Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 76 076: Big Misunderstanding

Chapter 76 076: Big Misunderstanding
The old house of the ancient family, like a garden, covers a huge area, close to Kunshan, the location is very good.

Gu Youxuan got up early in the morning, and today she was going to see if the custom-made clothes for Shen Xi were finished.

Because of the recovery from congenital heart disease, her skin is now white and rosy, her face is like a peach blossom, her eyes are watery, and she is more and more charming.

A smile and a frown show the softness and gentleness of Jiangnan women.

When I was in the hospital, I quietly wrote down Shen Xi's height and shape, originally to order a set of handmade clothes to thank Shen Xi.

But then it became several sets, all kinds of expensive and comfortable fabrics, all came in two suits.

Now she has a small head, all she thinks about is Shenxi.

For clothes and shoes, I want to order the best and most comfortable ones for Shen Xi.

Her mother originally wanted to persuade her daughter, but Gu Baixun spoke up.

He will no longer interfere with his daughter's affairs.

Gu Youxuan didn't tell Gu Baixun about the Yanxia Stone, she changed her mind and followed Shen Xi's order, and didn't tell anyone.

Gu Youxuan ate breakfast in a hurry, told her family, and went out happily.

Seeing this, Gu Baixun and the rest of the Gu family all laughed happily.

Finally able to jump up and down, no need to take care of me in every possible way, the whole family is in distress.

Of course, bodyguards are indispensable, the daughter of the Gu family must be careful all the time.

After Shen Xi woke up, he made breakfast, rice porridge and kimchi.

Of course, having a cup of tea first and relaxing for a while is a must.

He's used to it now, getting up early with a cup of tea.

While drinking tea, he couldn't help but think of the West Mountain Manor in Hangzhou that Du Yueqing gave him, and it seemed that he had to take the time to have a look.

The main reason is to get some good tea trees and transplant them into the Valley of the Lost Realm.

It is now known that the vegetables grown in the valley have top taste and are delicious in the world.

What about tea?
It is conceivable that it must be the top in the world.

There is also coffee. If there is a chance in the future, I will also get a few coffee trees in and plant some top-quality coffee beans.

While drinking tea, while thinking, I could already smell the aroma of rice porridge.

The rice in the valley is too early to be harvested. I don’t know what it will taste like when it is used for cooking rice and porridge.

I have nothing to do today, and I don't plan to enter the lost realm.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the seaside villa after breakfast to see Xiao Nizi.

Well, before we go, go to the supermarket to buy some snacks or something.

In Shudu, Shen Miao has already dealt with the BMW car and booked the air ticket for tomorrow night. She is going to go to Shanghai with her new boyfriend to have fun, and visit her brother by the way.

Now she, like a little rich woman, spends money lavishly.

200 million and less than 100 million left.

I spent 10,000+ for a few clothes and bags, and I was coaxed by my new boyfriend to buy him a new mobile phone, famous watch, famous brand clothes and so on.

It's really a prodigal bitch, completely crazy.

Under the sudden wealth, the mentality exploded.

As for the new boyfriend Ma Bo, he really didn't want to go to Shanghai, so he had a bitter face early in the morning.

Seeing this, Shen Miao asked in surprise, "What are you doing this early in the morning?"

Ma Bo pretended to be distressed and said, "I called from home. Dad is sick and needs a lot of money for treatment, but I don't have any money..."

Shen Miao asked angrily, "How much does it cost?"

Seeing Shen Miao like this, Ma Bo immediately knew that there was something going on, this woman was soft-hearted and easy to coax.

Immediately said: "It's about 50..."

Upon hearing this, Shen Miao was taken aback, and looked at Ma Bo, seeing his dodging eyes, Shen Miao immediately understood.

Shen Miao is just out of tune, righteous, and soft-hearted, but it doesn't mean she is really stupid.

If Ma Bo said one hundred and eighty thousand, she wouldn't think too much, but Shen Miao couldn't take it if it cost 50.

Looking at Ma Bo's eyes again, he didn't understand, and even thought that this guy was with her because he was probably looking for her money.

She was extremely ashamed and sad, but she didn't explode and endured it.

"Which one wants so much, why is it sick?"

Shen Miao pretended to be surprised, but also worried.

Ma Bo thought he was clever, and thought Shen Miao believed it. He immediately said bitterly: "It seems to be cancer. A tube of medicine costs tens of thousands."

Shen Miao showed a look of embarrassment, "I don't have any money in my hand. If we get to Shanghai, I will ask my brother. He has money, tens of millions. Don't worry, my money will be yours." money.

Your father is my father, I will find a way with this little money. "

When Ma Bo heard this, he was a little disappointed, but thinking that he might get 50 yuan, he thought it was worth going to Shanghai.

Shen Miao's brother is a big boss, very rich.

Maybe I can give him a little more.

Ma Bo didn't know, Shen Miao was scolding Guapi Guawazigui's son in his heart.

While Shen Miao was annoyed, her aunt and niece Hu Yumo was also distressed.

In the past two days, she has no money, and the [-] that her uncle gave her plus the reward for the live broadcast is gone.

Because in the past two nights on the live broadcast platform, I fell in love with a handsome guy who was live broadcasting, so I tipped him casually, and for some reason, I got into a fight with another tipper.

Therefore, 10,000+ is over.

After the bar was over, she came to her senses, and she became a poor person again.

I am very annoyed, but it is too late to regret.

Today I promised my girlfriends to go shopping and treat them to a big meal, what should I do?
It wouldn't be too embarrassing to ruin a date.

Or, ask uncle again?

Hesitating and deliberating, Hu Yumo worried about being scolded by his uncle.

Thinking about the 10,000+, she was bleeding from heartache.

But in order not to lose face in front of his girlfriends, in the end, Hu Yumo gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and sent a WeChat voice message to the old uncle.

After Shen Xi finished eating the rice porridge, he was about to go to the seaside villa to see Xiao Nizi, when he heard the notification tone of his mobile phone.

When I opened it, it turned out to be my niece, so I opened it immediately.

"Uncle, Yumo misses you! I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss you!"

Hearing his niece's tone, Shen Xi couldn't laugh or cry, okay, come to him in a flick.

Then he replied: "Oh, it's better to be my niece, and I still think about my uncle. Okay, after thinking about it, let's talk directly if you have something to say!"

"Uncle, I'm out of money, can you do that..."

"Then what? By the way, you little girl, how did you spend so much money?"

"I was wrong. On a whim, I quarreled with people in the live broadcast room, and I got all the rewards. I will never be so stupid again... woo..."

I'm dizzy, Shen Xi is speechless, the little girl is actually quite involved in the play, she even cried.

"Okay, okay, don't pretend, uncle will transfer you some more, save some money this time, just wait!"

After speaking, Shen Xi made a voice, and was about to transfer the money, but soon remembered that there was no money on the card.

It didn't matter at first, and it didn't matter if it was one day sooner or later.

But I thought that if Momo was not in a hurry, she would definitely not give him the information, and besides, he was quick to talk and agreed, so he couldn't let his niece down.

He also got rich recently, and he was a little psychologically inflated.

Things have come to this point, so we can only think of a way.

After thinking about it, go to Gu Youxuan, forget it, it's not suitable, go to Meng Yu, Liu Xiaodan and the others?

Nor is it appropriate.

Looking for Gu Baixun, but unfortunately the old man doesn't use WeChat.

Hey, suddenly, Shen Xi thought of Li Fang.

Do you want to test it?
Give it a try and see if Li Fang will borrow one hundred thousand!

It has to be said that Shen Xi also wanted to know if Li Fang would lend him money.

Immediately, a WeChat message was sent.

Next is waiting.

Of course, Shen Xi has a playful mentality.

At this time, the three of Li Fang had just left the Pullman Hotel, and they were all carrying cash!
Hearing the notification on the mobile phone, Li Fang took it out to see that it was Shen Xi.

: There is no money on the card, can I borrow [-] for emergency.

The simple and direct sentence made Li Fang stunned, what do you mean?
You just gave them 30 cash and borrowed money here?
Although she couldn't figure out what kind of mess Shen Xi was making, Li Fang thought about it, gritted her teeth, and transferred all the money she had saved, a total of 18, to Shen Xi.

She thought that Shen Xi regretted it and wanted to take it back, so she would not ask for the money, because there was no 30 on the card, otherwise she would have to pay back all 30.

After transferring 18, Li Fang sent a message to Shen Xi: The remaining 12 will be given to you in the afternoon.

When Shen Xi saw the transfer of 18, he knew something was wrong and there was a misunderstanding.

After reading the information, sure enough, there was a big misunderstanding.

He also didn't expect that this woman had such a strong personality.

Sure enough, women are complicated, and he still can't see through them!

(The three chapters end today, by the way, please recommend and collect support, thank you!)
(End of this chapter)

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