My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 105 Push the old house and rebuild it

Chapter 105 Push the old house and rebuild it (for collection, ticket)

Early the next morning, Li Xiao went to Goudan's house in the village after eating something simple.

Goudan was still wearing red underpants, lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

It seems that this year is the year of birth!

"Brother Li, it's early in the morning, my rooster hasn't woken up yet, what's the matter with you here?"

Goudan hurriedly wrapped the quilt around his body and asked nervously.

Li Xiao cut to the chase and said, "Do you want to make money?"

As soon as he heard the word money, Goudan's eyes widened immediately, he rubbed his face vigorously to keep himself awake enough, and asked, "Brother Li, of course I want to make money!
To be honest, I have been a virgin like Zeng Xiaoxian in "Love Apartment [-]" for so many years. make money? "

Nowadays, it is almost the era of live broadcast for all.

There are more live broadcast anchors than tourists watching live broadcasts.

Whenever a person makes some money from live broadcasting, he will invite people around him to make jokes, broadcast live broadcasts, sow hatred, and play PK.

The live broadcast seems to have become something of an assembly line, almost all of them are the same, without any nutrition and freshness.

Li Xiao was surprised: "You actually want to broadcast live, what kind of talent do you have?"

"I'll do a ghost trot on the concrete floor, and I'll dress up fancy and show my heart to the camera."

Goudan said seriously.

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiao almost laughed out loud.

What Goudan was talking about must be the spiritual guy and the five Yinbing brothers on the Kuaijiao short video platform.

Li Xiao suppressed his smile and said, "The job I introduced to you is more profitable than what you said."

While speaking, Li Xiao had already taken out his mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, and transferred the account to Goudan.

Goudan immediately found out his phone to check. After seeing the transfer amount, Goudan opened his mouth excitedly and said, "Three, three, three... [-], that much?"

"Brother Li, what do you need me for? How about I go prepare the soap?"

"Don't drive blindly, I just need you to help me look after the animals in the zoo."

Li Xiao explained: "I have something to leave for a few days, so I can only ask you!"

Li Xiao was going to the zoo in the next province to pick up the animals and could only ask one person to look after Xiao Hei Xiemou and the others.

The reason why Goudan was chosen is because Goudan is a real child.

This guy has been stupid since he was a child, and he didn't like to study. During school, he slept in the last row of almost every class, so he was only an elementary school student, and his body was relatively thin and weak, so he couldn't be like other young people. He went out to work, but he was really honest. He still had a heart to make money, and would help his family farm the land. He was not a lazy and shameless person like Zhang Baba.

To be precise, he is the 'Mr. Tree' of the village!
"Brother Li, how long are you going?"

Goudan asked weakly.

The animals in the Lonely Mountain Zoo have all become spirits, and he worries that he won't be able to cover them.

"No more than three days at most!"

Li Xiao added: "If anything happens during this period, you can make a video call with me at any time."

"Okay! Brother Li, don't worry, if you give me so much money, I will take good care of those animals!"

Goudan patted his plain chest to assure.

Thirty thousand?

Is it too much?

At first glance, it sounds like a lot.

But King Jiji and the others are not good stubblers, so Li Xiao couldn't help worrying about the dogs.

If something really happened, the [-] yuan might not even be enough for the dog's medical expenses!
Before leaving, Li Xiao said worriedly: "When you go to the zoo, you'd better be fully armed, and I will also tell them not to let them bully you."

Goudan raised his head and said, "Aren't those animals locked in iron cages? I won't let them bully you! Brother Li, you don't have a fever. How can you talk nonsense?"

"I hope so!"

Li Xiao waved his hand and left Goudan's house.

Immediately afterwards, he went straight to the village chief's house.

He didn't stay in the village chief Li Daguo's house for long, but just transferred a sum of money to the village chief, asking him to lead the villagers to start paving the road as soon as possible.

At any time, as long as the money is in place, everything is easy to handle.

Before leaving the village, Li Xiao made a special trip back to the zoo.

Without further ado, I gathered all the animals together, and told them seriously and earnestly not to bully the dogs, not to run out of the zoo to make trouble, and just stay in their own territory to eat, drink and sleep.

As for the refurbishment, put it on hold for now.

It was too hard to renovate a few days ago. After Li Xiao left for a few days, it can be regarded as a holiday for the animals.

With everything ready, Li Xiao went to the scene again.

"President Li, why did you come here without saying hello?"

Zhao Xuri was lying in the office, drinking tea, eating melon seeds, leisurely chasing the recently popular TV series "Si Teng", when he saw Li Xiao pushing the door in, he hurriedly got up to say hello, held hands and said: " I just said why you didn't broadcast live today, so you came to me."

"Oh? Boss Zhao also watched my live broadcast?"

"Of course! After you left that day, I checked it out on the Internet, and I've been watching your live broadcast every day since then!"

Zhao Xuri glanced behind Li Xiao, looked around, and asked, "Where's Xiao Hei? Why didn't you bring it here? I'm his fan!"

Li Xiao: "..."

Good guy, another fan of Xiao Hei!

People are not as good as dogs!

I am really miserable!
A sneeze!

Little Versailles Hei, who was far away in the Lonely Mountain Zoo, sneezed suddenly, and sighed secretly in his heart: There are so many fans, it is annoying, and they are all thinking of me. This day, they sneezed one after another, so distressed!

"I came here by myself this time. I have something I want to ask Boss Zhao for help!"

"Come on, do it inside!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to discuss business, Zhao Xuri straightened his clothes immediately and became serious.

Simple movements are indeed a working attitude.

He does not confuse life with work.

In life, you are my friend, you can come and make jokes at will.

But at work, you can't be called a friend, otherwise 90.00% of the business will lose money.

"Boss Li, that's it. I want to renovate my old house, so I came to you."

After Li Xiao sat down, he smiled and said straight to the point.

"Renovation? How to fix it?"

Zhao Xuri poured a cup of tea for Li Xiao, and said, "Are you going to repair the outer wall, or redecorate the inside of the house?"

"The old house was directly pushed down with a forklift and rebuilt!"

Li Xiao took the teacup, took a sip, and asked, "Do you have paper and pen here?"

"Of course!"

Zhao Xuri took out the paper and pen from the drawer and put them in front of Li Xiao.

Li Xiao picked up the pen and started drawing directly on the paper.

After a few minutes, a sketch came out.

Zhao Xuri glanced at it and said, "This is a wooden staircase. Do you want to build a staircase at home? Build a two-story building?"

(End of this chapter)

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