Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 61 Chapter 061: Strike First

Chapter 61 Chapter 061: Strike First

Qingpu, Dihao Villa District, Villa No. [-].

Also by the swimming pool, Dou Xiaoyu was wearing a very revealing swimsuit, lying on a chair and swiping her phone.

Suddenly, she saw a live video.

It was Zhao Yuanwu, the inheritor of Zhao's Tai Chi, who was talking eloquently. The thing was to accuse Shen Xi of hurting his apprentice, but he didn't dare to accept his challenge.

Moreover, the person had not been in the Chinese medicine hospital for several days, and he could not find him, so he hid in fright.

Immediately afterwards, two pictures appeared, and there was a VS in the middle, but Dou Xiaoyu sat up abruptly, staring at the picture on the phone carefully.

It's him, it's him.

It turned out that his name was Shen Xi, and he was actually the chief physician of a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

It was quite surprising.

Afterwards, Dou Xiaoyu laughed, and it would be easy to find you.

Immediately got up, entered the room, and went to De Ye to report the great discovery.

In Huayu Lake Villa, Du Yueqing was chatting with his granddaughter, while An Minsheng and Du Junyi were away and went to work.

"Yu Fei, luckily, I met Director Shen this time, in the future! It's better to stop singing and dancing all day long, and enjoy life. A place like the entertainment industry is not suitable for you now."

An Yufei grumbled, displeased, "Why don't you say it's not suitable? I'm fine now, and I can develop well from now on."

Du Yueqing smiled dotingly, "Silly girl, what do you lack? You don't lack anything. Why are you in the entertainment industry? Just for that little fame?
In the future, if she gets married, she has been in the entertainment circle after all, so it's not very good.

Just say that the little girl of the Gu family is so nice and quiet, that's how she looks like a lady of every family.

By the way, I'm old Gu said, that girl probably fell in love with Director Shen, and the two of them had dinner together, and they had a good chat.

Grandpa also thinks that you and Director Shen are two, so what, also..."

When An Yufei heard this, she also understood the meaning of her grandfather's words.

Let her go and grab Shenxi from Gu Youxuan!
"Please, Grandpa, don't you want me to be rivals in love with Youxuan? We are girlfriends, childhood sweethearts.

Besides, I don't want to get married either. Although elder brother Shenxi is handsome and has a sense of security, I still want to play for a few more years. I'm still a child..."

When Du Yueqing heard her granddaughter say that, she smiled helplessly, this girl!
Indeed, when he learned that Shen Xi was probably the one who robbed Lord De's batch, he thought of bringing Shen Xi into the Du family's system.

It's just that he was still hesitating, but then he saw that Zhao Yuanwu wanted to challenge Shen Xi, the reason was that Shen Xi injured his two apprentices.

And the youngest son of the Wu family.

At this time, Du Yueqing was basically sure that Shen Xi was indeed a hidden master.

When they met for the first time, he felt Shen Xi's invisible aura. At that time, he guessed that he had extraordinary skills.

But now it is certain.

So he came up with the idea of ​​An Yufei, the granddaughter.

Lao Gu is very happy now, because of Gu Youxuan and Shen Xi's date for dinner.

Don't look at Gu Baixun who walks swayingly, but what few people know now is that Gu Baixun once practiced Bajiquan.

Seven or eight men were no match for his skill when he was young.

Come to think of it, this old guy, Gu, must have seen Shen Xi's secrets at the first meeting.

Not only is her medical skill miraculous, she can be called a genius doctor today, but she also possesses super skills. If the woman in this family doesn't marry such a person, who will she marry?
But facing An Yufei's reluctance to get married, Du Yueqing couldn't force it, so she could only envy that old guy Gu Baixun.

I like that girl Gu Youxuan more, she is sensible and can judge people.

"By the way, brother Shenxi is in trouble, why don't you help?"

Suddenly, An Yufei remembered that Zhao Style Tai Chi was going to challenge Shen Xi.

Du Yueqing asked: "You mean Zhao Yuanwu?"

An Yufei nodded, "That's right! Find someone to beat him up quickly, it's so annoying."

Du Yueqing smiled faintly, patted An Yufei's little hand, and said, "Don't worry! Wait for the good show..."


When Shen Xi returned to the magic capital, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Xu Changhuai was finally in a hurry to carve the small pendants, seven of them were carved out in total.

The leftovers were also carefully packed by Xu Changhuai and handed over to Shen Xi.

Shen Xi said to Xu Changhuai's craftsmanship that he had nothing to say, that the carving skills were superb.

Worthy of being a master class!
Especially the haze stone inlaid pendant is simply beautiful, just like a work of art.

Of course, Shen Xi would not renege on the promised five centimeters.

On the way back, I received a message from Du Yueqing.

It is clear about Lord De's position, including how many people there are in Shanghai.

Shen Xi saw Dou Xiaoyu's introduction in the list.

Smiled, this woman is lucky!

It seems that not many died that day!

Afterwards, Shen Xi thought about it, and made a decisive decision without doing anything.

Do it tonight.

He doesn't like dragging because he realizes the danger.

It can no longer be like what happened to Lu Ah Ding, so it is better to act first.

After the Golden Body Realm and staying in the Lost Realm for a few days, I realized a lot and my mentality was really adjusted.

The mentality of a strong man is neither arrogant nor impetuous, but he must not make a move. Once he makes a move, it will be a thunderous blow, cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots, leaving no hidden dangers.

And that Zhao Yuanwu, Shen Xi also thought about it when he visited the ancient town today.

You can't let it go, or that guy will dance more and more.

While driving, thinking of Zhao Yuanwu, Shen Xi also secretly laughed.

Okay, don't you want to challenge?

Isn't it going to be live?

Satisfy you!
Of course, Shen Xi didn't want to expose his skills to the public, but he had already thought of another method.

Under the consciousness, everything is in slow motion, let alone playing Tai Chi.

If you play Tai Chi more slowly, it's like sending you to death.

After more than an hour and almost two hours, Shen Xi returned to the seaside villa, changed his car and left.

Proceed to Qingpu and go straight to Dihao Villa Area.

At this time, he had already changed into a jacket, a mask, and a hood.

This is to prevent surveillance.

About three kilometers away from the Dihao villa area, he drove the car into the parking lot of a supermarket, and parked the car at a blind spot under surveillance.

After getting out of the car, he avoided the monitoring area, left the parking lot, and strolled towards the Dihao villa area.

Three kilometers, 3000 meters, the distance can be said to be not far.

But Shen Xi was not in a hurry, and took his time.

It took more than half an hour before he appeared outside the Dihao villa area.

After choosing a fence with an iron fence, Shen Xi jumped in, and also tried to avoid the monitoring of the villa area as much as possible, and moved towards the No. [-] single-family villa.

The villa area is very large, but very quiet, which shows that the occupancy rate is not very high.

Many villas are dark with lights, obviously unoccupied.

Without much trouble, Shen Xi arrived in front of Villa No. [-]. The courtyard wall here is not an iron fence, but a brick wall, almost two meters high.

The external walls are all decorated with that kind of cultural stone.

First look around the surveillance probe, and then check the situation inside the wall with consciousness.

With sensitive ears, I also listened carefully to the sounds inside, including the sound of breathing, so as to judge how many people there might be.

(End of this chapter)

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