My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 154: Self-inflicted Evil, Can't Live

Chapter 154: Self-inflicted Evil, Can't Live
Mengmengjiang was unwilling to accept this fact, and frantically rebroadcasted reports and comments about Li Xiao in the live broadcast room.

Try to find allies.


not even one!

Not only that, even the good sisters in the live broadcast room who had promised to support her all the time turned rebellious.

"It must not be true!"

"The head of the garden is a cultivator of immortality. He has cultivated the immortal art that can manipulate other people's thoughts. It must be like this. Otherwise, how could the attitude of online black fans change so quickly?"

"My eyes must be hallucinating, just like my boyfriend, after masturbating too much, he will become thinner, he will be in a trance, and he will have hallucinations."

"You have to recognize the reality. Parents are powerful, attractive and popular. Is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent?"

"It's going to rain slaps in the sky today, and one of them is about to slap my face, it hurts!"

"And me, my face hurts."

"Master, I, a simple passer-by, was led into a rhythm at that time. In fact, I always thought that the head of the garden was very good. A person who can love small animals so much must be kind-hearted. How could I do such a thing like brushing tickets? What a lie!"

"Who the hell was messing around with the rhythm on the Internet before, making me think that the director first paid for the ticket, and then gave away the ticket for free. I couldn't hold it back and sprayed the director!"

"Principal, I'm sorry!"

"Principal, I'm sorry!"


But in the live broadcast room where Li Xiao's zoo tickets were broadcast, almost everyone on the public screen was apologetic.

The real big apology scene.

It's obviously the live broadcast room of these anchors, but it looks more like Li Xiao's.

Obviously Li Xiao didn't broadcast live, but it seemed that he was there anytime and anywhere.

Most of them were passers-by who didn't know the truth and were led in a wrong rhythm, so naturally they apologized very quickly.

On the other hand, those brainless fans of Huang Dinghao were too scared to say a word at the moment, and some even secretly escaped from the live broadcast room.

They are the best at online exposure, and they know the results of online exposure best, so they are naturally most worried about being exposed online.

Most of the other live broadcasts are just rebroadcasts to catch the heat, without any vows, but Mengmengjiang is different.

Netizens this year have memories.

"Anchor, I remember you said before that if the director's ticket is sold for [-] words, you will live broadcast eating papa, do you want me to pull it first?"

"Anchor, do you like salty or sweet?"

"Upstairs, the host has a strong taste and likes the herring flavor. After pulling, I will grab a bottle of canned herring."

"Anchor, when are you going to eat, I'm ready to record the screen."

Facing the overwhelming barrage, Mengmengjiang was a little at a loss.

At that time, she didn't think about the consequences at all, it was just a quick talk, how could she really eat papa like the old eight?
At most, when she was with the big brother in the live broadcast room offline, she met some heavy-tasting big brothers who clamored to drink 'holy water', but she had never done or met any heavy-tasting 'gold'.

After much deliberation, Mengmengjiang had an idea.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll go get ready first."

After finishing speaking, Mengmeng Jiang decided to download the broadcast.

Just when everyone thought that Mengmengjiang was going to sneak away and was ready to greet from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore in the live broadcast room, Mengmengjiang started broadcasting again.

This time the location of the live broadcast is not the dancing bedroom, but the bathroom.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

"Hurry up and eat, I can't wait!"

"I'll report the number, three tons, one minute, eat them all for me!"

"Let me add a digression. You, the anchor, are so harsh in real life. I have a friend who wants to have an in-depth exchange with you."

In the eager anticipation of the tourists in the live broadcast room, Mengmeng Jiang squatted down slowly.

The toilet lid was opened.

On the edge of the toilet, there was really a sticky mass.

Mengmeng Jiang grabbed the sticky object with his hands and stuffed it in his mouth with lightning speed.

The whole process took less than a second, so fast that it was a bit blurry.

"Fuck! So fast? Didn't see clearly!"

"You stuff it so fast, who are you showing it to?"

"This speed is as fast as my ex-boyfriend."

"Please slow down and savor carefully."

"Today, you are the second person after Lao Ba. If you want to become famous and popular all over the Internet, then eat slowly."


Mengmeng Jiang wanted to scold the street.

If it wasn't for the live broadcast, she would definitely be scratching her hair crazily at this moment, and roaring in jest.

After such a long live broadcast, it was the first time she encountered such a difficult tourist, and it was the first time that she was a little haggard.

But seeing tourists being attracted one after another, because of this incident entering the live broadcast room, Mengmengjiang held back.

What if it really can rely on this live broadcast to become popular?
Isn't Lao Ba so hot?

At that time, I rebroadcasted Li Xiao's ticket sales, wasn't it just to gain popularity, did I want to be popular?

Although eating this thing is a bit disgusting, as long as it can be popular, it's nothing.

Thinking of this, Mengmengjiang reached out to pick up the sticky substance in the toilet again.

This time, slow down, put it in your mouth slowly, and chew slowly.

"Fuck! I really ate it!"

"Is this stuff really edible?"

"Of course! In fact, it tastes a bit greasy. It doesn't smell bad, but it's too salty. It's best to drink it with Four Seasons Warming Tea. If you eat too much, you will feel sweet again."

"Why does it taste bitter to me?"

"The two upstairs, please tell your stories!"

As soon as the speed slowed down, tourists with good eyes noticed the clue.

"Damn! Something's wrong! The host doesn't seem to be eating anything!"

"I see clearly, it's sesame paste!"

"Shameless! You actually made a fake!"

"Master, what did I expect? I was tricked!"

"Shameless! How shameless! Dare to mock others, but dare not accept punishment, and even fake it!"

"It seems that there is only one old eight, and no one can imitate it!"

"The big brother on the list will follow me, and we will carry the train overnight."

"Cancel! Cancel!"

When the speed is slow, it is easy to be seen.

Just like the current martial arts dramas, the fighting scenes are basically in slow motion, which will make people find a lot of flaws and feel that it is not interesting at all, and it is not at all chic, elegant and handsome like the previous martial arts dramas.

After being seen through, more and more tourists couldn't stand it anymore and left the live broadcast room.

Before leaving, don't forget to report a wave.

Mengmengjiang didn't care about this.

Because now her popularity is very high, almost the highest since the live broadcast.

Although the fraud will lose some tourists, at least I didn't really eat it, and as long as there is enthusiasm, it can re-attract tourists and fans.

Mengmengjiang's imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Because her constant ridicule and slander of Li Xiao had already spread. The reason why the popularity is so high is because most of the fans who came here were Li Xiao's fans. They thought that as long as Meng Mengjiang really accepted the punishment she said, Then it won't be too difficult for her.

But who would have imagined that this punishment was also faked.

Dare to act but dare not act, not only completely angered Li Xiao's fans, but also completely ruined the popularity of passers-by.

(End of this chapter)

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