Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 96: Chapter 096

Chapter 96: Chapter 096

For dinner tonight, Shen Xi drank a few bottles of cold beer.

It's a pity that it can only be drunk as an iced drink, and you won't get a little drunk.

People like to drink, in fact, to enjoy the little drunkenness, otherwise it is meaningless.

After eating and drinking enough, he did not go out immediately, but entered the valley pasture to check the livestock and poultry.

Shen Xi came to feed the feed before and found a phenomenon.

Those were the animals that lived in the valley for a few days, and they were very close to him.

Just like now, when he comes in, cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and geese will all gather towards him, surround him, and run after him.

But at this time, Shen Xi did not notice that outside the enchantment of the valley, on a mountain ridge, a snow-white wolf-shaped animal was looking at the valley.

This wolf-shaped animal is not very big, similar to a wolf, except for the white fur, there is a little black between the eyes, like a third eye.

From the front, it looks very strange.

But this wolf-shaped animal seemed to be weak, with a big belly, broken hind legs, bleeding pale golden blood, and the same tail, missing a piece, as if it was bitten off by some animal.

Looking at the valley within the enchantment, and seeing humans playing with small animals, it seemed that there was hesitation in its humanized eyes.

In the valley, Shen Xi played for a while, and felt that it was time to get down to business. With a thought, he came out of a lost state.

And the wolf-shaped animal was stunned for a moment, staring at the place where the human disappeared, its eyes seemed to be full of doubts, followed by a trace of fanaticism.

Immediately afterwards, he walked slowly down the mountain, and stopped only when he was close to the barrier.

Appearing next to the stream of the gold mine again, Shen Xi let go of his consciousness and began to explore.

According to the position of the brightness of the light spot, start looking for gold that can be mined.

Shen Xi was actually quite surprised, he didn't expect that an island country like the Philippines would have such quality gold veins.

The dog head gold was not found, but there are really a lot of big gold particles.

Especially in the stream, it is a joy to dig directly into the gravel to pick it up.

The stream has water, so it is not suitable for digging, only shallow gold can be obtained.

But it was good to leave the stream, find a place with the brightest point of light, and start excavating the rock formation.

Digging with the power of spiritual consciousness, the size and shape can be controlled at will.

The rocks touched by the hand disappeared quickly.

Shenxi did not open a big hole, but made a small hole first, and after entering, it expanded and extended towards the interior of the mountain.

In this way, after the excavation, he can easily block the entrance and restore it.

This is a mineral vein with a high gold content, and it is very large. It is not only the mountain, but also spreads underground.

When Shenxi started digging, he forgot the time and didn't know how long it took to dig. He only knew that the valley of the Lost Realm, where he could pile up, was full.

And they are stacked very high, tens of meters high.

Fortunately, it is as regular as a stone, so it is easy to stack and not easy to fall.

In the end, it felt almost the same, and the brightness of the light spot was already very dim. He also stopped and began to return from the depths of the mountainside.

Looking at the huge amount of gold ore in the valley of the Lost Realm, Shen Xi was very satisfied.

Even if you can't find the hidden treasure this time, it's a worthwhile trip.

Although there is no specific number, he estimates that there must be tens of thousands of square meters, or even more.

That is tens of thousands of tons of gold ore, the grade is very high, and one ton yields [-] to [-] grams of pure gold, which is [-] to [-] million gold.

Well worth it!
It turns out that mining is more profitable than digging treasures!
Of course, gold ore is very troublesome to handle, not as convenient as pure gold.

Maybe there is no way to deal with it, so it can only be used to pave the ground and build houses in the valley.

It's a good building material.

Coming out of the entrance, the sky outside was actually getting brighter.

With a thought, a huge boulder appeared, which just blocked the entrance of the cave, and it fit perfectly.

Although there are still some spots of light, but at this moment Shen Xi has lost interest.

Went to the stream to clean up, the idea flashed, took out the outdoor simple stove, and started to light a fire to boil water to make tea.

Sitting on the stone by the stream, the mist is flowing in the morning, which is very cool.

This place is very close to the edge of downtown Manila, and the virtual map also covers a small part of the urban area.

Looking at the light spots, there is nothing unusually bright, but the number of light spots in the urban area and the fringe mountainous areas is much more.

There is no value for exploration. After drinking tea, eating some bread, and some wild fruits.

Shen Xi collected the things, entered the mountain forest, first got a lot of straight branches, and sent them to the Lost Realm.

After getting almost done, I identified the direction and escaped into the mountains.

Still heading for the main camp of the Americans.

This time, instead of slowing down, he ran with all his strength, and his speed reached the extreme.

In the forest, an afterimage flashed across.

It's just that at this time, a fierce battle is taking place at the main camp of the American treasure hunting team.

More than a dozen Americans and more than [-] RB people fought in the forest near the camp, and the sound of gunfire was endless.

These RB people rested here last night. They haven't figured out where these Americans went. They encountered more than a dozen Americans who came back early in the morning.

Fighting started immediately. Although the number of people differed by more than double, the dozen or so Americans had strong actual combat experience, especially in jungle warfare.

For a while, there was no stalemate.

When Shen Xi was not far away, he heard gunshots.

Then slowed down and quietly approached the periphery of the battlefield.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out which two forces were fighting.

But it can be guessed that one side is likely to be the two remaining groups of Americans.

Shen Xi decided to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. It would be better if both losers, or both would die, which would save trouble.

So, he chose a big tree, leaped a few times, and hid in the crown of the tree.

Moreover, he took out a sniper rifle that had been captured by the Americans, and looked at the situation with a scope.

Finally, he saw the men in black field uniforms.

It turned out to be RB people.

I read the information yesterday and knew that there is such a peculiar RB treasure hunting team.

It's called Jinbaihe. I don't know if it is an organization that inherits from Yamashita's Fengbun period or imitates it.

It is said that when RB was defeated, the Golden Lily organization was responsible for transporting the gold, silver and jewels that were concealed and looted.

Seeing these people appearing now made Shen Xi interested.

Inquire after a while to see where these people come from.

If it is the inherited Golden Lily organization, then it can be proved that the treasure location of Fengwen Yamashita was not sent back to RB back then.

In addition, indirectly, it overturned the statement of 170 treasures. If there are 170 planned treasures, the map of the treasures will inevitably be sent back to RB.

There is no return, indicating that the 170 treasure points are fake.

It is very likely that in an emergency, Yamashita Fengwen temporarily hid the treasure in a hurry, or destroyed it, and he did not explain it during the trial in Manila.

In the end, the treasure spot became a complete mystery.

But if these people follow the example of the Golden Lily back then, there is no way to prove this point.

Shen Xi hoped that this Golden Lily treasure hunting team was inherited from the Golden Lily organization back then.

(End of this chapter)

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