Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 69: Chapter 069

Chapter 69: Chapter 069

Quanxing private club, the top floor garden platform, under the grape trellis.

As soon as Shen Xi arrived, he greeted Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun, and then sat down.

This place is very good. The owner of this private club seems to have a strong relationship background, and he can actually turn the roof of the building into a small garden.

"What would you like to drink, sir?" A beautiful waiter asked softly.

Shen Xi said: "Green tea, Longjing white tea are both fine."

"Okay, wait a minute, sir."

The beautiful waitress nodded and left.

At this time, Du Yueqing smiled and said: "The real person doesn't show his face, Director Shen's attack is shocking!"

Gu Baixun looked at Shen Xi with satisfaction.

As for whether Shen Xi is cruel or merciless, he was also a martial arts practitioner before, so naturally he has a different opinion from Du Yueqing.

Buddhists all have King Kong to eliminate demons, Shenxi punishes evil and promotes good, and he does a good job.

Isn't it just killing a few people!

Look, Lao Du was frightened.

Shen Xi looked at Du Yueqing with a smile, wondering if what Du Yueqing said was a pun.

So he tentatively asked, "Which matter is Mr. Du referring to? Mr. De or Zhao Yuanwu?"

Du Yueqing was relieved after Gu Baixun's previous counseling, and laughed: "Of course it's two things, I have to say, Director Shen is a strange person!

I am also very happy to meet a young hero like you, old man. "

Shen Xi was also relieved, he was afraid that Du Yueqing would be too jealous, that was not what he wanted to see.

But looking at it now, Du Yueqing didn't seem to take it seriously, which is good, and immediately said: "Mr. Du, don't be called Director Shen from now on.

I have already resigned, so just call me by my name, you are all elders, you can call me whatever you want. "

Gu Baixun clapped his hands and said: "It's good to resign, in your current state, staying in the system is very unfavorable, and it is easy to be suppressed.

If you resign, you will be able to jump into the sea, and there will be no way to deal with many things that are within the rules. "

Not only Gu Baixun, Du Yueqing was also happy for Shen Xi's resignation.

He just heard Gu Baixun tell him that Wang Hongyuan of Hongda Pharmaceutical was already targeting Shenxi.

Just want to covet the folk prescription in Shen Xi's hand.

But as long as Shen Xi leaves the health system, it is impossible for Wang Hongyuan to use the functional departments to suppress and persecute Shen Xi.

And outside the system, with him and Gu Baixun, Wang Hongyuan didn't dare to mess around.

Outside of the system, the gameplay is different, not to mention that now they also know that Shen Xi is not good at all.

The real most dangerous person is Shen Xi.

Even if he and Gu Baixun didn't make a move, Wang Hongyuan couldn't handle Shen Xi.

Just as Du Yueqing was about to say something, the beautiful waiter came over, "Sir, please use your tea slowly!"

Shen Xi nodded, "Thank you!"

Afterwards, after the beautiful waiter left, Du Yueqing smiled and said, "Just now, Lao Gu said something. After we discussed it, I wanted to tell you and see how you want to deal with it."

"Oh?" Shen Xi was a little curious, "What's the matter?"

Du Yueqing said: "Hongda Pharmaceutical has been eyeing you. In the past two days, you have been very close to the inspection department of the Health Bureau, as well as the vice president Chen of your hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Moreover, an old professor in the medical school who is engaged in scientific research also had a meeting with Wang Hongyuan, Vice President Chen and the others. I don't know if it was aimed at you.

The old professor's scientific research group and the pharmaceutical company that cooperated in the research are Fonta Pharmaceuticals.

Coincidentally, the subject of their scientific research project is anticancer drugs. "

When Shen Xi heard this, he glanced at Gu Baixun and asked, "Why does Gu Gu stare at these?"

Gu Baixun smiled and said, "You flirt with my granddaughter, so I have to be on guard for you? You cured congenital heart disease, cancer, and a little girl's optic neuroma.

Lao Du and I have been in the ups and downs of the business world for decades, don't you know that you will be targeted sooner or later?
After watching that movie, am I not the God of Medicine? "

Shen Xi nodded, and Gu Baixun continued: "People are crazy for survival, and people are even more crazy for profit.

You have both, as you can imagine. "

Gu Baixun's thoughts moved Shen Xi a little bit, but also made him a little happy, Gu Baixun seems to have no objection!

But he didn't think about it at this time, he smiled wryly, and said: "They have already made a move, someone complained and reported..."

Shen Xi told all about him.

After hearing this, Gu Boxun immediately asked: "If you still have money in your card, transfer it immediately and transfer it to my account, otherwise, it may be frozen in the future."

Du Yueqing nodded, "Yes, once they make a fuss about selling counterfeit medicines, they can apply to freeze all your assets logically.

There are too many reasons, stolen money from fake medicines, evidence and so on.

Moreover, if you have a lot of money in your account, it is easy to be labeled, so you must deal with it as soon as possible. "

Shen Xi asked: "Is it okay if I resign?"

Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun shook their heads.

"Well, I understand." Shen Xi didn't panic, took out his mobile phone, and started to transfer money, and soon put nearly [-] million banknotes on the card, and transferred it to the account that Gu Baixun sent money to him.

"OK, I'll transfer all the money to the account you sent me last time."

Gu Boxun nodded and said, "Well, this is the first step. If you need our help next, please feel welcome. How are you going to deal with it?"

Shen Xi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "You shouldn't answer, just wait, stop with silence, and see what happens."

Du Yueqing smiled when he heard the words, and praised: "The demeanor of a general."

Gu Baixun said: "I heard from Miss Xuan that you made an appointment with her to attend the jade jewelry exhibition held by Jin Yuyuan Jewelry, and there is also an auction?"

Shen Xi nodded, not understanding what Gu Baixun wanted to express.

Gu Baixun continued: "A top-level auction, you can't get in without an invitation. I'll get two for you, and there's capital verification. When the time comes, I'll ask the girl to bring two checks."

After hearing this, Du Yueqing suddenly smiled and said, "Old Gu, why don't we join in the fun, we haven't attended these auctions for a long time."

Hearing Du Yueqing's suggestion, Gu Baixun also became interested, "Okay, let's relax, how about we make a bet, isn't there a rough stone auction?

Then let's see who buys the rough stone with the highest value? "

Du Yueqing laughed loudly, "Okay, you old guy, what do you want to bet on?"

Gu Baixun glanced at Shen Xi, and said: "I lose, and all the shares of the French winery will belong to you, but if I win, I will take that island."

Du Yueqing happily accepted the bet. Of course, he also guessed why the old guy was eyeing Xiaodao because he was preparing a dowry for his granddaughter.

Thinking of this, Du Yueqing couldn't help but glance at Shen Xi meaningfully.

Seeing that the two of them finished their bet, Shen Xi didn't talk nonsense, looked at Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun, reached out his hand from his pocket, took out two small pendants, and put them on the table.

"Two gadgets, hung on the chest, prolong life."

Du Yueqing and Gu Baixun looked at each other, both of them had joy in their eyes, since Shen Xi said to prolong life, it must be a good thing.

They have witnessed the magic of Shen Xi, so naturally they don't doubt him.

Immediately, the two of them held it in their hands and looked at it carefully.

Du Yueqing also understood at this time why Shen Xi asked him to help find the master sculptor.

This kind of wood is very heavy, and there is a faint burnt fragrance. Neither Du Yueqing nor Gu Baixun can recognize what kind of wood it is.

But after smelling the smell, the two felt extraordinary magic.

Eyes lit up, good stuff!

(End of this chapter)

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