Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 93 Chapter 093: Night Ghost

Chapter 93 Chapter 093: Night Ghost
John watched with his own eyes, the female companion not far from him.

After a black shadow flashed past, blood spurted from the neck, and there was a cooing sound.

Seeing this scene, he knew that he had encountered a master, and he also knew that his manpower had almost been killed.

This man is a devil, a night ghost, terrible.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and ran, hiding into the forest under the dark night.

Shen Xi had already stopped at this time, and did not chase after him. With a playful smile, an automatic rifle appeared in his hand.

Pick up, aim, pull the trigger.


With one shot, John, who was running, exploded in the back of his head.

Ever since he fired the shot, Shen Xi discovered that his marksmanship was surprisingly accurate.

This may have something to do with his strength and his soul vision.

Of course, Shen Xi couldn't figure out why.

But the feeling of sharpshooter is really good.

Putting away the automatic rifle, Shen Xi quickly approached the house where the people were tied up.

There are also two Americans in here.

Fortunately, these two people haven't reacted yet, and the people who don't know them have already been wiped out.

Shen Xi chose the position, held the pistol in his right hand, and pressed the window with his left hand.

With a sudden push, the moment the window opened, Shen Xi fired two shots in succession.

The two people in the room were headshot before they even had time to react.

At this time, Shen Xi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I have no relationship with the members of the Huaxia Treasure Hunting Team, but they are compatriots after all, so it is best to be able to save them.

Of course, at the first moment, he consciously checked the merit points.

Sure enough, seven hidden merit points disappeared.

There are three or seven or nine.

Fortunately, it is a hidden merit point. If it is real, Shen Xi has the urge to kill several people to earn back the merit point.

But for killing so many Americans, the merit point has also increased a wave.

930 for six.

It suddenly increased by 130, and these people are also deeply sinful.

The three people who were tied up in the room were overjoyed to see the two Yankees headshot.

I know I am finally saved.

At this time, Shen Xi also opened the door and walked in.

Seeing the appearance of the person who came, one man and one woman among the three recognized them.

The two of them had read the information about the visitor this time, and it was Shen Xi.

Then the two looked behind Shen Xi, as if they were waiting for Sun Xiu'e and Cheng Hu to appear.

Seeing this, Shen Xi naturally understood, and said with a smile: "I'm the only one here, I'll untie it for you first."

The woman said: "Thank you, Brother Shen."

The man also thanked: "Thank you, I thought I was going to die this time, haha!"

And the other person also opened his mouth at this moment, but Shen Xi didn't understand what he said.

"Is he not Chinese?"

Shen Xi asked, and the woman explained: "He is a local, and he cooperated with us. There were originally two people, and the other was killed in the afternoon."

Shen Xi nodded, understood.

Immediately, he took out his pistol and shot that person, bang, headshot.

Locals, why keep it?

A waste of merit points.

Both Wu Qing and Tan Wei were taken aback.

I didn't expect that Shen Xi would be so straightforward.

Sure enough, Sun Xiu'e said that this guy is a ruthless person and should not be underestimated.

How cruel!

After untying the two, Shen Xi got up and started to untie the hanging man.

He also guessed that the person who was hung should be Han Feng.

Putting down Han Feng, Shen Xi asked, "What's your name?"

Wu Qing had already gotten up at this time, she was not seriously injured, her forearm was shot, when she heard Shen Xi's question, she immediately said: "Brother Shen, my name is Wu Qing."

Tan Wei also stood up, but with one leg lifted, he was shot in the thigh.

"Brother Shen, I'm Tan Wei."

Shen Xi hummed, glanced at the injuries of the two, and said: "The Americans dealt with you too easily, I will deal with it again later.

By the way, where are the medical supplies? "

Wu Qing said: "It's in the storage room, I'll get it."

"Forget it, I'll go. You go get some mineral water, and a clean towel basin. Tan Wei, you'd better lie down."

After speaking, Shen Xi got up and left to find medical supplies.

After about an hour, Shen Xi took care of Han Feng's wound and bandaged it.

The wound on the face was cleaned and disinfected with stitches.

In addition, Wu Qing and Tan Wei were debridement, sutured and bandaged again.

And Han Feng has also woken up.

"Shen Xi, thank you, I didn't expect you to come in handy."

Han Feng actually wanted to make a joke.

Wu Qing and Tan Wei also realized how reassuring it was to have a doctor around.

Shen Xi also smiled, although many people died, but he couldn't put on a bitter face.

Even Han Feng was like this, he still wanted to grin, as expected, he was a person who licked blood with a knife.

Perhaps, I have already been mentally prepared.

"Sun Xiu'e and Cheng Hu are both in emergency situations. Wu Qing, you can call them and let them know."

Shen Xi said to the three of them, Wu Qing nodded and went to find her mobile phone.

Afterwards, Shen Xi said to Han Feng and Tan Wei: "You lie down and rest first, and I'll go and dispose of the body, otherwise it's a hot day, it will stink tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi left.

He really disposed of the corpse, but he could only dig a pit and bury it.

It cannot be burned in the mountains and forests, and it is easy to cause forest fires.

Digging a hole should not be too easy for Shen Xi.

He dug a large hole at the foot of the mountain a few hundred meters away from the camp.

How to lift the corpses and throw them into the pit.

The corpses of the Chinese had already been buried by the Americans, just tens of meters away from the camp.

Regarding this, Shen Xi has no idea.

Everything will wait for tomorrow, and Sun Xiu'e and Han Feng will deal with it.

They are all desperadoes, and their bones are buried in a foreign country, and no one seems to care.

After everything was done, Shen Xi returned, and it was already before dawn.

Wu Qing had already made a phone call and was lying on the bed next to Tan Wei. When Shen Xi came in, she also climbed onto the bed and lay down.

"Let's all squint for a while!"

After saying a word, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He had already searched with his spiritual sense before, but he didn't find any military maps, so he had to wait for Sun Xiu'e to come after dawn and directly show his cards and ask for them.

Don't be afraid to tear your face apart, thinking about what happened tonight, these people dare not give it up.

Since Han Feng was tortured like this, he didn't speak.

I knew that he valued this map very much.

What does it mean?
It shows that this map is really possible to find clues.

This made Shen Xi determined to win.

The temperature before dawn was very comfortable, and Shen Xi quickly fell asleep.

When it was dawn, Sun Xiu'e and Cheng Hu arrived.

And Shen Xi has also woken up and is checking on Han Feng's injury.

Fortunately, the three of Han Feng did not have a fever, indicating that the situation is good.

Looking at the indifferent Shen Xi, Sun Xiu'e and Cheng Hu were very afraid.

After receiving a call from Wu Qing at night, Wu Qing explained the situation. Hearing that Shen Xi killed dozens of Americans by himself, the two of them didn't react for a long time.

It's too unreal, is Shen Xi so powerful?

Is it Rambo?
But that was in the movie!
How is it possible in reality?
Those Americans are not vegetarian, most of them are mercenaries, it can be said that ordinary treasure hunting teams can't do them.

As for Shen Xi alone, he managed to successfully attack at night, how did he do it?
Although he was puzzled, he was already quite afraid of Shen Xi.

The secret hatred in Sun Xiu'e's heart was completely suppressed because of this, and she didn't dare to think about it.

Yes, she has enmity with Shen Xi, that's why she has hostility.

Dou Xiaoyu is her good friend, and the friendship between the two is very deep.

De Ye and her boss Hong Baoshan also have a lot of business contacts and cooperation.

Hong Baoshan and Bai Dongping also had business dealings before.

Sun Xiu'e looked at Shen Xi, finally smiled slightly, and said: "You really surprised me, I'm a little afraid of you now."

It was originally a joke, but Shen Xi laughed directly: "The reason why you are afraid of me is because you are hostile to me. I knew it when we first met."

Sun Xiu'e didn't expect Shen Xi to be undisguised and straightforward.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became tense, and everyone looked solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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