My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 115 Tiger Training, It's That Simple

Chapter 115 Tiger Training, It's That Simple (Fifth update, please subscribe)
"Where's the tranquilizer gun? Go get the tranquilizer gun!"

At this time, Xue Wenyong also ran over.

After seeing the situation clearly, Xue Wenyong couldn't care less about panting and wiping sweat, so he opened his throat and shouted loudly.

The breeder came up and said: "Deputy director, I have already sent someone to get it, but we don't usually use the anesthesia gun. It has been kept in the warehouse, and it may take a while."

"Where's the police? Did you call the police?"

"I have called the police, and the nearest police will arrive in 10 to [-] minutes. At that time, it is estimated..."

The breeder couldn't go on.

"What a fart, hurry up and save someone!"

Xue Wenyong exploded directly.

If the fuck goes on, the couple will get out of control and beat themselves up.

"Where's the key to Tiger Park?"

Li Xiao's voice suddenly sounded.

Very abrupt.

The breeder instinctively took the key from his waist and said, "This is it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the key in his hand had disappeared.

Looking intently, Li Xiao had already grabbed the key, grabbed the fence with one hand, tapped his toes lightly, and jumped into the tiger garden.

Simple and straightforward!
No protection!

Li Xiao's movements were too fast, when he had already jumped, the people around him only realized it.

Even forgot to shout!

All of a sudden, hundreds of tourists present looked down at the zoo in unison, their two eyeballs staring like glass balls, as if they could jump out at any time.

Looking at the live broadcast room again, there was deathly silence.

All the barrage disappeared in an instant.

Time seemed to stop suddenly at this moment!

After seeing the four tigers approaching, Tongtong could clearly feel the heavy breathing of the tigers. He was so frightened that he forgot to shout and cry, and subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands.

Although small, he is not stupid.

He knows that tigers eat meat.

I'm going to burp!


A few seconds passed, but Tongtong still didn't feel the tiger approaching.

Curiously, he slowly moved his hands away, just in time to see Li Xiao descending from the sky, standing in front of him, facing four fierce tigers with one against four.

At this moment, Tongtong felt an extremely strong sense of security.

Just like in "Avengers III", the fantasy world and the scarlet witch were besieged, and Captain America appeared in time to save the scene.

"Eyes intimidating, activate!"

The moment Li Xiao jumped down from the fence, Li Xiao was thinking silently in his heart.

Although the eye-stimulating technique is a one-time use, Li Xiao has always been reluctant to use it, but if it can save a life, it is not a waste.



The appearance of strange human beings made the four tigers who thought they could have a full meal suddenly furious and roared one after another.

But when looking at Li Xiao's eyes, one by one seemed to see something terrible, a trace of panic appeared on the face, and even the body couldn't help shaking.

They saw a scene. In the scene, Li Xiao could easily manipulate various animals and let them carry out their orders. No animal dared to disobey, otherwise they would feel the pain of cutting into pieces.

The scene is too real, and the pain is even more real, completely frightening them.

The first tiger on the left: Hiss!Why is this two-legged beast's eyes so terrifying?
The second tiger: I feel like I'm about to be suffocated, and I can't move my body at all.

The third tiger: All animals listen to him, this human being is not simple!
The fourth paper tiger: what to do?I'm about to pee in fear, but so many humans are watching, if I pee out, will I lose face and dignity like the king of beasts?

"Go and lie down obediently. If you are hungry, I will let the breeder come and feed you later!"

Li Xiao stretched out his hand to the open space beside him and ordered.

Looking at the delicate human cubs in front of them, especially the blood flowing from the injured parts, the four tigers were bleeding and really didn't want to leave, but after hearing Li Xiao's words, their bodies began to lose control.

The brain obviously didn't want to go, but the body has already come to the open space on its own, sitting side by side and crawling on the ground, looking eagerly at Tongtong behind Li Xiao.

The fresh meat that reached the mouth flew away!

Who can I ask for reasoning?
Although they were very dissatisfied and even wanted to pounce on them and eat Li Xiao, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move their bodies.

I could only lie on my stomach obediently, motionless, like a sculpture.

Nothing to do!

"Is this all right?"

"Is it that simple? Am I dazzled?"

"What is the origin of this guy? Why does the tiger listen to him and obey him obediently?"

Above, the tourists stare dumbfounded.

In their view, this is a very unbelievable thing.

The competition between Wu Song and Tiger is puzzling.

Could it be that this guy used obedient water?

But the obedient water is not for people, especially in nightclubs and bars, some men want to get a woman through improper means, so they will use the obedient water.

When did obedient water work for tigers?

Compared with these tourists, the tourists in the live broadcast room are much calmer.

"Principal! Eternal God!"

"Tiger training, it's that simple!"

"Calm down! This is just a routine operation of the principal!"

"The head of the garden is indeed a cultivator. If a cultivator is a cultivator, even the king of beasts must be obedient."

"Xiemou and Dandan: Why didn't you hit us when you hit us back then? It's not fair. Hurry up and put on a show!"

"The adrenaline in my excitement just now soared. I didn't expect such an exciting and tense thing to be settled with a word from the director!"

"I have already learned this sentence, I will go to the zoo tomorrow, jump to the tiger garden, and try to find a tiger!"

While people were discussing, Li Xiao had already picked up Tongtong, took the key, opened the Tiger Garden, and walked out.


The couple rushed over excitedly.

The man hugged Tongtong.

The woman hugged Li Xiao, and thanked Li Xiao weeping bitterly.

Because of his good figure, he dribbled the ball into someone, almost hitting Li Xiao.

At this time, they no longer cared about how weird Li Xiao's rescue process was just now, as long as they can rescue the child.

The process is not important, the important thing is the result.

Just like Mou Shuang, when she wanted a child, she didn't think about the process at all, only the final result.

"Dude! I almost suffocated!"

It wasn't until Xue Wenyong and others rushed over that the woman sent Li Xiao, and Li Xiao was hit by the ball so that he could take a good breath of fresh air.

"Thank you!"

Xue Wenyong solemnly thanked him.

If it weren't for Li Xiao, people would have died today.

"Don't be so polite, I just want to take my animals home!"

If the use of eye deterrence can save a person's life and bring other animals home, it is certainly a good deal.

(End of this chapter)

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