My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 158 'Crossing the Street Mouse' Rhododendron

Chapter 158 'Crossing the Street Mouse' Rhododendron (for subscription)

"The thrush is good at singing, especially the male bird. Its singing is high-pitched, passionate, mellow and changeable, and it is persistent, full of charm, and very beautiful.

When it is called quickly, it is vigorous and unrestrained, like pearls falling on a jade plate; when it is called slowly, it is like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Especially the long continuous singing can be soul-stirring and breathtaking, so they are also called 'forest singers' or 'bird singers'.

In order to win the favor of the female bird, the male thrush will tirelessly sing for love, and even fight, grasping, crawling, rolling, pecking, and inserting five skills, showing no weakness, so it is also known as the "hero bird" . "

"Thrushbirds have the same habits as us humans. They distinguish sounds through the difference of sounds and predict dangers in advance. Sometimes thrushbirds express their emotions through calls, which may not be heard by most people. Yes, but those who have raised thrushes and been with thrushes for a few years will understand a little bit.

For example, when wawa is used to remind the same kind of danger.

Qiuqiu's continuous barking is a sign of fear.

Kekeke means to show weakness.

And the thrush in front of him whined, indicating that he wanted to fight, just because the bird it bullied was a cuckoo! "

"The cuckoo bird is also called the cuckoo bird, because it can make cuckoo cuckoo calls. It is said that it was the incarnation of Wangdi Du Yu after his death, and Du Yu was the enlightened emperor in history. Thanks to meritorious service, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, so they took the initiative to give him the throne, and he himself died soon after. After his death, he turned into a cuckoo bird, singing day and night, urging the spring to bring blessings, so this bird is very cute, and is popular among the people. It is called the spring-promoting bird and the auspicious bird."

"Even some literati in ancient times would praise the cuckoo and write it in their poems, but it is not the case. Among the birds, the cuckoo has a bad reputation, just like a street mouse."

"The idiom dove occupies the dove in the magpie's nest, and it refers to the cuckoo. Someone on the Internet selected the top 10 deceptive masters in the animal kingdom, and made a ranking list. The cuckoo ranked first, saying that it is a hideous, cruel, A domineering bird is a hooligan among birds. It is extremely irresponsible for raising its offspring. It is too lazy to make a nest by itself. It lays its eggs in other birds' nests, and other birds hatch and feed them. The little cuckoo is also very vicious, not only gluttonous, but also All the younger brothers and sisters born to the adoptive parents in the same nest will be squeezed out of the nest and thrown to death, and they will enjoy the favor of the adoptive parents alone."

Speaking of this, the tourists in the live broadcast room more or less understood what was going on.

This cuckoo must have laid eggs in the thrush's nest, and after being discovered, it was chased and beaten violently.

"Good fight!"

"This kind of scumbag should be beaten violently!"

"By the way, the cuckoo is so big, why didn't it resist?"

"If you do something bad, your momentum will be weak. How can you dare to resist?"

"Not all people or birds are like Lao Mi. The current country is occupied by others, and it is still at ease, and even always wants to cause damage all over the world!"

In the live broadcast room, there was a lot of applause.

It was also rare for Li Xiao to encounter such a situation, so he stayed for a while to watch.

After all, cuckoos are very thieves. Nine out of ten birds laying eggs in other people's nests are hard to find. It is rare to encounter them once. It is rarer than seeing national treasures. It must be appreciated carefully.

Li Xiao also took the opportunity to take out his mobile phone, took a short video, and put it on his Douyin.

There was no suspense in this battle, and soon the cuckoo was beaten like a plucked rooster, unable to fly at all.

After the thrush vented his anger, he flapped his wings and flew away cursingly.

Just flew away...

The whirlwind fell from the sky, and the sharp claws grabbed the cuckoo bird.

In the next second, he rushed to the sky.

Leaving a few smears of viscous blood.

The poor cuckoo had just been beaten violently, and before he could catch his breath, he became the meal of the whirlwind.

It seems that cuckoos have a bad reputation among birds.

Because Li Xiao noticed that the whirlwind had been hovering above his head for a long time, and it didn't come down immediately until the thrush finished venting.

It didn't drive away the thrush, and didn't catch the thrush, just for the cuckoo.

"Poor Du Juan, maybe only those literati like you!"

Li Xiao shook his head, turned and left.

Today, I witnessed the fights between black catfish and golden koi, cuckoo and thrush, each of which was fiercer than the other. Li Xiao thought it would end here, but he came to the kangaroo garden...

'Overlord Xiang Yu' red-crowned crane is here!
This red-crowned crane was originally a militant, and Li Xiao had witnessed it in the forest zoo in a natural place.

Since it was picked up and learned that Tyson the kangaroo in the zoo loves boxing, the fighting blood in his body began to boil.

Although Li Xiao specially separated the Red-crowned Crane Park and the Kangaroo Park quite far away, not to mention the Tiger Park, Monkey Park and other zoo areas in between, this red-crowned crane was not at all restless, and always took the opportunity to sneak out more than once. Come to Tyson.

Fortunately, Li Xiao discovered each time in time, so they didn't fight.

But this time, when Li Xiao arrived, they were already fighting in full swing.

In order to prevent Li Xiao from coming in and interrupting their discussion, they also put a lock on the inside of the iron cage in the park.

Li Xiao originally wanted to pick the lock and force his way in.

But after thinking about it, I don't think it's necessary at all.

Since they want to fight, it's better to fulfill their wish.

Forcibly blocking them will only make them more rebellious.

Just like some parents, they always urge their children to get married, especially when they go home during the Chinese New Year, all kinds of fancy urging marriages have never stopped.

After urging marriage, start having children.

After some boys were pushed into a hurry, they took a boy home directly.

Parents have never thought about why their children don't get married or have children. They just think that when their children are old, they must do what they should do at this age.

But now housing prices, car prices, bride price, etc. are more expensive than the other. Young people from ordinary families work hard all their lives, and it is difficult to buy a house.

Even if you can buy it, your offspring will get married again before the mortgage is paid off, and you still need a house car gift, and then you have to start borrowing money to buy it.

This is not the end, it is impossible to pay off the loans of myself and my descendants after a lifetime of hard work, and the price of the cemetery is now even close to the house price, and in the end, I dare not die and have no place to bury my ashes.

Therefore, who dares to marry easily?

It is very difficult for me to survive in this society, why do I still want to marry and have children, and let my offspring suffer?

Therefore, the current marriage rate and newborn birth rate have exploded year after year.

In addition, Li Xiao actually wanted to know which of them was stronger.

One is boxing and the other is crane boxing. There must be a head-to-head confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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