My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 108 The red-crowned crane eats the salamander, the level is suppressed

Chapter 108 The red-crowned crane eats the salamander, the level is suppressed
Li Xiao said: "I am the director of the Gushan Zoo, and it was your deputy director who called me in advance to let me come."

The guard kept a straight face and didn't speak.

Li Xiao thought that the guard had listened and was about to enter.


The doorman grabbed his baton with his backhand, blocked Li Xiao's way, and shouted: "I don't care who introduced you, you must buy a ticket to enter, this is the rule!"

I am Nima!
Why did your vice president invite me here, and why did you ask me to buy a ticket to go in?

Pit money!
Li Xiao couldn't help complaining in his heart.

After thinking about it, I don't need to embarrass the guard.

After all, he actually followed the rules, earning hard money.

Simply, he took out his mobile phone, dialed Xue Wenyong, and said, "Hi, I'm Li Xiao, and I've arrived at the gate of your zoo now."

"Oh yes, I didn't expect you to come so soon, so I'll wait for you in the office!"

After all, Xue Wenyong on the other end of the phone hung up.

He didn't say that he came to pick up Li Xiao.

Instead, he sat in the office and waited for Li Xiao.

No matter how good-tempered Li Xiao was, he couldn't help but want to curse.

You asked me to come, but in the end you didn't come to pick me up, but let me be stopped by the guard. Is this how people in the city entertain guests now?
"I've seen people like you a lot. Under the guise of being relatives and friends with the deputy director and the director, you want to get in the zoo for free."

The guard sneered and said, "You can't even afford an entrance ticket. Why are you looking at animals? Why don't you just go to the farmer's market!"

Li Xiao didn't intend to talk to this guy at first, but after hearing the ridicule, he decisively went to the ticket booth to buy a ticket, and deliberately waved it in front of this guy.

Although he knew that the other party was deliberately provoking him, but in order to be able to go in and pick up the animals, Li Xiao endured it.

Before leaving, Li Xiao glanced at the other party lightly, and left a sentence: "Keep an eye on the door, or there will be no bones to eat!"

Optimistic about the door?
eat bones?

Isn't this a dog?
The guard was furious, and wanted to rush up to argue with Li Xiao, but where was Li Xiao's shadow?

I had no choice but to stand where I was and curse inwardly: "Damn it! I'm so mad!"

"I'm just waiting here, I don't believe you won't come out!"

With one sentence from Li Xiao, the effect was full, and the tourists burst into laughter in the live broadcast room.

"This guard is also to blame, he doesn't even know the principal!"

"You dare to mock the director, I'm afraid you haven't seen how powerful the director's mouth is?"

"Is it better on the bed or off the bed?"

"Nimma, you're driving again!"

"Most of the gatekeepers and security guards are like this now. Putting on skins, they take themselves seriously, and put on a high-ranking posture, which is actually a dog's power."

"It makes sense! Someone in our community ordered takeaway, but the gatekeeper in the community refused to let him in, and even beat up the delivery boy!"

Tourists have a bad impression of guards and security guards.

This is also helpless, because basically the security guards and guards are on the news because they bully others and make trouble for no reason. As time goes by, people's impression of them is getting worse and worse.

Some time ago, there was a fire in a residential area. The firefighters drove their cars to fight the fire, but when they reached the gate of the residential area, they were not allowed to enter. arrogance.

After entering the zoo, Li Xiao was not in a hurry to go to Xue Wenyong's office, but wandered around the zoo with the tourists.

Soon, Li Xiao saw the famous red-crowned crane.

"The red-crowned crane, also known as the red-crowned crane or the Manchurian crane, is a kind of crane, a large wading bird, named for the red meat crown on its head.

As a unique bird species in East Asia, red-crowned cranes often move in pairs or in family groups and small groups, and mainly feed on fish and shrimp.

Because of its elegant body and distinct colors, it has the meaning of auspiciousness, loyalty and longevity in East Asian culture.

Even in the Ming and Qing dynasties, red-crowned cranes were endowed with cultural connotations of loyalty, integrity, and noble character. Red-crowned cranes were embroidered on the clothes of first-rank officials, so red-crowned cranes were also called "first-rank birds".

According to the posture of red-crowned cranes, people also developed crane boxing and crane dance.

In the Shang Dynasty, there were crane-shaped sculptures. It is conceivable that there are many red-crowned cranes in our country, but now, the total number of red-crowned cranes in the world is estimated to be only about 2010 in 1500, and they have been included in the first class. ANIMAL CROSSING! "

Standing by the park, Li Xiao was doing science popularization with a serious face.

The little girl on the side looked adoring, with little stars shining in her eyes, and said, "Little brother, how do you know so much?"

Li Xiao knocked on the sign on the side and said, "It's not clearly written on it, I just read it accordingly."

Next to each zoo area of ​​the zoo, there will be a sign to give a detailed introduction.

The little girl's admiration for Li Xiao suddenly disappeared.

How did she know that Li Xiao knew much more than the above.

"Wow! Look, look!"

At this time, someone shouted, and everyone turned their heads to look.

This red-crowned crane is almost exactly the same as people's impression.

Because many people don't know what animals look like, in their opinion, every kind of animal looks exactly the same.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that the hair of this red-crowned crane is more vivid, and the red color on the top of its head is also more delicate, like a ruby.

At this time, the red-crowned crane is hunting confidently.

Before people could react, a fat black fish was already in the mouth of the red-crowned crane.

"Fuck! Is this a salamander?"

Li Xiao rubbed his eyes, looked again, and after making sure he read it correctly, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "No wonder Xiang Yu is called the Overlord, he even eats salamanders, if I take it back, I can't afford it!"

Li Xiao was not mistaken, the red-crowned crane was holding the salamander.

Salamander has a long and flat body, short limbs, four fingers on the forelimbs, five toes on the hind limbs, webbed between the toes, and a short and flat tail. Because the body is not covered with scales, but only has mucous membranes, it looks a bit ugly.

"The salamander is a second-class protected animal, and the red-crowned crane is a first-class protected animal. It really is the first-class government official that crushes the salamander to death!"

"Level one eats level two, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Salamander: They are protecting animals, please save face!"

"Red-crowned Crane: I have a higher level of protection than you, so it's not against the law to eat you!"

"Giant Panda: Get out of the way, I seem to hear some animals trying to pretend?"

"This red-crowned crane is quite delicate, it looks like a hairy belly, and it is rinsed in the water before eating, and it almost needs to be dipped in some sauce."

"Where is the police uncle, I want to report, quickly arrest this red-crowned crane!"

"Level suppression is sure to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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