Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 99 Chapter 099: Under the interests, everyone can cooperate

Chapter 99 Chapter 099: Under the interests, everyone can cooperate

In the end, Shen Xi did not leave the barrier.

He didn't want to play himself to death just for a wounded unknown creature.

But did not leave, but waited.

He felt that the wolf-like animal was about to give birth, and most of all, he also felt that its life breath was dying.

For this, Shen Xi can only say sorry!
There was nothing I could do, and I didn't want to put myself in danger.

Half an hour later, she finally gave birth and gave birth to four little white dogs.

Shen Xi felt that he was really like a dog when he was a child.

And the white wolf was also dying. It took one last look at Shen Xi and howled, as if praying to Shen Xi.

Then he lay down and gradually lost his breath.

Shen Xi also saw that in the eyes of the white wolf, when he was about to die, he actually shed tears, and couldn't help but sigh.

After making sure that he lost his breath and could not feel the slightest threat, Shen Xi left the barrier.

After leaving the barrier, look at the white wolf-shaped animal, and there is an explanation on the virtual map.

: Blood Gold Dog, a primary peak spirit beast, its blood can be taken orally to cure impotence and premature ejaculation, its meat can be taken orally, it can cure kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency, its bone powder can be taken orally, it can cure short and infertility......

Seeing these explanations, Shen Xi was astonished, this damn is only treating male intractable diseases, infertility!

How come there is an illusion of selling dog skin plaster?
Not to mention, it's really a dog, and it's full of treasures.

Shen Xi squatted down, cleaned up the four little puppies briefly, took off their clothes and wrapped them up.

Then he returned to the valley with the blood gold dog's body.

Suddenly getting four inexplicable cubs, Shen Xi also had some headaches.

And these little guys, after entering the enchantment, kept screaming non-stop.

It seemed that he was away from his mother, and he couldn't feel the breath, so he was very uneasy.

Or, knowing in the dark, mourning the loss of a mother.

Immediately, Shen Xi fetched the dagger and bled the blood golden dog, otherwise he would not be able to do it if he wanted to do it for a while.

After the blood was drained, the skin began to be peeled.

This is not because he wants this piece of fur, but he thinks that using this piece of fur to cushion the puppies may make them feel more at ease.

After the skin was peeled off, a simple embalming treatment was carried out.

It happened that he had prepared a lot of medical supplies, and the preservatives were prepared very quickly.

All done, stretch the fur out to dry.

The body was put into the freezer to freeze, and the two bottles of pale golden blood were also stored at low temperature.

The next step is to clean up the puppies again, especially the fur of the puppies is still wet and must be dried as soon as possible.

There is also the umbilical cord, which needs to be treated and disinfected.

Shen Xi has been busy for a long time, and finally got it done.

A quilt was folded in half, placed on the grass, and four puppies were placed on it, basking in the sun.

Now is the biggest headache, what to feed these little guys?
It seems that we can only return to Manila first.

He happened to have new discoveries and new clues, and he also needed help.

Although it is possible to dig treasures alone, it is very inconvenient to do so. The treasures dug out cannot be piled up in the Lost Realm!

If you want to make a move, you must have a source.

What's more, if he used the Lost Realm to transport it back to the country, after taking it out, it would easily attract the attention of interested people.

It's like treating Mr. Qin's illness, making Shen Xi understand that he has been targeted.

It doesn't matter if it's a magic doctor's folk remedies, even if it's a strange medicine, but in the small world of the Lost Realm, this shouldn't make people suspicious.

With a small space, it might be really troublesome.

Although it is not likely to be sliced ​​or something, the scientific research must not escape.

So Shen Xi decided to be a normal treasure hunter, at least on the surface.

It is okay to find treasures and smuggle them back to the country, but you can't go back to the country and take them out of thin air.

No more gold ore paving.

I will do it later when I have time, and I will go out and return to Manila first to solve the feeding problem of the little milk dog.

Seeing the two eagles showing excitement and ferocity to the four little puppies in the sun through the iron cage at the moment, Shen Xi was also speechless.

This is treating the little milk dog as prey.

Thinking of releasing it, Shen Xi felt a little bit reluctant.

Forget it, get some wild fruits for them to eat, if it really doesn't work, just grab some small animals and feed them.

Let's raise it first.

Raise it for a few days, maybe you will be able to be docile to him, and then let it out and see if you can come back to him.

Can't forget it.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Xi entered the downtown area of ​​Manila.

Passing by a large supermarket, Shen Xi yelled for a stop. After paying the fare, he entered the large supermarket. He wanted to buy some milk powder or something.

Fortunately, I searched for a lot of US dollars and local Philippine pesos before.

Thieves do not go empty, sometimes it does save a lot of trouble.

After shopping in the supermarket, Shen Xi went to a pet store for consultation and bought some cub food.

Then he entered a big hotel and got a room.

After checking the room thoroughly, Shen Xi locked the door and entered the lost realm.

When he came out again, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got the little milk dog.

He took out his mobile phone and called Sun Xiu'e. After hanging up, he left the room and checked out in the lobby.

Waiting at the door of the hotel, Cheng Hu drove over soon.

The car stopped, Cheng Hu shouted: "Brother Shen."

Shen Xi smiled, opened the door and got into the car, while fastening his seat belt, he asked, "Are their injuries okay?"

Cheng Hu nodded and said, "After I came back, I found a private clinic and everything is fine."

Shen Xi hummed, and Cheng Hu drove away in the car.

"Brother Shen, those Americans?"

"already solved."

After Cheng Hu heard this, he made up his mind secretly. Although he had already seen Shen Xi's skills, he was also shocked to deal with the remaining Americans so quickly.

And more and more convinced, those who are mixed in the way are naturally respected by the strong.

Therefore, Cheng Hu has completely convinced Shen Xi.

Especially feeling Shen Xi's understatement at the moment, that kind of strong self-confidence made him want to follow.

Licking blood at the edge of a knife and risking one's life, who would not want to hang out with the strong!

Even Han Feng and others had this thought before.

Following Hong Baoshan is better than following Shen Xi, at least following Shen Xi has a chance of survival.

But Hong Baoshan just gave money to control the remote control.

How many good brothers have died in these years?

It's a life to earn but not a life to spend, in the end it's cheaper for Hong Baoshan.

But Shen Xi is different, too powerful, so powerful that people admire him.

Just because Shen Xi single-handedly killed so many Americans that night, everyone couldn't feel the slightest dissatisfaction.

Especially in terms of feeling, Cheng Hu and others felt that Shen Xi was very energetic.

Direct temperament, but have a good view of the overall situation, the pattern is big.

Of course, this is just a feeling, and it remains to be seen how it is.

The station in the city is a private house, located in the old city. After Shenxi arrived, he looked around and found it to be okay, a very convenient place to live.

The most important ones are detached houses.

Sun Xiu'e and Wu Qing were making dinner, they greeted Shen Xi, and the two continued to be busy.

Shen Xi took a look and saw that there were a lot of dishes, especially seafood, and he bought a lot.

Entering the room, Shen Xi went to look at Han Feng and Tan Wei, and exchanged some polite greetings.

Next, visit the whole house, back and forth.

After dinner, Shen Xi called everyone to Han Feng's room.

"I need your help with something now, but I would like to state in advance that the original boss didn't score in this treasure hunt, and I'm just hiring you in my personal capacity.

Sun Xiu'e, if you don't want to, you can quit.

You can also call Hong Baoshan, and I can refund the 200 million yuan to you. "

Shen Xi naturally took the opportunity to break away from the original cooperative relationship.

He didn't want to take only one-tenth of the treasure after the treasure hunt, just to make Hong Baoshan cheaper.

This time the treasure hunting team was destroyed, so they could take the opportunity to escape, and in turn, they could hire people like Cheng Hu and Han Feng.

Even Sun Xiu'e is not unable to win over.

Everything is for profit!
Under the interests, all can cooperate.

At the same time, he won't foolishly talk about morals in the world, that's all for the boss to fool Ma Zi.

(End of this chapter)

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