Chapter 110
Available tomorrow.

On the day of the shelves, five more!
It's so straightforward!

I know that the performance of this book is not particularly good, so I don’t have too much hope. If there are [-] subscriptions on the day of its release, I will be very pleased and will make more updates.

As for rewarding the rudder master and alliance leader, I dare not even think about it.

Of course, if there is a reward from the rudder owner, it will still be updated.

Helmsman, add another update!
Hall Master, add another update!
Guardian, add another one!
And so on!


I am not a new author. I used to write military articles on Genesis, and I have appeared several times on the list of military articles there. Unfortunately, my luck was bad. There was no escape.

I heard that many great gods failed to escape that time, especially my favorite "Gu Daoist", which also disappeared from the bookshelf.

Then, opening a new book came to the starting point.

It's the first time to come to Qidian, so I'm unfamiliar with Qidian, and I don't understand anything about dim sum, investment, etc.

In fact, before the book was released, the internal investment had already been successful, but at that time, I really didn’t understand anything, and I didn’t call on everyone to invest in time to make more money.

Therefore, I clearly remember that it has been almost a week since I wrote it, and there are only five investments.

Even now, there are only eighty.

It's not really bad, it's just telling the truth.

Although it is terrible, there will be no fewer five watches on the shelves at that time.

Thank you for your support, rewards, votes, and collections before it was put on the shelves. Thank you very much. I hope that the results will be better after it is put on the shelves.

At present, 24 chapters have been saved, with a word count of about [-]. As long as everyone dares to subscribe and give rewards, I will dare to update crazily.

Not a lot, but I'm still writing like crazy.

With my hand speed, [-] words a day is not a problem!

In addition, everyone can rest assured that this book will not be a eunuch!
There is also a new group number: 1062516790, very pink, get in the car quickly!

For this, thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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