My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 142 The Butterfly on the Shoulder

Chapter 142 The Butterfly on the Shoulder (for Subscription)
Soon, Li Xiao and Lu Zhiyao began to take pictures in the sea of ​​peonies.

This scene made many netizens in the live broadcast room envious.

Later, two of Lu Zhiyao's girlfriends posted the photos in Moments.

Received numerous likes.

Even people who are usually too lazy to like and often dive in Moments can't help but praise.

However, the two girlfriends treated the photos in a special way.

Not only did they photoshop, but also photoshopped out other people in the photo, leaving himself and Li Xiao, and specially photoshopped the wedding photos.

After admiring, someone soon discovered the clue.

"Married? You were still single yesterday, right? This flash marriage happened too fast. At this speed, Barry Allen would cry when he saw it. If this was in the drama version of "The Flash", you would be the same The villain of the whole season!"

"Why does this groom look familiar?"

"Damn it, your best friend also sent this wedding photo, you two are so fucking together! Three people, the wedding night is exciting to think about."

"Isn't this the principal? Fortunately, I watched the live broadcast, otherwise I would be deceived."

"Please delete the photo immediately, because this is my husband!"

"Your husband is so handsome, do you mind the four of us living together?"

"If you encounter this kind of thing, don't ask, just take the initiative to move in!"

Li Xiao didn't know this. After picking some peony flowers, he left the peony garden contentedly and started on his way home.

He didn't notice that less than 2 minutes after he walked out of the peony garden, a black and red butterfly flapped its wings and followed.

Always keep a safe distance.

He didn't retreat, and he didn't continue to approach.


Zhao Si noticed the butterfly and began to twitter and yell.

"An extra meal! The takeaway is here! I'm just hungry!"

It doesn't eat butterflies, it's just pure naughty, scare and scare.

Li Xiao turned his head and noticed the butterfly, and then said scientifically: "This is a gray velvet butterfly. The head, neck, chest, sides of the abdomen and the abdomen are red, and the rest of the body is black. Eat more. Bush Nectar."

"Don't look at its nice name, it's actually a common species, and it's very common."

In the process of science popularization, Li Xiao noticed that the gray velvet butterfly was not flying randomly, and seemed to be staring at him.

Li Xiao smiled and asked, "Little guy, what's the matter with you?"

The gray velvet swallowtail didn't answer Li Xiao.

Instead, after confirming the danger, he flew around Li Xiao twice, and finally landed slowly on Li Xiao's shoulder.

The sun shines, this scene is beautiful.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei was worried about the danger, so he barked wildly.

Attempts to drive away Cinderella Swallowtail.

Li Xiao also patted lightly with his hands.

But the gray velvet swallowtail was indifferent, and stayed on Li Xiao's shoulder obediently.

"It's amazing, the butterfly on the shoulder!"

"I am willing to turn into a butterfly and fall on your shoulders, to hold on to your inadvertent attachment, even if tears flow out, I am still weak, even if love falls, it is not as good as yesterday."

"You are like a black butterfly, fluttering gracefully and landing beside you."

"What are you talking about?"

"The song "Black Butterfly" by Wang Sulong, one of the non-mainstream three giants, and "Butterfly on the Shoulder" by Jin Zhiwen, and the movie "Butterfly on the Shoulder", starring Chen Kun in 'Xichangchanghua'!"

"Damn it! I don't even know about this, so I'll go and make up for it after the broadcast."

"How could a butterfly suddenly fly on the director's shoulder? Could it be that the director was Liang Shanbo in his previous life?"

"I remember one time, during an exam, a butterfly flew into my hand, and I suddenly felt very familiar with it. I was stunned at that time. When the party emblem recovered, the butterfly It flew away, and I don't know what happened, and I slowly shed tears."

"I have also encountered this kind of situation. After my grandma passed away, one day my grandpa was sleeping in bed, and a butterfly flew to his pillow and stayed there for a long, long time."

"Some things really have to be believed!"

"Anyway, I have never encountered the butterfly thing, but one time I went to see Ma Yun, and suddenly tears filled my eyes uncontrollably, and I uttered a sentence uncontrollably: Daqin, who is a widow, died like this!"

"This butterfly is really black, give me a fight with Zhangmuniang's."

"Why is my zhangmuniang not a butterfly, but a steamed bun?"

"Damn! Then I'm at a disadvantage, I'm Zhangmuiang hairless!"

"You're not quite right!"

"Please tell your story, I have a friend who wants to hear it."

"Can this car be driven?"


What was originally a beautiful scene, suddenly became a bit inconsistent because someone was racing wildly in the live broadcast room.

The gray velvet swallowtail was unwilling to leave, and Li Xiao did not continue to chase it away.

Maybe they really are related.

Even if you don't have it in this life, you must have it in your previous life.

After Li Xiao brought the gray velvet swallowtail back home, it didn't even fly away.

Even though Li Xiao had already started to arrange peony flowers in the room, it still stayed on his shoulder obediently, it was really cute.

On the contrary, Zhao Si, just after returning home, it even flew away with its wings.

It's not like being jealous.

It's like trying to do something bad on purpose.

After placing the peonies, Li Xiao went out again and continued to draw pictures on the walls of the villagers.

The gray velvet swallowtail stayed on Li Xiao's shoulder the whole time. Several times when a strong wind blew up, he didn't blow him away. It was very tenacious, which made Li Xiao feel a little distressed.

After a busy day, Li Xiao returned home with oil paint all over his body.

As soon as he stepped into the bedroom, a mouthful of old blood almost spewed out.

Money is everywhere!
There is a piece of green!

There are five purple ones!

There are ten blue ones!

There are even khaki five-cents that are relatively rare nowadays!

In addition to banknotes, there are also many steel coins.

The money was randomly scattered on the coffee table, bed sheet and floor, making Li Xiao, Xiao Hei and Gray Velvet Swallow Butterfly dumbfounded for a while.

Is this a burglar at home?
But even if there is a thief, I have never seen a thief give money!

Thieves, don't they all steal money?
In today's society, people basically use their mobile phones to pay when they go out, and they rarely carry change with them.

It is also difficult to find money outside these days.

Even beggars use QR codes when they go out to beg.

Therefore, Li Xiao was very surprised where did all these change come from?

"Wang Wang Wang!"

After being dazed for about [-] seconds, Xiao Hei yelled and rushed into the room frantically, biting a few pieces of change in his mouth.

Xiao Hei: It doesn't matter where these change come from, anyway, if it's in my mouth, it's mine.

With money, you can buy a lot of delicious dog food.

With delicious dog food, you can trick the little bitch to go home and make puppies.

Xiao Hei's thinking and logic are comparable to Yan Wang in the variety show "Extreme Challenge". As long as the one is placed on the side of the road, it is mine.
(End of this chapter)

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