Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 89 Chapter 089 : Mountain Camp

Chapter 89 Chapter 089 : Mountain Camp
This time, Sun Xiu'e's hostility seemed to have softened a bit.

Shen Xi couldn't understand this kind of inexplicable hostility, but he didn't care.

As the saying goes, people with high skills are bold, and it doesn't matter whether they are enemies or friends.

When he arrived in a foreign land, Shen Xi felt a sense of unscrupulous pleasure.

I also want to really test how strong his strength in the early stages of the Golden Body Realm is.

The car kept driving, and I don't know how long it would take, but Shen Xi was able to grasp the location.

As he moves, his illusory map also moves around him.

One hundred kilometers covers a fairly large area. It is so convenient to use a map to point the way.

They are now heading to the northeast suburbs, and they will enter the mountains in a short time.

The nearby terrain is clear at a glance, but this illusory map does not have specific city streets or anything, and there will be no introduction of place names.

However, Shenxi has a high-definition map, which can be viewed in combination.

Of course, it will not be taken out now, it was prepared before he came, and placed in the Lost Realm.

Sun Xiu'e was still taking the opportunity to talk about the situation, maybe she was really optimistic about Shen Xi, or she didn't want Shen Xi to die too soon.

Shen Xi also realized this, guessing the identity of his doctor is probably the key point.

In barren mountains and wild ridges, deep mountains and old forests, mosquitoes are rampant, high temperature and high humidity, it is likely that team members will get sick.

"This time, the one competing with us for a point is a treasure hunting team from the United States, with more than forty people, divided into five teams.

The camps of two of the teams are not very far from us.

Han Feng thinks that these Americans are eyeing us and have been hanging on us..."

Shen Xi asked: "Who is Han Feng?"

Sun Xiu'e replied: "As the captain of our treasure hunting team, we are also divided into four groups, one group stays in the main camp, and Han Feng and two locals are in charge.

The other three groups are going out groups, when the time comes, you newcomers will also be divided into three groups..."

But Shen Xi didn't care about these things, and interrupted and asked: "Why are the Americans staring at us?"

After asking such a question, Shen Xi immediately felt that Sun Xiu'e's expression changed. He guessed that there was some secret, and he didn't want to tell him yet.

Sun Xiu'e pretended to be blank and said: "We don't know why, these people are just staring at us."

Shen Xi sneered in his heart, should he be fooled by Americans, or be fooled by me.

It must be something you find in your hands that will be targeted by another group of treasure hunters.

Maybe if the news spreads, it will attract more treasure hunters.

So, Shen Xi tentatively asked: "Could it be that there are other forces deliberately spreading false news, causing trouble to come to the east..."

Sun Xiu'e was surprised, and glanced at Shen Xi, "You mean being framed?"

Shen Xi nodded, "For example, if you found any clues, one sentence can make you countless enemies."

Sun Xiu'e turned sideways, staring at Shen Xi, and Shen Xi also looked at her indifferently.

Afterwards, Sun Xiu'e smiled sweetly, "I really can't underestimate you. In fact, we have also thought of this."

Shen Xi carefully discerned whether Sun Xiu'e's words were true or false.

But in the end he couldn't figure out whether what Sun Xiu'e said was true or not.

I have to say that these people are all good people, and they are all acting.

Not to be underestimated!
Although he didn't find out anything, Shen Xi knew it in his heart.

The next journey was very long, and the car became quiet. Sun Xiu'e closed her eyes to rest, and Shen Xi also turned her head to look out the window.

In the car, the faint fragrance from Sun Xiu'e's body mixed with Cheng Hu's sweaty smell, the smell was not very good.

Time passed slowly, and the road gradually became bumpy.

Into the mountains, the road is no longer smooth.

Vehicles and pedestrians gradually disappeared from the window, and the woods began to increase and become denser.

There are not many light spots on the illusory map in the consciousness.

And most of the colors tend to be red and blue, very light and very light.

Shen Xi can now guess that red does not refer to gold and silver, it should be metals, while blue refers to gems.

There were also some light purple dots on the virtual map, he speculated that it might be a cemetery or something.

While the car was swaying, Shen Xi began to think again, whether he should go out alone and follow the team, for the illusory map and spiritual consciousness he possessed.

It is not very convenient, too restrictive, and time-consuming.

Of course, let's take a look at the situation for the time being. It's best to get some information first, so as to save him from searching for a needle in a haystack.

It's different with the information, at least there is a direction and area, and the search is more effective.

Not only the information here, but also the information on the American side, you can also look for it, maybe you will gain something.

Logically speaking, the information that each treasure hunting team relies on should be similar with minor differences.

But it does not rule out that after some data is collected, clues can really be found.

It's not just the Americans who are looking for, but all other treasure hunting teams can go and have a look.

With spiritual consciousness, you can find it even hidden in the crotch.

Shen Xi had a preliminary plan in mind, and decided to find out the situation first, and then collect the locations of the main camps where the treasure hunting teams were stationed.

At noon, it was already in the mountains.

Cheng Hu stopped at a simple gas station.

Sun Xiu'e said: "Get out of the car and take a rest, eat something, there is still a long way to go."

Tropical forest, the trees are tall and the scenery is good.

After getting out of the car, Sun Xiu'e bought some bread and got mineral water from the trunk of the car.

After Cheng Hu refueled, he also came over to eat together.

But when Chenghu looked at Shen Xi's white appearance, his eyes were full of contempt.

This is not like a treasure hunter, like a frail scholar.

But after Shen Xi grinned at him, Cheng Hu suddenly became surprised.

At that moment just now, his hairs exploded.

It's like being watched by a beast.

This time, there was no contempt in his eyes, but vigilance and solemnity, and there was a hint of respect and distance.

Sun Xiu'e glanced at the two of them calmly, and continued eating.

After eating and drinking enough, we continued on the road. This time, Sun Xiu'e took the co-pilot.

After driving for half an hour, Shen Xi understood why Sun Xiu'e sat in the front.

The road conditions are too bad, getting more and more bumpy. The mountain road is either a cement road or an asphalt road, or a gravel road.

There are many potholes and many stones.

Those sitting in the back are thrown up from time to time.

Regarding this, Shen Xi was also speechless.

I don't know how far this **** is, and I can't take a break even if I want to squat for a while.

This woman is a jerk and a jerk.

Fortunately, Shen Xi is powerful, and he gradually got used to it, let's go!
Time is in such turbulence, slowly passing by, and the sky is gradually dimming.

Shen Xi looked at the time, it was not five o'clock.

It gets dark earlier here.

At this time, the car was no longer on the mountain road, and had already shuttled through the mountain forest.

Finally, in a forest at the foot of a mountain, Shen Xi saw some vehicles parked in the forest in front of him, all of them were all kinds of off-road vehicles.

An all-wooden camp also appeared in view.

Shen Xi knew that this should be the main camp.

(End of this chapter)

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