Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 63: Chapter 063

Chapter 63: Chapter 063

Dou Xiaoyu really didn't expect that Shen Xi made such a quick move.

She thought that if she recognized Shen Xi, she would be able to make Shen Xi fight the mouse, after all, the other party was a doctor.

It is impossible to do anything to her, plus the last time, let her go.

So, hearing the sound of her neck bone breaking, Dou Xiaoyu looked into Shen Xi's eyes, full of disbelief, and finally unwillingness and fear.

Seeing Dou Xiaoyu lying softly on the ground, Master De knew that he was finished.

Real fear appeared in his eyes, like before, he didn't think Du Yueqing would dare to kill him.

But now when he heard Dou Xiaoyu calling Shen Xi's name, he realized something was wrong.

Sure enough, someone cut off Dou Xiaoyu's neck with a palm.

This stupid woman, usually so shrewd, why is she so stupid this time.

Even if you recognize it, you can't recognize it!
Otherwise, why are people still covering it up so tightly?

Trembling with fat all over his body, Lord De trembled and wanted to promise a lot of money, but Shen Xi had already killed Dou Xiaoyu, so naturally he would not waste any more time.

With another wave of his hand, Master De wanted to hide, but the opponent was too fast.

The same crisp bone fragments penetrated into the depths of Master De's soul. In an instant, he lost his strength and fell limp to the ground, a stream of urine soaked his big underpants.

Shen Xi sighed lightly, and did everything he could to get rid of the evil, and then checked everyone, breaking the neck of those who were not dead, that is, cutting off the central nervous system.

Such a death is considered kind.

Just like the Spanish matador, the final victory, killing the bull.

How to deal with it, after thinking for a while, he returned to the room, his thoughts flashed, and wooden boxes appeared one after another, all of which were cultural relics that had been robbed at the beginning.

After taking them all out, he searched the whole villa again, and sure enough, in the upstairs bedroom, he found a box of banknotes, almost more than 100 million.

He can't move other things, they are of little value and easy to cause trouble.

Taking these banknotes is also killing the rich and helping the poor, and will not use them for their own consumption.

Then, he found Master De's mobile phone and called 110.

As for how the police will deal with it, he doesn't worry about it anymore.

It could have been buried deep, but after thinking about it, it was unnecessary.

It doesn't need to be like this, he can be regarded as an anti-violent and peaceful man, but it's a pity that Master De didn't make a donation.

But even so, he saw an increase in merit points.

There are almost thirty merit points, but the exact number cannot be determined, because the merit points are rising all the time, as long as he does not look at it for a long time, he will not know the exact number.

Once everything is settled, he leaves.

This time, he didn't pick up a gun. There are still a few pistols in the Lost Realm, which were all collected when he was at sea last time. These things are of no use to him for the time being.

The most important thing is to keep it as evidence to prove that these people are thugs.

With the addition of those cultural relics, I believe the police understand something.

What's more, Shen Xi didn't know how to deal with these cultural relics, and now it's just right.

These things are hot in the hand.

Putting it in the Valley of the Lost Realm still takes up space.


Early the next morning, Shen Xi was still asleep, but was woken up by a phone call.

Squinting to look at the number on the phone, it is very strange, and Shen Xi is also a little strange.

Who is calling him so early in the morning?

After connecting, there was the sound of the other party's breathing, but he didn't speak immediately.

Shen Xi was speechless, and immediately asked: "Who is it!"

At this time, the other party finally said, "Hello, is this Dr. Shen Xi?"

"What do you say?"

Hearing it was a female voice, also very strange, Shen Xi replied angrily.

Seems a little out of bed

Actually not, it was mainly because of what happened last night, which more or less affected his mental state.

Many things are easier said than done, Shen Xi is also a doctor and has seen a lot of life and death.

But even so, there was still a shock deep inside.

It takes a few days of self-regulation.

Mentally weak, and even mental illness.

Just like those soldiers who came down from the battlefield.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Shen, I didn't think about it, it will disturb your rest, or I will call again later, and you can sleep for a while."

The other party obviously realized it, and quickly apologized and said that the title has also changed to you.

Shen Xi smiled wryly, and said: "Forget it, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Well, that's it. I came from the capital. I heard something about you, Dr. Shen. I want to treat you to a meal. I want to talk to you about the specific things."

When the other party said this, Shen Xi instantly thought that this was asking him for medical treatment.

This happens more and more as time goes by.

"If you have something to say, just say it, this meal is not bad."

You said to meet and have a meal, so I will meet and have a meal with you?
Shen Xi will not waste time.

Otherwise, I will do nothing in the future, and I will just receive these people who come from all over the world every day.

The other party felt Shen Xi's tone and knew that he could not talk nonsense anymore, "That's right, Dr. Shen, it was introduced by An Minsheng..."

This time, Shen Xi was taken aback, An Minsheng introduced it.

From Beijing?

An Minsheng works in the capital, and it is impossible for ordinary people to introduce An Minsheng casually. It seems that the other party is not an ordinary person.

After pondering for a while, Shen Xi said: "Okay! Let's meet, I'm going to the Chinese Medicine Hospital later, you can just go there, and you won't have to eat."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Shen."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xi lost sleepiness and got up to take a shower.

After washing, boil water and make tea.

Now he likes to have a cup of tea when he wakes up in the morning.

Drinking tea while looking at the phone seems to have become a habit.

Of course, there is one more thing to do today, which is to accept Zhao Yuanwu's challenge.

Look at how this clown jumps.

And while Shen Xi was drinking tea and looking at his phone, Du Yueqing had also learned that a shocking case had occurred in the Dihao villa area last night.

Many people died, and there were still guns and a large number of cultural relics at the scene.

Upon receiving this news, Du Yueqing was terrified.

I only told Shen Xi's address last night, and the group of Master De died in the middle of the night. It is self-evident what it means.

Sure enough, Shen Xi is an expert, but also a ruthless person.

Fortunately, I made friends with him, otherwise it would be really terrible.

Thinking of Wu Binhua still jumping up and down, Du Yueqing sweated for him.

No, you must not let Shen Xi be exposed, you must cover for him.

Du Yueqing paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, thinking about how to deal with the next police investigation.

At this time, Gu Baixun called.

Du Yueqing was a little strange, did Gu Baixun also know something?
When the phone was connected, Gu Baixun's voice came, "Old Du, Hongda Pharmaceutical is probably going to make a move. What do you think?"

After hearing Gu Baixun's words, Du Yueqing understood what was going on.

As news spread that Shenxi had cured cancer tumors, he had an ancestral recipe, those who coveted him from all sides would definitely take action.

This is unavoidable.

Fortunately, after learning about Shen Xi's methods, Du Yueqing was not worried.

Then he said: "Let's wait and see what happens, and we will intervene if the situation is not right."

Gu Boxun laughed on the phone: "You want to see Director Shen's reaction, right? You old fox!"

Du Yueqing laughed, "Have a cup of tea later, I'll tell you something, and you'll understand."

"Okay, I want to see what medicine you bought in your gourd later..."

(In order not to be scolded as mentally retarded, I had to kill them first. I originally waited for the other party to make a move before fighting back, but thinking that I might be scolded by readers, forget it, forget it.)
(End of this chapter)

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