My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 1 The Grandpa Who Defrauded His Grandson

Chapter 1 The Grandpa Who Defrauded His Grandson (Please recommend tickets, please collect)
Li Xiao sat on the steps of a zoo, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

"Too frankly cheating on my grandson!"

The more Li Xiao thought about it, the more angry he became, and complained.

Others travel through but are children of big families, staged 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

Or have a childhood sweetheart, a little rabbit, as a wife.

But I traveled to a zoo and became a shitty deputy director.

The key is that there are only two people in the zoo.

Besides Li Xiao, there is also a sloppy old man.

Just one day ago, that smelly and shameless old man swept away all the property of the zoo, totaling 520 yuan, and ran away with a 50-year-old widow in the village.

Before leaving, he handed over the directorship to Li Xiao, who had just graduated from university, and left behind an old house with four walls.

How can I describe that old house, even if the thieves got there, they would leave with tears in their eyes, and they would throw two bags of rice during the holidays.

The crux of the problem is that although Li Xiao is the deputy director of the park, he has never dealt with the animals inside, and has always been studying in other places.

"I shouldn't have bought that doll in my previous life!"

Li Xiao said angrily.

In his previous life, Li Xiao was still practicing the unicorn arm until he was 24 years old, and occasionally fought left and right. In order to feel what it's like to have a girlfriend, Li Xiao made up his mind to buy one.

That night, in the middle of the show, the girlfriend suddenly exploded.

Li Xiao, who was killed by the bombing, saw God and asked, "Oh dear God, is this the saddest way to die in the world?"

God said: "No, my child, the last girl I saw was playing with electric toys at night, but her boyfriend leaked electricity. That is hard work, that is sad reminder!"

"No! Trees move to death, people move to live, I have to go!"

"As for the animals in the zoo, there are not many of them anyway, so let's all live in peace."

Li Xiao got up and was about to leave.

at this time.

"Ding! The zoo simulation cultivation system has been bound!"

"The novice gift package has been delivered, do you want to check it immediately?"

As soon as he stood at the gate of the zoo, the system sounded.

Suddenly, the footsteps were a little heavy, as if something had stumbled the footsteps, and I couldn't walk a little bit!

Li Xiao hurriedly said: "Check!"

As soon as the words fell, a panel appeared in front of Li Xiao's eyes, which displayed the big gift bags owned by Li Xiao.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining one hundred catties of fresh meat."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special drone."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining three powerful capsules."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the beast control technique."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the construction blueprint of the Tiger Park."

[One hundred catties of fresh meat]: Exclusive rations for carnivorous animals. The host feeds the meat to the animals by himself, which can make the animals more intimate and trustworthy to you, and can also make the animals obey your words more.

Note: This meat can be kept absolutely fresh in any environment!
[Special drone]: 24 hours a day, 360-degree shooting of animals without dead angle, and equipped with crossbow arrows, not only can monitor every move of animals, but also can shoot protection at the first time when animals are in danger.

Note: This drone can be connected to the host brain and controlled by the host brain.

[Three powerful capsules]: Taking this medicine can quickly treat various intractable diseases in animals, even if there is only one breath left, it can be saved.

The same applies to humans.

Note: If there is no disease or pain, it can improve the user's various skills, strength, speed, agility, immunity, endurance, etc.

[Beast Mastery]: Learning this skill allows you to understand what any animal says, and also allows you to communicate with animals.

[Tiger Garden Construction Blueprint]: Applying this blueprint, you can build a pure natural living area for tigers, free and unrestrained, so as not to lose their nature, rationality and wildness when trapped in an iron cage.

Note: This blueprint is a one-time item and can only be used once. After use, the Tiger Park will be built immediately. Before it is completed, the Tiger Park will not be made public and cannot be viewed, including the host.

"There are so many gifts, this system is really generous, try the powerful capsules first."

Li Xiao checked again and again, and took out a powerful capsule.

The capsules are pure white and look no different from ordinary capsules.

Li Xiao stuffed the capsule in his mouth, took a sip of mineral water, and swallowed it down.

After taking the capsule, Li Xiao felt his body warm from the inside out.

It's like taking a bath in a hot spring.

More like in a sauna.

In this feeling, the muscles on the arms gradually become full, and the abdominal muscles are also changing from one to nine.

In addition, eyesight is much better.

Li Xiao used to wear glasses, but now he doesn't need them at all, and can see clearly.

This change is like Captain America.

The huge changes brought about by the powerful capsule made Li Xiao impatiently clicked to learn "The Art of Royal Beast".

The beast control technique can make Li Xiao proficient in the voice of beasts.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiao took out the drone.

Mind control, the drone will start to work automatically.

If Li Xiao thinks to the left, the drone will shift to the left, and the height and angle can also be adjusted.


Three of the five gifts were used, and the other two were temporarily unusable. Afterwards, Li Xiao began to study the system.

Since it is a zoo simulation cultivation system, this system naturally serves the zoo.

As long as you have enough fans with the zoo, you can get the corresponding zoo rewards.

For every [-] fans added to the host, a gift will be rewarded, and a lottery will be randomly triggered.

The lucky draw prizes are Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond.

The "Beast Mastery" and powerful capsules in the novice gift pack are just the ones in the bronze lottery.


Li Xiao's brain turned quickly.

These days, there is only one way to get fans the fastest—shooting short videos.

Some people can have millions or even tens of millions of fans by shooting dozens of videos casually.

Because of this, now everyone wants to make videos and become an Internet celebrity.

But Li Xiao doesn't know much about short videos, so there is only one kind.

Start the live broadcast!

Nowadays, live broadcasting is no less profitable than celebrities, and fans are no worse than celebrities.

Some celebrities stopped filming and live broadcast all day long to consume their only popularity.

There are many live streaming platforms now.

In this parallel world, live streaming has been divided among Douyin, Kuaijiao, YY, Maoya and Zhanyu.

Both Douyin and Kuaifoot made their fortunes from short videos, and finally turned to live broadcasts.

Douyin has anchors such as Weiya and Jiaqi.

And Kuaijiao is famous for a man named Lion King, and because he is too rampant, he is already confused.

Both of these have attracted a large number of stars to settle in.

YY is the earliest live broadcasting platform, and now some Internet singers Xuanshang and Brother Huiyin all come from here.

Maoya has a monster 'Daxian' sitting in town.

It has always occupied the number one popularity in the game area of ​​Glory of Kings.

Zhanyu has a large number of anchors such as Xiaotuantuan, Da Niang, and Damei.

Every live streaming platform has pros and cons, Li Xiao didn't even think about it, so he chose Zhanyu.

The reason is simple, he happened to have a Zhanyu account.

In the past, it was used to see Xiao Tuantuan's mother-in-law.

Now it's time to start a live broadcast.

Just as Li Xiao was fiddling with the phone, the system sound came.

"Ding! The drone has connected to the live broadcast, and the host has officially become an anchor of Zhanyu. Please name the live broadcast room."

The system is pretty human.

Li Xiao thought for a while, and said, "The name of the live broadcast room should be Gushan Zoo!"

The name of the zoo is Gushan.

Named after the mountain.

The bad old man bought the entire lonely mountain and several nearby mountains when he was young, and built a lot of facilities and lakes in it, just like a small mountain town. He had great ambitions and was bound to develop the zoo, but the reality is very difficult. cruel.

First, the zoo is too remote and there is no publicity, so there are not ten tickets sold in total.

Second, this is a private zoo, not recognized by the state, nor funded by companies.

Third, the animals in the zoo eat a lot of food every day, and every time they open their mouths to eat, they need money.

Over time, the entire zoo was in a state of internal and external troubles, and it was difficult not to lose money.

As for Li Xiao, as the protagonist, he is an orphan without father and mother that the bad old man brought in when he was a child.

everything's ready.


 ps: After reading this book, please fasten your seat belts and be careful not to get off the car leading to the kindergarten at any time!
  In addition, during the reading process, if you feel that there are some parts in this book that are not well written, or that they are poisonous, you can bring them up at any time, so that I can revise them in time.

  Thank you gentlemen readers.

  Remember to collect and vote~
(End of this chapter)

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