movements of the two were like snails, which made Shen Xi a little embarrassed to make a move.

It's really embarrassing to play Tai Chi.

In close combat, you come and go, and you are still playing routine moves, do you think you are practicing boxing between brothers?

With one punch and one kick, the two Lianjiazi were dealt with. Shen Xi clapped his hands, feeling a little disappointed.

I thought it was a Lianjiazi, and I wanted to learn some moves or something, and at the worst, I could practice actual combat, but I didn't expect to put on airs, it was simply embarrassing.

After opening the door to get in the car, Shen Xi started the car, and with a bang of the accelerator, he left happily.

Before going home, I went to a big supermarket and purchased a lot of supplies.

It is going to be placed in the Lost Realm, and it will be more convenient to cook in it in the future.

When I got home, I made a cup of tea and sat down on the wicker chair on the balcony.

Reminiscing about Gu Youxuan's smile and frown.

Men are like this, when their heart is moved, they will miss it.

As for Wu Zexuan, Shen Xi didn't take it seriously at all.

After drinking a few sips of tea, I thought about some recent events. I felt that there was nothing to worry about. I could enter the state of loss and get busy.

I also took this into consideration when I went to the supermarket to purchase just now.

Before entering the Lost Realm, Shen Xi left a message on Dean Lin's WeChat, after thinking about it, he left a message to Gu Youxuan.

And Du Yueqing also sent a text message.

Tell me to go out to do some errands these days.

After making arrangements, I got up to pack my things, closed the doors and windows, and entered a state of loss with a thought.

Shen Xi wanted to speed up the construction of the tree house, but although he was powerful, he was a layman in carpentry. If he wanted to make fine work, he had to do it with peace of mind.

Of course, before the 28th, he will definitely come out.

After all, they promised Gu Youxuan that they would go to the exhibition center and participate in the auction together.

However, on the second day after Shen Xi entered the Lost Realm, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Du Yueqing met Master De and made an appointment in a high-end club.

Du Yueqing knew who De Ye was, and crossed the river.

It's a business that can't be put on the table.

Originally, Du Yueqing didn't want to get in touch with this kind of person, but since he had something to discuss with him, he might as well meet.

In the private room of the guild hall, the two sat facing each other, with aloes burning beside them.

In front of the two of them was a sea of ​​tea, and the heat of the tea was rising.

But the two were silent for a short while, looking at each other.

In the end, Master De couldn't hold his breath anymore and said, "Mr. Du, you're being presumptuous. I've always wanted to meet you, but I didn't have the chance..."

Du Yueqing smiled calmly, with a shallow smile, interrupted Master De's words, and said, "Just be straight, straight to the point, no need to talk nonsense."

Lord De nodded, with a cold look on his face, he stared at Du Yueqing with triangular eyes, and asked, "I just want to ask Mr. Du, is there anything I have offended?"

Du Yueqing was puzzled, and asked back: "How do you say that?"

"A few days ago, I had a shipment that was robbed by someone. I don't know the person who sold it, but the car that this person drove was a black Jeep Wrangler. According to the license plate, it was found to be a car under your name, Mr. Du."

Hearing this, Du Yueqing's heart skipped a beat, but on the surface he remained calm, very calm, with an old face that was completely calm.

He had already guessed that it was Shen Xi's car, and he also guessed that it might be Shen Xi who robbed this person of his stolen goods.

If this man named De Ye can be found, he must have confirmed the information on the car.

If you want to deny it, it is useless and even more meaningless.

People don't care whether he recognizes it or not, it's just courtesy first and then soldiers.

Immediately, Du Yueqing picked up a cup of tea, took a sip slowly, then looked at Master De sternly and said, "Then how do you want to solve it?"

Master De laughed when he heard the words, "The goods will be returned, and I will have a good talk with you, Mr. Du, and let this matter be over."

Du Yueqing put down the teacup and laughed.

"What if you don't return?"

As soon as these words came out of Du Yueqing's mouth, the atmosphere in the private room became solemn.

Master De's eyes flashed fiercely, but just like Du Yueqing, he laughed, "Since Mr. Du, you don't give me face, what else can I do?
Brothers want to eat, and if they don’t have enough to eat, they will cause trouble. If they offend Mr. Du, then I will be really embarrassed. The Du family has a century-old family, and the family has a big business..."

Du Yueqing was still smiling, but a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

How many years have passed, and the Du family has been threatened by others. Is it really true that the Du family is a soft persimmon?

Interrupting Lord De's words, Du Yueqing sneered and said: "Some words should not be spoken lightly, they are easy to cause trouble, sometimes it is a good thing to suffer a little loss, and it is a blessing to suffer a loss.

If you are messing around on the scene, you need to measure it. If you don’t have this amount, don’t stay in this beach. Where did you come from?

Don't think that after a few days in the rivers and lakes, you really regard yourself as a green forest hero.

The Du family has been able to take root on the beach for so many years, it is not as shallow as you see, if you are not convinced, you can try it yourself.

Well, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you. "

After Du Yueqing finished speaking, she got up and left, not paying attention to Mr. De at all.

Running to his land to threaten him, he didn't weigh a few pounds or two.

What the hell!
Watching Du Yueqing get up and leave, Master De wished he could smash this old thing to death with a teapot.

But he really didn't dare to mess around.

A strong dragon does not crush a local snake, not to mention that he is not a strong dragon, and Du Yueqing is not a local snake, but a local dragon.

I thought that Du Yueqing would be taboo about talking on the scene and would save face, but I didn't expect to be so tough, which surprised Mr. De.

At the same time, I also have some doubts in my heart, Du Yueqing can't do something worth one or two hundred million!
Why is that?
I would rather turn against him than take a step back. In fact, he has already done a good job, and those who see him have a share, and he can get half of it back.

Unexpectedly, Du Yueqing turned his face directly without leaving any room for it.

Is it really going to work?
Master De gritted his teeth in his heart, but if he really took action against the Du family for this, he was a little bit unconfident.

Thinking of the look in Du Yueqing's eyes just now, he felt terrified.

Forget it, let's put it aside for a while, and wait for a few good brothers to come back from abroad.


Zhao's Tai Chi is located in Modu.

The two apprentices were beaten up last night, and Zhao Yuanwu, the master, was scolded by Wu Binhua as a waste.

I can't save face, but I dare not speak out when I get angry. After all, I take other people's money to take care of people's homes.

It's just that the apprentices taught are all fancy but not useful.

Looks good, it looks bluffing, but the actual combat is funny.

Of course, it is also very powerful against ordinary people.

It's just that I didn't expect that Dr. Shen could be so good at fighting.

Thinking about being a practicing family, Zhao Yuanwu felt that he had to find his way back.

Otherwise, in the circle of rich people in the future, none of the apprentices he cultivated would be willing to invite them to be bodyguards.

Therefore, on the third day after Shen Xi entered the Lost Realm, Zhao Yuanwu went directly to the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

It's actually very funny, he gave Chen Xi a challenge, Zhao Yuanwu, Zhao Style Tai Chi, challenged Dr. Shen Xi, and what's even more funny is that he actually has a live broadcast room.

He even reported this matter in the live broadcast room.

When it comes to challenging Shen Xi, there will be a live broadcast.

Dean Lin was confused.

What the hell?
The medical staff who heard the news were also completely dumbfounded, and had no idea what was going on!

It's so strange that someone wants to challenge Director Shen!

It's as bizarre as the Eternal Strange Tan.

You are a Tai Chi practitioner, challenging a doctor?
Don't you feel ashamed?

If you want to challenge, you also challenge those fighters!

What about a dragon, that is the one who should challenge!
(End of this chapter)

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