My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 112 The Child Falls into the Tiger Garden

Chapter 112 The Child Falls into the Tiger Garden

Seeing Xue Wenyong's expression, Li Xiao knew that it would not be easy to bring the animals back today.

"Brother Li, this, this, this...the thing is like this, I have already told our director about this matter, but the director said that you must wait for him to come back and sign it before you can take those animals away. "

"Then I'll wait for him to come back."

"Uh... I have something to do, so I can't come back today."

"When can I come back?"

"It's estimated to be half a month."

Xue Wenyong gave half a month's time according to the director's request.

But then I thought about it, isn't the head of the garden doing a human-creation campaign now?
Where the hell can he hold on for half an hour?
2 minutes at most!

Li Xiao's face darkened, and he said, "Is your director avoiding me on purpose?"

"No, no, our principal has a lot of work every day, so he really has something to do."

Xue Wenyong hurriedly said: "Brother Li, I think you might as well consider renewing your contract.

If you want to renew your contract, I can do it for you directly.

In fact, I am also thinking about you. If you take the animals back, not to mention other things, their daily food expenses will cost tens of thousands, which you can't afford at all, let alone the cost of manual cleaning of excrement.

In this world, no one has trouble with money. As long as you agree to renew your contract, you don’t need to do anything every year, and you can get money while lying at home.

How nice of you to say so? "

"Master Xue."

Li Xiao interrupted Xue Wenyong, saying: "I don't care if your director is really busy or delaying on purpose, anyway, half a month will definitely not work, no matter what, I will take the animals away today.

I remember that there is a clause in the contract that if the contract is breached, compensation must be paid three times the rent.

I still remember that the date on the contract should be until tomorrow, do you want triple compensation or hand over the animals to me? "

Xue Wenyong: "..."

Got it!
I talked a lot, but this guy didn't listen to a word.

And what he said was indeed true. There was indeed such a clause in the contract. In the past, he was worried that Li Xiao's grandfather would break the contract, so he specially wrote this clause to restrain Li Xiao's grandfather. Now it's a good thing, it has directly become Li Xiao's bargaining chip.

With a serious face, Li Xiao continued: "If your principal is unable to come back because of something, it's okay, you tell me where he is, and I'll go find him personally.

I'm young, energetic, unafraid to run a little extra, and just in time for some exercise. "

Xue Wenyong never thought that Li Xiao would be so stubborn, for a while, he didn't know what to do.

Just at this moment, the phone rang.

Xue Wenyong thought it was the director of the park, and swiped the answer button decisively. The next second, he shouted uncontrollably: "What the hell? A tourist fell into the tiger park? Shit! How could this happen? , What are the security personnel doing for food!!!”


Giant animals such as tigers, lions, and bears can be said to be must-have animals in zoos, and many tourists also come here specifically for them.

Because they have been kept in iron cages for many years, people gradually think that these animals are not aggressive. Whenever they come to the zoo, they just want to tease these animals.

A few minutes ago, a young couple came to the Tiger Park with their five or six-year-old son.

"Tongtong, this is the big tiger you have been thinking about all the time, isn't it very domineering?"

The man pointed to the tiger in the park and asked.

This son looked like a brat at first glance, and curled his lips in disdain: "It's not domineering at all, it's not as strong as Tiger Tai in "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", and they are still lying on the ground motionless."

The tiger garden of the Forest Zoo in a natural place is small in size, and the food they are fed every day is not much. Naturally, these four tigers have become less active. Most of the time they just lie on the ground and close their eyes to rest, saving energy .

Seeing the four tigers motionless, the bear child Tongtong picked up a small stone on the ground and threw it at the tiger after finishing speaking.

clap clap!

After smashing four or five times in a row, the four tigers remained indifferent.

The bear boy Tongtong has little strength, and the tiger has rough skin and thick flesh. When a small stone hits the tiger, it feels like it is tickling, and it feels nothing at all.

Several times, it didn't even hit.

"I'm so mad, Dad, you lift me up so that you can hit me more accurately."

"Okay, come and sit on Dad's shoulders."

The man picked up the bear boy Tongtong and placed it on his shoulders.

Faced with his son's behavior of throwing stones at the tiger, instead of stopping, he helped.

It can be seen that the birth of a bear child must be related to the excessive pampering of the parents.

In the previous era, it was rare to see bear children, and many would even take the initiative to help their parents share the pressure, or feed the pigs after school, or go to the field to harvest wheat.

As she sat high on her shoulders, Tongtong excitedly started clapping her hands, applauding for herself.

The woman on the side said worriedly: "Don't get so close, what if you fall?"

"It's okay, isn't there a fence here!"

The man said disapprovingly.

"But this fence is so short, it's not as tall as me..."

The woman looked worried.

The man still didn't care, and said: "Although not as tall as you, these skinny tigers will definitely not be able to climb up. Don't worry, if something happens, it will happen long ago."

While talking, he took a few steps forward, getting closer to the fence.

At the same time, Tongtong on the shoulder deliberately shook his arm 360 degrees, trying to hit the tiger with all his strength, but...

Because the range of motion was too large, the body even leaned forward, and the center of gravity was directly unstable. The man didn't realize what was going on at all, and his body couldn't help but fell forward.

In the next second, under the influence of gravity, Tongtong on her shoulders fell down uncontrollably.

Just like that, in front of him, it fell straight into the tiger garden in front of him.

At that moment, the man was stunned, his mind went blank.

When he reacted and reached out to grab it for the first time, it was too late, and he could only watch helplessly as his son fell into the tiger garden with his help.

If he hadn't taken a few steps forward just now, even if he would have fallen, he would definitely not have landed in the Tiger Garden.


Almost at the same moment, the husband and wife both looked panic-stricken and yelled jasperically.

This voice immediately attracted all the tourists around, and they all ran over here to check what was going on.

"Fuck, a child fell down."

"How the hell did you get down here? Isn't there a fence?"

"How does this parent see the child?"

"Where's the breeder? Where's the security? Where's the person? Hurry up!"

The onlookers are getting more and more noisy.

(End of this chapter)

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